Week 8 Term 4, 2021
It is unbelievable that I am writing the last newsletter for the 2021 school year, time flies when you are having fun! We have enjoyed a fruitful year with many events, celebrations and a huge amount of learning. We have endeavoured to make each event the best we can, taking into account the COVID situation. I would like to thank our families on behalf of the staff for your continued support and partnership to ensure our children, our thriving people, capable learners and leaders for the world God desires.
Volunteers Morning Tea
It was lovely to join some of our volunteers for morning tea on Tuesday morning. Although many volunteers could not attend, they were with us in spirit as we acknowledged all members of our parents and friends who willingly assist our children and community. To each and every one of our volunteers, on behalf of the staff and children I sincerely thank you for your tireless work and contribution to making St John Bosco such a wonderful community.
School Carpark
I would like to remind families that the Parish Carpark is for staff parking only during 8:15am and 4:00pm and is not to be used as a drop off and pick up zone at the beginning or end of the school day. Our priority is to keep all our children safe. Marshall Terrace and Lipsett Terrace both have drop off and pick up zones that families must utilise to ensure our children remain safe.
Christmas Concert
We are excited for our End of Year Concert tomorrow night. Gates will open at 5:30pm and the concert will begin at 6:00pm. Families are encouraged to bring a picnic rug and dinner, find the perfect spot on our oval and sit back and enjoy each class perform.
Our Parents and Friends have organised a sausage sizzle, coffee van and ice cream truck for the convenience of busy families and staff. We look forward to seeing all families at the Christmas Concert as this event is the culmination of your child’s Performing Arts lessons throughout Term 4. It promises to be a fun filled night!
We welcome parents and friends to wear their Christmas outfits to get into the spirit of the occasion.
School Uniform
I would like to remind families that all children are required to be wearing the new uniform at the beginning of the 2022 school year. Please ensure you secure your appointment with Devon clothing to purchase uniform items over the school holidays.
As a school we will happily collect all your old uniform pieces to donate to our friends in Samoa. Please drop off to the front office.
2022 Class Structures
I am thrilled to announce our teaching staff for 2022. The children will visit their 2022 teacher and meet their class mates on Monday morning. A letter informing you of your child’s 2022 teacher will be sent home on Monday afternoon.
Reception Giovanna Burgess and Amelia Le duff
Reception Jessica Rushby
Year 1-2 Rebecca Werner
Year 1-2 Nicole Puopolo
Year 1-2 Sue Croese and Susan Steer
Year 3-4 Emma Hudson
Year 3-4 Helena Burns
Year 5-6 Dino Zandona and Marianne Pope
Year 5-6 Leah Bellifemini
Performing Arts Robyn Windham
Japanese Angela Rawson
Physical Education Dino Zandona
Eco Literacy Sara Hart
Inclusive Education Nicki Sharrad
EALD Anna Terminello
APRIM Sara Hart
As the year concludes we have many members of our teaching staff who we will farewell. Lauren Pryor and Gloria-Rita Cirillo, both long standing valued members of our community will be pursuing opportunities beyond St John Bosco School. We thank both Lauren and Gloria-Rita for their passion and dedication over the past few years. Alexandra Rolfe our Japanese teacher is returning to Sydney to continue her teaching career, good luck Alex. Tamara Golic has won a teaching position at Star of the Sea, we wish Tamara good luck in her new community. Jane Bamford is taking a year’s leave from our community to undertake a teaching position at Our Lady of La Vang Special School. We wish Jane well in her endeavours throughout 2022. We truly thank all our departing staff for their work within our community, I am sure each one of them will thrive in the next chapter of their journey.
School Reports
School reports for Semester 2 will be emailed to families late on Monday afternoon. Please ensure your current email is up to date with school records. If your child’s school report is not in your emails late on Monday afternoon please check your junk folder.
Merry Christmas and a happy and safe New Year
Kate Turner
Welcome to the Season of Advent. Advent begins the Church’s liturgical year and encompasses the four weeks leading up to the celebration of Christmas. This year the first Sunday of Advent was celebrated on the 28th of November.
The Advent season is a time when we prepare our hearts and minds for the anticipation of Jesus’ birth on Christmas day.
Each year we celebrate Advent by creating wreaths and lighting candles to mark the weeks of the Liturgical season. Our School Advent Wreath is located in the foyer of the school, children and families are encouraged to take a moment and contemplate the meaning of Advent; hope, love, joy and peace.
St John Bosco Community Tree
You may have noticed a very unassuming Christmas Tree in the front foyer. Children from the 5/6 Learning Community, Kos and I created the tree together. The branches are actually from the trees out the front of school which were being pruned by the council workers and were happy to part with them.
At the moment; the tree looks bare and almost invisible. The idea of the tree is inspired from the Jesse Tree which traditionally has ornaments that represent the events leading up to the birth of Jesus and stories of God from the Old Testament.
Each child will make a small ornament to be placed on our St John Bosco Community Tree. The ornament might represent an event, something that represents Christmas to that child or their family, a symbol relating to Advent, a representation of our school values or the spirit of Christmas, giving, being thankful etc…
Please watch as our tree fills with ornaments and special symbols over the next week.
Reception, Year 1 and 2 Prayerful Gathering
Yesterday, the Early Years children participated in a prayerful gathering.
The focus of our prayer was ‘letting our light shine’. The children proudly presented artworks, Mathematics posters, items they had constructed or a photo, all as representations of how they can let their light shine. We discussed the ways they do this; having talents in sports, caring for the environment or even giving someone a smile.
Mission Day
Last Friday the St John Bosco Community was beaming with joy as our children and families participated in Mission Day 2021. The proceeds from the day totalled a staggering $2164.00 that will be donated to Caritas Australia. The senior students voted that they would be the best recipients as they would be able to support those with the greatest needs in our community. We really were serving with JOY on Mission Day. It was wonderful to see our school spirit in action and so many smiling faces. A huge thank you to our talented Year 5-6 children who spent many weeks planning,preparing goodies for their stall to raise funds for a worthy charity. Thank you for supporting this fantastic day.
Christmas Hampers – Adelaide Day Centre – Moore St
I would like to thank you for your generosity in donating towards Christmas hampers for the Adelaide Day Centre – Moore St. Demonstrating our school value Loving Kindness during the time of Advent is truly a gift we can give to those in our wider community who are in need.
As the school year comes to a close, I wish you and your family Christmas blessings and safe and happy holidays.
In peace,
Sara Hart
Last Thursday our children were awarded certificates and medals for completing this years Premiers' Reading Challenge. We had 180 children participate this year, a fantastic effort.
Congratulations to Elly for achieving this years highest award of Reader for Life 8.

Important Dates
Little Boscos & Morning Tea 9:00am - 9:30am in the Library for Parents
End of Year Concert 6:00pm
Meet the 2022 Teacher - 10:00am - 11:00am
Year 6 End of Year Excursion
End of Year Whole School Mass 9:00am
Last day for Year 6's
Year 6 Graduation Dinner 6:30pm Lakes Resort
Last day of school - students
Last day of school - staff
Begin 2022 School Year
St John Bosco Feast Day
Whole School Welcome Mass & SJB Feast Day - 9:00am
Volunteer Induction - 9:00am
Devon Clothing
Please note all children must be in the new school uniform beginning 2022.
Book now for uniform fittings - Don't miss out!
St John Bosco Playgroup

We invite children aged 0 - 5 years to our last Playgroup session this year. Please join us to celebrate Christmas, onTuesday morning from 9:00am to10:30am.