Week 10 Term 2 2022
It’s hard to believe that we are already half way through the school year. Families received their child’s Semester 1 School Report earlier this week. It was wonderful to read each child’s comment on their report, it is fantastic to see that each child is progressing on their learning journey. I encourage families to make contact with their child’s classroom teacher if you would like to discuss your child’s progress.
School fees for 2023
We are pleased to inform our school families that there will be no increase in school fees for the 2023 school year. As South Australians continue to feel the impact of COVID-19, Catholic Education SA has announced it will freeze fees at its 86 Diocesan schools for the 2023 school year.
“These decisions are part of our continued COVID 19 response as we seek to support families at a time when they are being impacted by rising costs and inflation,” says Dr Neil McGoran, Director, Catholic Education SA.
Since 2019, Catholic Education SA has been implementing the Making Catholic Education More Affordable Initiative to ensure our schools are accessible to any family who wants their child to have a Catholic education.
Dr Neil McGoran said the fee-freeze would not impact the quality of education. “We’re committed to keeping school fees as low as possible and ensuring a Catholic education is affordable and accessible to all.”
Please access the link for information regarding the 2022 Commonwealth School Data Collection. The data collected is informing the government of the amount of enrolled children at St John Bosco School, which advises the amount of government funding the school receives.
School Disco
Please mark Friday 19th August 2022 in your diaries, we have our annual School Disco in our school library.
Reception to Year 2: 5:30pm to 6:45pm
Year 3 to Year 6: 7:00pm to 8:45pm.
Tickets will be available to purchase through QKR next term. We would love parents to come along and assist with supervision if you are a current St John Bosco School volunteer. Please send your name and the year level disco you would like to assist with supervision to elaine.cramm@sjb.catholic.edu.au. Looking forward to a fantastic night of dancing and fun.
Volunteers Induction
As COVID restrictions ease we will host a volunteer’s induction meeting early next term, on Friday 12th August at 9:00am. If you are interested in volunteering within the St John Bosco community please come along and complete the necessary paperwork and be inducted to enable you to attend excursions, listen to reading, or even help out at Sports Day or the school disco. Please register your attendance by emailing elaine.cram@sjb.catholic.edu.au
Soccer Strips
We have old soccer strips that are available to purchase for $5.00 each from Dino Zandona. If you are wishing to purchase one please see Dino.
Wishing you all a wonderful holiday break, looking forward to seeing you all for the beginning of Term 3 on Monday 25th July 2022.
Take care
Kate Turner
To all the staff, students and families at St John Bosco Thank You.
Thank you for welcoming me to your school community. It has been an absolute pleasure getting to know everyone. You all ‘Serve the Lord with Joy’ through your loving kindness.
May the school holidays bring you precious time with loved ones and time to do the things you love and enjoy.
St Vinnies Winter Appeal
We would like to thank and acknowledge Aria and Sia (5/6DM) for their time and dedication to ensure our missionary day was a success. Aria and Sia you have the capabilities to be leaders for the world God desires.
We thank all our families for your generosity in donating goods to members of our local community who are in need. We also thank Dean Powell and Rebecca Moreno for volunteering their time today in ensuring all the goods were packed ready to be delivered. May we all continue promoting the common good: Caring for other people and our environment.
Jhovana Fenu

Selected Year 6 students went to a Fitness Leadership Day at St Michael’s Collage. The purpose of the day was to learn new fitness games, leadership skills and how to modify games to suit all student’s ability. The students who participated in the day will share their learning with the other fitness leaders, so we can use this knowledge with the whole community during our weekly Friday morning fitness.
I enjoyed the leadership day because I learnt with other students from other schools. We collaborated with other students in our activities. I also liked how they taught us different activities so we could go back to school and teach the little kids. I liked how they taught us games that got everyone included. - James 5-6L
I enjoyed learning new games for fitness and working with other schools and groups. Skills that I learnt include not bossing people around but, being kind and teaching them. I liked how I will go back to school and teach the younger students. - Olive 5-6L
I enjoyed learning all different types of games for different ages. I learnt that games don’t always need to be about the fastest. I liked how they taught us, so that everyone can be included and not left on the sideline. My favourite part about the day was learning games to teach the other fitness leaders back at school. - Caroline 5-6L

On Friday 1st July, Catholic schools gathered together for the SACPSSA Netball Carnival held at ETSA Park. In the 5-6 Unit, we have spent most of our PE lessons learning positions, rules and playing netball games. We got to show off our amazing skills that Mr Zandona had been teaching us in PE lessons. The carnival was a day to have fun and improving game skills not just about winning and losing. We went home from the carnival with a huge smile on our faces. - Jessica & Adriana 5-6L
I enjoyed trying new positions and working with other people. - Olive 5-6L
I learnt a new sport and it taught me new skills. Even though it has a lot of rules, it still is an enjoyable sport for everyone. - Naish 5-6L
I enjoyed working with my teammates and all the different positions that I played. - Janelle 5-6 DM
It was fun. I liked playing netball. I enjoyed playing and running around with my friends. - Angelo 5-6 DM

Important Dates
Last day of Term 2
Begin Term 3
Welcome Back Morning Tea 8:30am
Volunteer Induction 9:00
Scholastic Book Fair - Week 3-4
Perform Education 9:00am
Book Week - Theme: Dreaming with eyes open - Week 5
Book Week Parade
Catholic School Music Festival
Pupil Free Day
School Photos
St John Bosco Be Active Fun Day
Last day of Term 3

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The QKR (pronounced 'quicker') app is a secure and easy way to order and pay for school items from your phone at a time and place that suits you.

Subway lunch orders are available through our QKR app and delivered to our school every Tuesday and Friday.

Shop 5, 516-520 Henley Beach Rd, Fulham
Phone: 8350 7940
Email: henleyus@devonclothing.com.au
Monday 8:00am – 11:00am
Wednesday 3:00pm – 6:00pm
Thursday 3:00pm – 6:00pm
Vacation Care - July
The July vacation care program is now available.
Please note changes have been made regarding bookings and permission consent. All bookings and consent are made via the QKR App, just follow the prompts.
Limited spaces on certain days still available.
If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact Mirella Tsimiklis on 8249 4906 or email on mirella.tsimiklis@sjb.catholic.edu.au.
Disability Auskick Programs
Both Edwardstown and Goodwood Football Clubs are launching Auskick programs for kids aged 5-15 living with disability it would be great if you are able to share the attached information with your special school networks.
The direct registration links for the programs are listed below.
Edwardstown FC - https://www.playhq.com/afl/register/429c9e
Goodwood FC - https://www.playhq.com/afl/register/c5fc4c
State Soccer Clinic
Soccer clinics available during the school holidays.