Week 4 Term 1 2024
Welcome to 2024, we have had a wonderful start to the school year. Our children have settled beautifully into their new learning environments, beginning to establish relationships with new friends and their teachers. It is lovely to see all our children wearing their St John Bosco School uniform proudly and arriving on time for an 8:45am start. I have enjoyed welcoming and farewelling children at the front of the school each morning and afternoon, witnessing children arriving keen and eager for a new day of learning and leaving the school grounds full of stories about their day. Thank you to all the families who are obeying the parking signage around our school grounds, this will ensure you do not receive a parking fine from the Council, they have been out in force lately, snapping photos of cars parking illegally.
School Board
It was wonderful to see so many of our families at our Welcome Night/AGM last week. We were delighted to have over 50 adults attend our AGM. It was a great opportunity to socialise while leisurely reading the 2023 School Board Reports. We have our 2023 School Board Reports for you to read on our school website for those who could not make the AGM, https://www.sjb.catholic.edu.au/__files/f/22420/2024_AGM_report_002.pdf. It was lovely to introduce the 2024 School Board members to the community. 2024 School Board members include:
- Fr Long Hai
- Kate Turner
- Karen Powell
- Rebecca Werner
- Kate West
- Renay Cooke
- Kerry Waiblinger
- Peter Southam
We are thrilled to welcome Kathryn Milne as a School Board member for 2024. A big thank you to Kathryn for nominating to be part of the decision making at St John Bosco School. We require a male board member to join the committee in 2024. We meet once a month on a Wednesday evening, 6:30pm – 8:00pm. As a School Board we discuss and make decisions on the strategic direction and finances of the school. If you are interested, please contact me.
I am thrilled to introduce our new staff members to the St John Bosco community. We welcome Rosemarie Cavaleri and Sameera Sekhon both teaching the Year 3-4 children and Kayla Harrison a Year 1-2 teacher. All three teachers have already made a positive impact on our community sharing their vast experience and expertise with the St John Bosco staff. We also welcome a new Educational Support Officer to our team, Grace Pagliaro. Grace volunteered at St John Bosco for the first part of 2023, it is lovely to have Grace back in our community supporting our children and teachers.
We farewell Elaine Cram from our Administration team. Elaine has been a valued member of our community for many years. The end of the week won’t be the same without Elaine welcoming families into the front office with her warm smile, I know many of you love to pop in and have a chat with Elaine. As much as we will all miss Elaine, we wish her the best with her new endeavour of assisting animals finding a safe and loving home.
Diary Dates
We have included a calendar of 2024 Diary Dates in this newsletter to assist families in planning for upcoming events. Please note that dates are subject to change due to unforeseen circumstances. I would like to draw to your attention our first Pupil Free Day for 2024 which will occur on Tuesday 12th March. Our OSHC will be open for families requiring care for their children, the full date rate of $55.00 applies per child.
Building Project
We eagerly await handover of our new building from the builders. We are thrilled with the quality of the build and look forward to the completion of the landscaping and the wall acoustic panelling being installed this week. The Education Standards Board (ESB) undertake their inspection this week to ensure the learning environment is appropriate for our OSHC service to move over into the space. We will communicate with families very soon when our OSHC will begin operating from the new building.
Parents and Friends
Thank you to all the families that have returned their Parents and Friends 2024 Events Form, indicating which P & F events you can assist with. A meeting will be held on Wednesday 28th February at 6:30pm in the library to plan events and schedule parent volunteers to assist with P & F fundraising events in 2024. All parents are welcome if you are interested in volunteering your time throughout the year to plan events for our children and families. Esta Ottaviano, Sarah Ruminiski and Ashlee Smith will be coordinating P & F events in 2024, please come along to the upcoming meeting to support the ladies.
To keep up to date on events and happenings at St John Bosco School please ensure you have the following platforms and are checking them regularly to avoid missing out on information:
- SchoolStream
- Seesaw
- Newsletter (3 editions each term)
QKR is also the platform we utilise to collect payments for extra curricular activities. We provide information to families in a variety of platforms please ensure you keep up to date.
Kate Turner

