Week 10 Term 1 2022
Welcome to Week 10! We look forward to seeing you all at our upcoming Sports Day on Friday 5th May 2022. We thank the community for your understanding in our need to postpone the event. Children are invited to wear their house colours tomorrow as we will gather to build the anticipation for Sports Day. Our House Captains will take the community through our Health Hustle, and practise for the different events.
On Friday 25th March we celebrated Harmony Day with our children wearing a splash of orange or their traditional cultural dress. It was a time to celebrate Australia’s cultural diversity, at St John Bosco School we work hard to create a climate where “Everyone Belongs”. Our cultural diversity is one of the things that makes St John Bosco School a special and vibrant place to learn and grow.
I would like to remind families that we have two CESA initiated Pupil Free Days on Thursday 14th April and Monday 2nd May. These days provide time for our teachers to plan for online learning if circumstance change during Term 2. Please contact mirella.tsimikilis@sjb.catholic.edu.au if you require care for one or both of the days.
On Wednesday 4th May our Parents and Friends Mother’s Day stall will be operational from 9:00am to 10:00am in the courtyard. Your child is welcome to purchase a special gift for their loved one. All gifts will be $5.00 each, children can purchase up to two gifts each.
Our Little Boscos have completed their first term of transition visits. We are excited to spend another term of Fridays with the Little Boscos before they begin full time schooling at the beginning of Term 3. We strongly believe that a solid six month transition program for children beginning their schooling journey is setting the children and families up for a successful and smooth transition into the St John Bosco School community. If your child turns five before October 30th 2022, we would love to have a chat to you about the possibility of joining our Little Boscos Transition Program.
Last Tuesday, two of our House Captains Sia and Indigo spent time in our Playgroup. The leaders loved their experience and enjoyed interacting with the smallest members of our community.
The experience was fun and I really enjoyed exploring the activities with the children while also trying to teach them to share and be kind to each other. - Sia
I really enjoyed getting to know the children and learning about how to interact with small children. Mirella and Carmelina were helpful in guiding me. - Indigo
Please find attached documentation on an interim Catholic Education South Australia’s (CESA) Vaccination Policy and Procedure. We encourage families and volunteers to complete the feedback form. All responses are confidential and will be considered as part of CESA's consultation process.
Finally, I would like to mention the advertising we have for our school on Marion Road and also on Holbrooks Road. It was lovely to be driving in the western suburbs and notice our beautiful children smiling at me! A big thank you to Jessica Rushby our new Reception teacher who worked tirelessly to get the perfect photos.
Wishing you all a safe and happy holiday break.
Kate Turner

Project Compassion
By supporting Project Compassion, you can help the lives of some of the world’s most vulnerable people. This Lent the families at St John Bosco have taken home collection boxes to help raise much-needed funds for people living in poverty. As part of Religious Education our children have been watching Caritas videos, depicting the lives of people that Project Compassion supports. They are also exploring the Catholic Social Teachings:
- Life and Dignity of the Human Person
- Call to Family, Community, and Participation
- Rights and Responsibilities
- Preferential Option for the Poor
- The Dignity of Work and the Rights of Workers
- Solidarity
- Care for God's Creation
Please return your collection box by Wednesday 13th April 2022.
Thank you!!
Sacramental Program
The St John Bosco Parish and School welcome children and families who are interested in the Sacramental program.
A flyer went home recently with information about the program. If you would like your child to be part of the Sacramental Program this year please return the form as soon as possible or contact me at school.
Have a safe and restful break. In peace,
Sara Hart

As part of our Mathematical learning this term, the children have been exploring Pattern and Algebra. Building on their noticing and comparing skills has been a real joy. The children have engaged in lots of hands-on learning experiences and connected the learning to home by going on noticing hunts with their families. A real highlight has been learning each ‘family’ of patterns; cyclic, symmetrical, linear and growing, are the different ways patterns can be sorted and classified.
Today the children made symmetrical paintings and pictures using craft materials.
Things that are symmetrical have the same objects on one side like the other. - Athul
Symmetrical means there is a line in the middle and the things match. - Sahib
My painting is symmetrical because I worked on one half and then pressed it over. - Lily
I made a symmetrical picture with feathers and pompoms… they are the same. - Sara
I have lots of colours on here and on the other way. - Jasmehraj
My painting is symmetrical, and I have lots of colours. Some are big and some are small. - Aaliyah
My picture is not symmetrical because it is not the same of both sides. - London
Something that is not symmetrical is called Asymmetrical. - Lily
My painting has the same colours and shapes on both sides…. It’s symmetrical. - Sofia
When something is symmetrical it looks the same on both sides.- Roona
My symmetrical pattern even has my name on both sides. - Samarth
I have made a symmetrical pattern with different shapes. - Shanaya

On Thursday 30th March our school participated in the annual South Australian Catholic Primary School Sports Association Carnival at the SA Aquatic Centre.
I was very proud in the way the students went about their work and commitment on the day and the way they demonstrated true sportsperson like demeanour with the fellow competitors, their peers and officials. The support and encouragement within our team was a highlight of the day. To witness growth and positive change in student’s development is one of the dynamics of working with students that keeps me inspired in my own professional journey as an educator. Competition and participation are some vehicles which gives students the opportunity to grow, learn and lead. This event again gave students the opportunity to witness students confront challenges, fear, success, disappointment, through participating in such an event is priceless and has many tangible positive benefits to the growth of young people.
I would like to thank Kerry Waiblinger, Brianna Humphreys and Renay Cooke who came to support and be marshals. A big thank you to all the school staff who directly or intangibly contribute to in supporting the swimming team.
Congratulations to all the 2022 SJB Swimming Team.
Dino Zandona

Important Dates
Last day of Term 1
Easter Raffle Tickets due by 9:00am
CESA Initiated Pupil Free Day
CESA Initiated Pupil Free Day
Begin Term 2
Sport's Day
Queen's Birthday Public Holiday
Pupil Free Day (Staff Professional Development)
Easter Raffle
Don't miss out!
Please make sure you return your tickets for the Parents and Friends Easter Raffle by 9:00am Wednesday morning 13th April to be in the draw. Winners will be notified on Wednesday afternoon.
St John Bosco Playgroup

Vacation Care
The Vacation Care Program for the Autumn break is now available. Please ensure you book early to secure your booking.
School hats are available for purchase at the Office $15

Subway lunch orders are available through our QKR app and delivered to our school every Tuesday and Friday.
Devon Clothing

New Location:
Shop 5, 516-520 Henley Beach Rd, Fulham
Phone: 8350 7940
Email: henleyus@devonclothing.com.au
Monday 8:00am – 11:00am
Wednesday 3:00pm – 6:00pm
Thursday 3:00pm – 6:00pm
Follow us on Instagram

Instrumental Program

St John Bosco School in partnership with Learning Through Music provides the opportunity for our children to learn a muscial instrument or explore their voice, with individual or group lessons.