Week 10 Term 2 2023
A big thank you to Mia and Harriet for organising our St Francis de Sales Fundraiser, Pyjama Day. Mia and Harriet worked tirelessly to organise the day in partnership with Ms Bellifemini. We all enjoyed coming to school in a really comfy and warm outfit.
Little Boscos Graduation
Today we came together to celebrate our Little Boscos with their Graduation Liturgy. It was wonderful to witness the growth in each child from the six month transition program. The children, families and teachers are excited for 24th July when the children will begin their journey of full time school.
Last week Jessica Rushby led a Wellbeing Family Information Session where she spent time exploring our approach to wellbeing in our community. Jess outlined our whole school approach, small group work and 1:1 intervention with children requiring support.
Parents were thrilled to hear about the Grow Your Mind (GYM) program that has been introduced throughout the school in 2023. Parents have gained a greater understanding about ‘Shark Thoughts’ and ‘Dolphin Thoughts’. Jess will be offering to repeat her session during Term 3, if you missed out please keep an eye out for when you can hear about our work at St John Bosco in the Wellbeing domain. Positive feedback from parents, highlights what a great session Jess led.
Thank you for bringing this to the St John Bosco community. It is helping beyond the school gates. Year 1 parent
We are so proud and grateful this Grow Your Mind (GYM) Program has been embedded into St John Bosco and the consideration to involve parents into the learning too. GYM and St John Bosco Wellbeing is helping to make a meaningful and positive impact on our family, thank you. Year 2 and 4 parents
Thank you so much an amazing session and program. Thank you. Year 2 parent
Good to get alignment with what the children are learning with the parents. Year 1 parent
Love this whole program. Reception parent
At the beginning of Term 3 Carmelina and Mirella will introduce a second morning of playgroup fun. Families are invited to attend on a Tuesday or/and Wednesday morning from 9:00am to 10:30am.
Annual Performance Review
As required by the Commonwealth Government, the 2022 St John Bosco School Annual Performance Report is available for viewing on our website, you can also the view the report here.
5-6DM Learning
Yesterday I had the pleasure of chatting to the 5-6DM children, who eagerly shared their learning. The children were asked to identity individuals who have used their voice to make a positive change in society. They were encouraged to choose a person that they find inspiring.
I chose to research and sketch Faith Bandler, she was an author and activist. She was a charismatic speaker and broadcaster. - Harriet
I did some research on Eddie Mabo, he was skilled at being a great activist. He worked hard to overturn the belief that at the time of colonisation Australia was ‘terra nullus’ or land belonging to no one. - Yuvraj
I researched Edith Cowan she was a major influence on woman’s lives, she fought tirelessly for education for women and girls. - Kathleen
I researched Edie Mabo, he chose to fight for his people and his land. He wanted to prove that the Murray Islander people were on the land long before, James Cook arrived. - Elle
Alayna also chose to research Eddie Mabo.
We wish Mr Van Weenen, Mr Camm and all our Auskickers good luck with their trip to Adelaide oval on Saturday night. I know many parents are excited to watch their children play footy on Adelaide Oval in front of a large crowd. We also wish Mr Van Weenen safe travels as he travels through Europe for the first five weeks of Term 3.
Wishing you all a wonderful holiday break relaxing and keeping warm.
Kate Turner

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Sunday
On Monday of Week 10, SJB gathered for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Sunday. On the 13th Sunday in Ordinary Time, people join the Australian Bishops and the National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Catholic Council in celebrating Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Sunday. In this prayerful gathering, we took time to acknowledge the 135,681 First Nations Catholics in our country. We honoured and acknowledged God’s presence in the lives of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples, who have upheld their rich and diverse cultural traditions for thousands of years. We took a moment to recognise and appreciate the Kaurna land on which our Parish is situated and the people who have nurtured it over time. Thank you to Alex (1/2C), Yashira (1/2R) and the House Captains who assisted in leading the prayerful gathering.
Following our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Sunday prayerful gathering, we commenced NAIDOC Week. NAIDOC Week is a special celebration for all Australians that takes place every year in the first week of July. It is a time to connect with community and celebrate the rich history, achievements and diverse cultures of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples. NAIDOC Week is also a time to reflect upon and raise awareness of issues that affect Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples. This year's NAIDOC Week theme is 'For Our Elders' and recognises the important role that Elders play in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander families and communities. Elders are instrumental in passing down cultural knowledge, advocating for change through activism and caring for their families throughout generations. 'For Our Elders' pays homage to the legacy that Elders have left for younger generations of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples. The whole school engaged in a Kahoot quiz, answering questions about NAIDOC Week. Well done to the winning class, 3/4D! Throughout the week, the children also engaged in a range of learning experiences that helped them understand the importance of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander culture.
ST FRANCIS DE SALES FUNDRAISER – Pyjama Day summary – by Mia and Harriet
On the 5th of July Pyjama Day took place. Mia and Harriet (The St Francis de Sales House Captains) and six other leaders helped the kids engage in activities that centred around the charity and wearing pyjamas. Mia and Harriet picked the charity, Kickstart for Kids. KickStart for Kids is a charity based around giving kids around South Australia meals to eat during and before school. This charity supplies over 60,000 breakfasts and 10,000 lunches each week for the less fortunate. Since we believe that every child should eat a nutritious breakfast and a lovely, healthy lunch, we chose this charity! Doing so helps them learn, maintain focus, and improve their memories. We also wanted to learn about this charity!
The children engaged in a variety of enjoyable activities, such as Sleeping Logs, Pyjama Story Time, creating the perfect lunchbox or breakfast plate and creating the perfect pair of pyjamas. The whole school took part by dressing in their pyjamas, watching a movie, chomping on some popcorn, and engaging in the activities. Here’s what some children had to say:
I helped Mia and Harriet with most of the activities, which was enjoyable because I like to be a leader and take part in fun activities while wearing comfortable clothes. I also enjoyed seeing the school children taking part in the activities and having a good time. - Ivy
I enjoyed playing sleeping logs and I was lucky enough to win a prize for the best pyjamas. I liked listening to the stories that the leaders read, and I also liked doing the activities and participating in Pyjama Day! - Evan
I liked everything, especially designing my own lunchbox and pyjamas! My dream pyjamas are pink and dark pink. There were also love hearts and flowers on them too! I loved Pyjama Day! - Minka-Lee
I liked playing the games and I liked watching the movie, Finding Nemo. I liked dancing to the loud music at the start of Pyjama Day. I also won a prize, and I was so excited. On Pyjama Day I wore purple unicorn jammies, a rainbow dotty dressing gown and Minnie Mouse slippers. - Arianna
The winners of the Pyjama Design activity were: Harry R, Shubnoor, Evan, Sebastian K, Japnoor
The winners of the Movie Quizzes were: Ariana, Arcadius, Kiansh, Angelo P, Imelda and Sebastian P
We raised a total of $273.15.
Thank you to everyone who donated to this great cause.

