Week 4 Term 2 2024
Welcome to Week 4. There has been a definite change in the weather this week, a crispness in the air has certainly seen many of us reaching for our winter jackets. If you require winter uniform pieces than a visit to Devon may be worthwhile. Devon at Fulham is now open on a Saturday mornings 10:00am to 1:00pm, which will suit many families.
Last week we celebrated Catholic Education Week. Many of the children stopped and thought about what makes our community special. Personally, as I reflect on what makes St John Bosco School such a special community, it is the people, the staff, families and children. We all work together in partnership, Serving the Lord with Joy.
Parents and Friends
A big thank you to the P & F volunteers for organising the Mother’s Day Stall. The children had so many delightful gifts to select a special gift for their mum. The recent Wear Your Colours Day was made extra special with the addition of the Crows or Port Power Donuts available to order for morning tea.
Mother’s Day
It was lovely to see so many families joining us for Mother’s Day breakfast. We are truly grateful for Carmelina and her team of helpers for organising a lovely morning for our community. It was nice to have a chat while enjoying a croissant and cuppa.
We farewell Kos Skouroumounis our Maintenance Officer. For the past 17 years Kosi has been a valued member of the community undertaking maintenance and several years ago he was the WHS coordinator.
Kosi has been a much-loved employee at St John Bosco School by the staff, students and families. We will all miss his jokes, special treats he spoilt the staff with and his kindness towards the students and families.
Unfortunately, Kosi was away unwell in his last week at St John Bosco, we missed the opportunity to express our gratefulness to a much-loved member in our school community. As a humble man, Kosi did not want a fanfare made of his farewell, he prefered to discreetly leave our community.
We wish Kosi all the best and thank him immensely for his dedication and commitment to serving the St John Bosco School community.
Pupil Free Day
Care is available for students on our upcoming Pupil Free Day on Friday June 7th. A cost of $55.00 per child for the day applies. Please contact our OSHC Director Mirella if you require care for your child/ren.
Volunteers Induction
Volunteers are a valued part of our school community. Our volunteers create a range of opportunities for our children through sport, learning and community. If you would like to be a registered volunteer at St John Bosco School, we invite you to attend our upcoming Volunteers Induction session on 13th June at 9:00am in the office. Mary will work with parents, grandparents and friends to complete the process to ensure you are ready to attend your child’s next excursion, assist at community events or even coach a sporting team. Please register your attendance by email mary.gregory@sjb.catholic.edu.au or popping into the front office.
Long Service Leave
I will be taking two weeks of Long Service Leave from May 31st until June 16th. Leah Bellifemini will be the Acting Principal in my absence, please speak to Leah if you have any questions or information to share during my break.
Wishing you all a wonderful week.
Kate Turner

Catholic Education Week
Week 3 was Catholic Education Week. Catholic Education Week is all about celebrating the excellent teaching and learning that happens in Catholic schools. During this week, teachers utilised a collection of prayers and liturgical resources in their classrooms, to help the children celebrate our Catholic Identity. In 2024, we had a particular focus on Raising our Hearts and Minds to the wonder and awe of God’s creation. Laudato Si’ Week immediately follows Catholic Education Week this year. At St John Bosco we used corflute love hearts to capture what our community loves about our school. This is what the children had to say…
I love seeing all the amazing different cultures. -Michael
I love that everybody is kind and helpful. - Ife
I love that I have made so many new friends. - Jaitegh
I love learning about Christian things because I’m not in that culture. - Ganeev
I like SJB because I feel safe in my school community. - Alexa
like my Catholic school because we follow God, we go to Church and pray in class. - Domenic
I love my friends and teachers and playing at St John Bosco! - Katerina and Izak
I love SJB because we learn about God and follow our values. - Esther and Lily
I love SJB because it is a very welcoming community. - Miguel
I love SJB because of people’s humour – everybody is very funny. - Angelo
On Wednesday 22nd May we will gather as a school community to celebrate Pentecost. Pentecost takes place 50 days after Easter Sunday and commemorates the descent of the Holy Spirit upon the disciples. A whole-school mass will be held at 9:00am on Wednesday morning, 22nd May, led by Reception R.
Loving-Kindness Bench
Our third school values bench was delivered last week, by artist Anna Small and her husband, Warren Pickering. Adeline, Taavi and John enjoyed taking the first seat on the bench. The artwork was originally designed by the SJB children. We are now in the process of finalising our last bench design, based on the school value of Service. We hope to have it completed and delivered by Term 3.
Project Compassion
Thank you to all children and families for your generous donations during Project Compassion. As a school we raised $630.45 to help alleviate poverty, promote justice and uphold dignity in vulnerable and marginalised communities around the world.
Reconciliation Week Liturgy
Every year, National Reconciliation Week is celebrated from the 27th of May to the 3rd of June. The theme for this year is ‘Now More Than Ever’. This is a reminder to all of us that no matter what, the fight for justice and the rights of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people will — and must— continue. National Reconciliation Week is a time dedicated to building positive, respectful relationships between all Australians and celebrating indigenous culture. On Monday afternoon, 27th May, at 2:30pm, the St John Bosco community will gather for a Reconciliation Week Liturgy in the Hall, led by 1/2C.
Leah Bellifemini