Welcome Mass/Feast of St John Bosco
We welcomed back the 2024 school year and celebrated the Feast Day of St John Bosco with a whole-school Mass on Wednesday 31st January, led by 3/4H. We celebrated the life of a truly remarkable saint who dedicated his life to the happiness and the wellbeing of young hearts, just like our children at SJB. St. John Bosco, also known as Don Bosco, was a friend, guide, and mentor to countless children. Just as St. John Bosco dedicated his life to the happiness and wellbeing of young souls, may we, too, strive to show love, kindness, and understanding in our daily lives.
Lent is a special time in the Christian calendar that helps us prepare for Easter. During Lent, which lasts for forty days, we reflect on the life of Jesus and try to be more like him by doing good deeds and helping others. It's like a spiritual journey where we focus on prayer, fasting, and almsgiving. Many people give up something they enjoy, like sweets or video games, as a way to show self-discipline and to remember Jesus' sacrifice. Lent teaches us about patience, kindness, and the importance of helping those around us, making it a meaningful and important time for Christians of all ages. A Lenten calendar has been prepared by the Catholic School Parent Association (CSPSA) to help guide families on their spiritual journey towards Easter. It can be accessed at the link below:
Shrove Tuesday
On Tuesday 13th February, the St John Bosco School community commemorated Shrove Tuesday (also known as Pancake Day), which is celebrated before the start of Lent. It's a time when people traditionally use up rich foods like eggs, milk, and sugar before the fasting period begins. Shrove Tuesday is also a chance for us to reflect on how we can make positive changes in our lives during Lent.
Ash Wednesday
Our school community gathered on Ash Wednesday for a whole-school Mass, led by 5/6DM. Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of the Lenten season and is a time for reflection, prayer, and starting anew as we prepare our hearts for Easter. It teaches us about humility, forgiveness, and the importance of living in harmony with others. As we received ashes on our foreheads during Mass, we were reminded of our shared humanity and the precious gift of life.
Project Compassion
Project Compassion is an important initiative run by Caritas Australia during Lent. It's about helping those in need around the world by raising money for communities facing poverty, injustice, and hardship. Through activities like learning about different cultures and hearing stories of resilience, Project Compassion teaches us about empathy, compassion, and the power of making a positive difference. By participating in Project Compassion, we can work together to create a more caring and inclusive world, where everyone has the opportunity to thrive. Your generosity can help communities access clean water, food security, skills training, health and sanitation and disaster risk reduction training. Together with your support, we can create lasting change today, and For All Future Generations. Each child has been given a Project Compassion box where they can donate any loose change during the Lenten season. This box can then be returned to the Front Office. Alternatively, you can access the link below to access our school’s donation page: https://schools.projectcompassion.org.au/leah-bellifemini
Leah Bellifemini

What a fantastic start to the school year we have had!
Reception RR have familiarised themselves with their new surroundings and have settled well into classroom routines. In Religious Education, learning has focussed on identity, our school, and our school’s connection to the Catholic Faith. Through group discussions and hands-on creative experiences, our class has explored self-portraiture, our school’s Patron Saints, and school values. As part of this learning, we have delved into the life of St. John Bosco, discovering the qualities and actions that led him to be named a saint of the Catholic Church. We thought about different ways that we can spread kindness through loving words and helpful actions.
How can we show loving-kindness?
By giving people a hug and my mummy a kiss when she’s feeling a bit sad – Izak
When I hug my mum to show I love her – Victoria
Giving someone a kiss and a hug but only my mum and dad – Annie
When my mum needs some help, I will help her. My dad can come with me and help me and my mum tidy up too – Adeline
When someone’s talking, you can be patient and wait – Taavi
When my mum is sad, I can hug her – Zakir
I will kiss my mum – Ryder
Letting someone play a game with you is kindness – John
When my baby brother is crying, I will give him one of my toys – Archie
When I go to the beach with my mum, she can relax at the beach, and I can play with my toys – Amarni

Important Dates
Halogen Young Leaders Day (Yr 6 House Captains) 9:00am - 3:00pm
5-6JN Assembly - 9:00am
Clean Up Australia Day - 1:30pm
St Dominic Savio House Fundraiser - 11:30am
P & F Special Lunch 1:00pm
Pupil Free Day
NAPLAN Week 13th - 19th March
RR Assembly - 9:00am
Year 6 Retreat (onsite) 9:00am - 3:00pm
Harmony Day - 2:30pm
Palm Sunday Liturgy (Receptions) 2:30pm
Holy Thursday Liturgy (Year 1-2) 2:30pm
Good Friday Liturgy - Stations of the Cross (Year 5-6) 2:30pm
Good Friday
Easter Monday
Easter Mass (Year 3-4) 9:00am
SACPSSA Swimming Year 3-6 - 9:00am - 3:00pm
1-2C Assembly 9:00am
Sports Day (Early dismissal) - 8:45am - 1:30pm

Download this app to order and pay for School Fees, OSHC, Subway, Excursions, Camps and more, at a time convenient for you.
The QKR App is being updated to be compatible with new android phones. In the meantime, we have been given the following link for our parents to use.
You will need to login with you account credentials. (email and password) or Register.

Subway lunch orders are available through our QKR app and delivered to our school every Tuesday and Friday.
Please make sure you update your child's class details on QKR so lunches are delivered to the correct class.

Shop 5, 516-520 Henley Beach Rd, Fulham
Phone: 8350 7940
Email: henleyus@devonclothing.com.au
Monday 8:00am – 11:00am
Wednesday 3:00pm – 6:00pm
Thursday 3:00pm – 6:00pm