Week 10, Term 2 2021
Yesterday all families received their child’s report via email. If there are any questions that arise from your child’s report, I really encourage you to contact your child’s teacher to clarify or celebrate with them. Remember to celebrate your child’s learning with them as well. Children thrive on the acknowledgement of their learning with their families.
Little Boscos
Our Little Boscos had their final visit to school last Friday. The last seven weeks has assisted the children in becoming comfortable and confident in their new learning environment. The children have established relationships with their teachers and their peers. I have enjoyed getting to know all the children while engaging in play and conversation alongside each child. It is wonderful to see the different personalities beginning to shine. It will be a big moment for the children and families when they begin their schooling journey in Term 3, in their St John Bosco uniform.
St John Bosco Be Active Day
Unfortunately the weather forecast is unfavourable for our St John Bosco Be Active Day. It is predicted to be 80% chance of rain and only 13 degrees. Placing the children’s safety at the heart of our decision we have decided to postpone the event to early next term, as these weather conditions and a blow up obstacle course do not mix well. The sausage sizzle will also be postponed, so please pack your child’s lunch on Friday. The order you have already submitted will be transferred over to the new date.
Parents and Friends
Some of our Parents and Friends members gathered today to plan events for our community throughout Term 3. We have the following events planned that require parents and friends assistance to proceed. If you can assist in any of the following events please email your interest to elaine.cram@sjb.cathlolic.edu.au
Monday 19th July, 8:45am - Welcome to Term 3 Morning Tea
Thursday 29th July - Special Lunch: Hot Dogs
Friday 3rd September 8:00am - Father’s Day Breakfast
Friday 3rd September 10:00am - Father’s Day Stall
Year 5-6 Learning Fair
Today the Year 5-6 children showcased their Inquiry Learning to the younger children, centred on our Master Planning. The senior children proudly explained their planning and final product of their vision for St John Bosco School for the next 10 to 15 years. The children concentrated on updating learning environments and our outdoor learning spaces. The engagement between the younger and older children was wonderful with our younger children posing some very interesting questions which initiated deep thinking from our senior children.
CESA Covid Updates
Due to recent COVID-19 developments in South Australia can I please remind families that there are two sources for CESA updates in relation to COVID-19:
The CESA website ‘COVID-19 Alerts’ page - https://www.cesa.catholic.edu.au/alerts
The CESA Facebook page - https://www.facebook.com/CatholicEducationSA/
Wishing you all a safe and restful holiday break.
See you all in Term 3.
Kate Turner

Eco Literacy
Worms! Worms! Worms! The St John Bosco Student Voice group set up three worm farms last week, following concerns about the amount of waste going into the rubbish bins at our school. We watched a short video on worm farming and then set the farms up. The children worked together to assemble the farms and to prepare them properly for use. This week the year 5-6 Student Voice reps; Charlotte, Aysha, Chase and Freedom will collect the compost buckets straight after lunch and empty them into the worm farms. Next term the children will 'train' some younger children to do this. We will work out a sustainable system to manage our organic waste as a community at St John Bosco School.
Native Plant Donation
We would like to give a BIG THANK YOU to the West Torrens Council for donating native plants to St John Bosco School. We will look after the plants and work with our community to determine the best place for them to live!
Sara Hart

On Tuesday 29th June, our 2021 Semester 1 Reports were emailed to all families. Please note the from address that you will receive your reports will be Accelerus Reporting noreply@reports.accelerus.com.au
It is possible that your emails may be in your 'junk' file so it is recommended that you check this folder also if you do not have your child's report. If you did not receive an email from us please contact Franca Jeffery via email franca.jeffery@sjb.catholic.edu.au to arrange for a new copy to be sent.
On Wednesday last week, my dad and I delivered the first nine blankets to Vinnies. Teresa from Vinnies was very happy to receive the blankets and organised to hand them out from Fred’s Van. The next night, my dad visited Fred’s Van in the city. The blankets were very popular, and most of them were given to children. The Vinnies volunteers said that these blankets will help a lot on cold winter nights. Thank you all so much for your support. You helped make this possible! Now I’m working on the next batch of blankets, so please keep bringing in your empty chip packets!
Zoe 5/6SR