Reception Year level:
Our Reception scientists have been delving into biological science. We have been exploring what our 5 senses are, what each of them do, and how they help us to survive. We are also learning about our needs, and other animals needs for survival, including needs for food, water, air, and shelter with space.
We’ve been learning about senses and how to survive! - Iyla
We learn our five senses - Ayok
We stood up in a circle with cones around it and then Mrs Williams made it tighter and
Ariana and me kept falling out because it was squishy - Amelia
We were talking about how to survive. We need water and air to survive and also you survive with shelter - Markos
You need water to survive! - Elijah
Year 1/2
Year 1 and 2 scientists have also been exploring biological science, concentrating on small animals that can be found in our schoolyard and backyard. As scientists, we have been using the scientific method of prediction, observation, recording, reporting, and data analysing when undertaking our schoolyard and backyard safaris, as well as when observing earthworms and viewing then within the earthworm habitat. The earthworm habitat allowed students to consider the needs of a worm and observe worms at work.
I’ve enjoyed learning about animals and insects. We have learnt a lot about earthworms - Elkin
I like learning about and seeing earthworms – Minka-Lee
I’ve really enjoyed Mrs Williams bringing worms into the science room so we can learn about them - Carter
I like that we are learning what’s around us - Summer
Year 3/4
Year 3 and 4 scientists have been focusing on physical science. We have been exploring push and pull forces , mass, momentum, and friction through hands on experiments. Throughout the investigations, we have been engaging in the scientific process of questioning, hypothesising, considering variables, listing equipment, describing the method, recording results, and concluding.
We have been learning that the prediction could be wrong or right, and don’t expect the same thing to happen over and over – Michael
We have been learning about forces. I liked the coin and weight experiment – Andrea
Year 5/6
Year 5 and 6 scientists have been engaging in the Makers Empire strong structures challenge to think like engineers. We have been considering the Design Think Model as well as the features of a strong structure to design a structure that serves a purpose to solve an everyday problem. We also engaged in a marshmallow and dry spaghetti building challenge with set materials to create the tallest build and demonstrate our collaborative skills as well as what we have learnt through Makers Empire’s strong structures unit.
We have been learning about strong structures and how we can make structures stronger when we build them - Angelo
We learnt that triangles are the strongest shape - Roman
We were learning how to form strong structures in science - Lucas

Important Dates
Little Bosco Graduation Liturgy & Parent Info Session 9:00am
Last Day of Term 2
Begin Term 3
Welcome Morning Tea
Parents and Friends Meeting 6:15pm
P & F Father's Day Stall
School Board 6:30pm
Book Fair 10th August- Over Weeks 3 & 4
Assumption of Mary School Mass
P & F Special Lunch
Book Week Performance 'Way Too Cool'
Book Week 21st - 25th August - READ GROW INSPIRED
Assembly RGK 8:50am
ReLAT Practice Week
Confirmation @ 7:00pm
Year 3-4 Camp - Warrawong Wildlife Sanctuary
Year 3-4 Camp - Return from Warrawong Wildlife Sanctuary
Assembly RJJ 8:50am
ReLAT Assessment
School Board 6:30pm
R U OK Day - Prayerful gathering
School Disco R-2 & Years 3-6
School Photos
School Picnic
SJB Be Active Day
Pupil Free Day
Last day of Term 3

Shop 5, 516-520 Henley Beach Rd, Fulham
Phone: 8350 7940
Email: henleyus@devonclothing.com.au
Monday 8:00am – 11:00am
Wednesday 3:00pm – 6:00pm
Thursday 3:00pm – 6:00pm

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