Week 8 Term3 2022

Last week 48 children in Years 3-6 attended The South Australian Catholic Primary School Sports Association (SACPSSA) Touch Footy Carnival at Park 17 in the city. It is interesting to note that Touch Football is now one of the largest sports in Australia and is derived from the two rugby codes (League & Union). Our children had a wonderful day at Park 17 showcasing their skills while displaying fantastic sportsmanship. Our Year 3-4 boys’ team were undefeated during the day, a big thank you to their coach, Michael. SACPSSA carnivals are wonderful opportunities for our children to be involved in. SACPSSA aims to promote the philosophy of good sportsmanship, to teach students how to win well and lose graciously, and to foster companionship between competitors while promoting a healthy active lifestyle.
We look forward to Mission Day this Friday. Our Year 5-6 children have been busily planning some fantastic stalls for staff, children and families to purchase goodies from. We warmly invite families to come along between 11:30am-1:00pm on Friday 16th September to help raise funds for Aboriginal Catholic Ministry, this catholic charity was selected by our year 5-6 children.
As we now have a Public Holiday on Thursday 22nd September, our School Photos will be taken on Monday 26th September. Please ensure your child returns their photo envelope prior to the day. You can also see Franca or Elaine in the front office if you would like a family photo envelope.
A big thank you to the staff; Carmelina and Julie and the parents; Hope, Cherry and Lisa who assisted with our special lunch last week. The children thoroughly enjoyed their delicious hotdog and ice block.
As we begin our planning for the 2023 school year, we would appreciate families completing the 2023 Planning Form sent home earlier this week. As stated in our 2022 Finance Policy, families of children attending St John Bosco School must provide one term’s notice in writing of their intention to withdraw their child(ren) from the school. If this is not provided a term’s fee will be required. Please return your form to the front office or to your child’s classroom teacher, by Wednesday 28th September.
Our Healthy Eating Policy has just been updated by the School Board. St John Bosco Healthy Eating Policy. The Australian Guide to Healthy Eating has been the reference point for our policy. I would like to remind families that it is wonderful to celebrate children’s birthdays at school, however a small piece of ‘sometimes food’ is sufficient, rather than a party bag full of sweets.
Wishing you a wonderful week
Kate Turner

The wonderful learners in RGA had an opportunity to engage in a range of meaningful learning experiences connected to R U OK? Day, when we came together as a whole school community. The children also had an opportunity to reflect on why this day is so important for them.
R U OK? Day is important because if you fall down you will be sad and lonely and you want people to help you- Jude
You need to ask “Are you ok?”- Sara
It is important to make sure people are ok, to make sure they are ok, or not. It is nice to make sure if they are ok, or not – London
If you are not ok and not sure what to do you need someone to help you- Markos
We need to show loving kindness and respect to others- Athul
R U OK? Day is important because you might need to cheer someone up if they are sad- Samarth
Ella helps me to be happy- Jasmirah
I help others show loving kindness and ask “Are you ok?”- Lily

St John Bosco Be Active Day is on Friday 30th September, the last day of Term 3. The event will begin at 12:20pm and finishes at approximately 3:00pm. All children in Reception to Year 6 are actively involved in this wonderful school event. The purpose of the day is to promote community spirit as well as the student's PE skills, enhancing social well-being and expanding learning opportunities and challenges. Our children walk or run around the school block and venture through the Colour Run. Families are invited to attend the afternoon and get involved or help out as a volunteer being stationed around the course. To be a volunteer you must be a registered school volunteer. Please email Dino Zandona if you are able to volunteer.
More details will be forwarded to families in the coming days.
*Please note for safety reasons schools are no longer able to hire Inflatable devices.
Important Dates
Mission Day
School Photos - New Date
Catholic Schools Music Festival 7:30pm for our Year 5-6 Choir
St John Bosco Be Active Fun Day
Last day of Term 3
Term 4 begins
Vacation Care - October
The October Vacation Care program is now available.
All bookings and consent are made via the QKR App, just follow the prompts.
If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact Mirella Tsimiklis on 8249 4906 or email on mirella.tsimiklis@sjb.catholic.edu.au.
Scholastic Book Club
A reminder that Book Club orders are due today Thursday 15th September.
Devon Clothing
Dear Customers,
From Monday 19th September until the end of January 2023 we request that you please book an appointment to attend our Uniform Shops. You can book ahead for appointments now to secure a time that suits you, during our regular opening times. Please try our new online appointment system which allows you to cancel or reschedule as required. One student per booking please to ensure we’re able to keep to schedule throughout the day. Customers with
pre-booked appointments will be prioritised. Alternately, order online and opt for delivery to your personal or work address or pick up in store with no appointment required. 1 appointment per student being fitted please.
08 8350 7940
Devon Clothing
Shop 5, 520 Henley Beach Rd, Fulham

Subway lunch orders are available through our QKR app and delivered to our school every Tuesday and Friday