During Religious Education lessons in 1/2NA, we have been connecting with our understanding of God and God’s presence in our everyday lives. In these learning experiences, students have reflected on where they feel connected to God and where they see God in their everyday life. Students have explored the various descriptions of God found in scripture; God as love, kindness, creator and shepherd – to name a few.
I see God in love. - Ariana
I see God in the rainbows and sky. – Ganeev
I see God in my chest when I remember things. – Jaitegh
I see God in love. - Jennifer
I see God everywhere. - Shabib
I see God in nature. - Markus
I see God in the sky. - Lia
I see God in food, water and trees. I see God at the beach, at the table and on the slide. - Minka-Lee
I see God as love hearts. - Sofia
I see God in my watch when I am going on an adventure. - Jude
I see God in the stars. – Avraaj
I see God in love. – Luca
I see God in the stars. – Sophie
I see God in my heart. - Elijah
I see God in fruit. - Amelia
I see God in my house. - Salome
I see God as the sun. - Jugaad
I see God in the sky. - Thomas
I see God in the sky. – Iyla
I see God in the rainbow. – Athul
I see God in the sky. – Levi
I see God in nature. He made nature not just to look beautiful, he made it so we can care for it. – Aaliyah
I see God in people. God made people speak different languages. – Saanvi
I see God as love. – Freya

It is that time of year again!
We will celebrate the Scholastic Book Fair from Friday 21st June until Wednesday the 26th of June. We invite parents and children to come before and after school to purchase a selection of books that will be on display in the library.
The library will be open as follows:
Friday 21st - Wednesday 26th June
Mornings: 8.25am - 8.40am
Afternoons 3.00pm - 3.20pm
Please note that the very last opportunity to purchase will be on Wednesday 26th June.
Purchases can only be made directly with the school.
Payments are available by cash or EFTPOS.
Happy Reading ...
Many students are well underway in earning hours towards their Children's University (CU) goals this year.
On Thursday 6th June (Week 6), Emma Scott from CU will be visiting our school to run a fun lunchtime activity. Students are invited to attend and bring along their passports to earn 30 minutes! Location TBC.
Louise Marshall
The soccer field came alive with youthful energy as our vibrant Reception Students stepped onto the turf for their inaugural soccer match. It was a moment filled with anticipation, giggles, and the thrill of embarking on a new adventure and learning! Under the blue skies, amidst cheers from parents and friends, our budding athletes showcased their talents. The game wasn't just about scoring goals; it was a celebration of teamwork, camaraderie, and the joy of sportsmanship. Despite their tender age, these pint-sized players displayed remarkable determination and enthusiasm. They dribbled, passed, and sprinted with sheer determination, their faces beaming with sheer delight with every kick of the ball.
Coaches watched on proudly, marveling at the young athletes' burgeoning skills and their ability to grasp the fundamentals of the game. For many Receptions, this was their first taste of organised sports, and it was evident that they were relishing every moment. As they ran across the field, their laughter echoed, filling the air with an unmistakable sense of joy and excitement.
With this first game under their belts, our Receptions have embarked on a journey filled with learning, growth, and countless memorable moments on the soccer field. We can't wait to see how their passion for the game blossoms in the days to come!
A special thanks to our Reception team coaches, Chris Mellow and Dylan Di Nunzio for their guidance and endless encouragement!
Well done!
Dino Zandona

Important Dates
Pentecost Mass 9:00am
National Simultaneous Storytime
Reconciliation Week/Sorry Day Liturgy 2:30pm
P & F Special Lunch -Asian Taste
Pupil Free Day
Public Holiday Kings Birthday
St Maria Mazzarello House Fundraiser 11:30am
Volunteers Induction 9:00am
St John Bosco 70th Anniversary Quiz Night - 6:30pm
St John Bosco 70th Anniversary Liturgy 2:00pm
School Board Meeting 6:30pm
Year 6 Retreat
Micheal Mangan Concert 9:20am - 10:30am
Assembly RG 8:50am
Dominic Savio House Fund Raiser - Pyjama Day
SACPSSA Netball Carnival 5-6 students
SJB Be Active Day 11:30am - 3:00pm
Last Day of Term 2
