Week 10, Term 3 2021
It has been wonderful to have families back on school grounds this past week. At this stage we ask families to refrain from entering classrooms. Can I please remind everyone entering the school grounds to wear a mask, socially distance and check in using the QR code.
Catholic Schools Music Festival
On Monday night I had the pleasure of attending the Catholic Schools Music Festival. It was a wonderful occasion. Eight of our St John Bosco children; Grace, Samantha, Kai, Anna, Zoe, Sophie, Angelica and Supriya joined their peers from other Catholic schools for an unbelievable performance. I sat amongst our families and joined in their elation in regards to how our children were performing with confidence and joy, I truly had goose bumps! I would like to thank Robyn Windham for her role as Choir Trainer, she did an amazing job with our children. Many, many hours of training by the children and Robyn definitely paid off, it was a truly amazing night. Our 2021 Choir members spoke with me on Tuesday morning, I have captured some of their comments:
It was a great experience being able to perform at the Adelaide Entertainment Centre. All the practice and rehearsing we did definitely paid off in the end. Grace
We worked hard it was worth the effort. I would recommend the experience to all the senior children in the coming years. Samantha
I really enjoyed mixing with students from other schools. It was an amazing experience. Anna
I enjoyed performing to such a big audience. I had a lot of fun. Zoe
It was really fun. I’m definitely doing it again next year. Sophie
It was a great experience. I really enjoyed going to practices and singing the songs. The final product of the performance was amazing. Kai
I felt the experience was really enjoyable. I loved singing and the actions that went with the different songs. I recommend the experience to next year’s 5-6’s. Angelica
Being a member of the choir was an amazing experience. It felt great to be on stage with my friends. I recommend being a member of the Choir. Supriya
Bunnings BBQ
Our Parents and Friends are having a Sausage Sizzle Fundraiser at Airport Bunnings on Saturday 23rd October 2021 between 9:00am and 4:00pm. One of our Reception parents, Esta is coordinating the fundraiser. We do require community members to assist with the day to cook or serve. We are asking for an hour of your day, to assist in raising funds for resources for our children. If you can assist there is a schedule in the foyer outside the School’s front office, please select a time and leave your details and Esta will be in contact with you. I would like to thank you in advance for your support with this fundraiser, Bunning BBQ’s normally raise significant funds.
Be Active Day
We are looking forward to the St John Bosco Be Active Day. We will proceed with the event and make modifications where required to deal with whatever weather we face. We welcome families to attend the event which begins at 11:30am. Please remember to follow Covid safe protocols. Please sign in your attendance on a form that will be located in the school foyer.
Year 3-4 Camp
Our Year 3-4 children attended AFL Max for an overnight camp last week. I had the pleasure of spending the night with the children and teachers. We had a wonderful time with the children engaging in physical activities throughout the day and a movie before bedtime. I was extremely proud of our children, with some of them overcoming their nerves and spending their first night away from home. It is always nice to connect and socialise with the children in a different environment. A big thank you to Emma and Lauren for all their organising and planning to ensure the children had a wonderful time away from school and home.
Whole School Picnic
I would like to extend an invitation to families and friends to join us for our whole school picnic. We will be heading to Morialta Conservation Park on Friday 15th October. Due to limited numbers on the bus, we will meet families at the park. We will prepare for our children to get quite dirty as we engage in play, building cubbies and exploring the shallow creeks.
Wishing you all a wonderful holiday break. I hope you have time to relax and rejuvenate.
Thank you
Kate Turner

In the Laudato Si document, Pope Francis appeals to us to care for our ‘Common Home’. As this term comes to a close, you may have noticed some small changes around the grounds of St John Bosco School. In this Season of Creation, the Year 1/2 children have been planting a sunflower garden inspired by their recent visit to the van Gogh Alive exhibition.
The Year 5/6 children have helped dig a trench for the garden, showing admirable leadership qualities and cleared out the rubbish and the weeds from the Agapanthus strip near OSHC. Receptions have imagined and recorded how they could improve their ‘backyard’ environment behind their indoor learning environment. As a school community we have looked at how to make little changes to enhance our environment. Lastly, the children will begin planting a lavender garden with hopes of utilising the beautiful fragrant flowers for Mother’s Day gifts in 2022. Year 5/6 children harvested the parsley from our vegetable patch and made garlic bread. From little things, big things grow.
Sara Hart

We had an exciting opportunity to be involved in the first Women in STEM Breakfast at the Adelaide Convention Centre on Monday. This was a great experience for us as we are interested in pursuing a career in Science, Technologies, Engineering and/or Maths. We had to write an application to Mrs Sharrad as to why we should be chosen to attend, as each Catholic School was only able to send a few students. We met Mrs Sharrad at the front of the Centre and there were so many women and girls waiting to meet each other. There was a real buzz around the Centre. We got a sample bag at the door and found where we had to sit. We were served an amazing breakfast and treated to many inspirational talks by successful women in their fields. We also got to play some Kahoot games and hear from some university students who are studying right now. All the speakers talked about the challenges of being women in male-dominated industries and how they manage these challenges. They taught us to follow our dreams and not let anything or anyone get in our way of achieving them. We are grateful for the opportunity to have attended this exciting event and look forward to what the future might bring for us.

When we went to the camp we learnt a lot about healthy foods and keeping our bodies fit. Nicola
I enjoyed the jumping castle and the interactive games on camp. Yuvraj
The rock climbing was very challenging and then at the end I was relieved that it was easier than I thought. Makayla
Reaching new heights. Dedeep
When we were doing the walk I learnt that we don’t always have to use the bus to go places, or a car or anything with a motor. We can use our bodies to keep us fit. Mia
When I went to camp I learnt that we should have five vegetables and two pieces of fruit every day and we should drink 2 litres of water each day. Dishita
I learnt that it is extremely important for our body to keep active, eat healthy and have fun. Its okay to have foods like chocolate sometimes. Giulia
It was good to finally sleep with my friends, because I have never had a sleep over with my friends before. Luca
I was really excited to sleep with my friends but I had trouble falling asleep. Faith
Being uncomfortable can sometimes make you be comfortable, moving outside your comfort zone can be a good thing. Mark
I liked the activities. Especially the trampoline. Duke
I learnt to never give up, even when things get hard. We can show resilience. I liked the part where you jump on the trampoline and then onto the airbag. Matin
I liked how we talked about it is important to have a balanced diet. Elijah
I was nervous to sleep somewhere different but when I tried it out it was good. Roman
When I couldn’t kick the football I tried my hardest and I did it! I felt like I could do anything! Allegra
I pushed through hard things like balancing on the inflatables. First I felt a bit nervous but then I practised and I got it. Japnoor
I didn’t know a lot of things about footy, so when we had to kick the ball through the little holes I kept missing at first. I tried harder and I felt proud when I was successful. Jah
I learnt how to kick a drop punt. Jaival
We learnt about team work by doing activities group work, collaborating and communication. Victoria
I learnt some calming mindfulness skills that can help me in a difficult time. One of them was the box breathing. Harriet
When we were doing a challenge of stacking the footballs we had to work as a team. First it was hard to work out how to build the tallest tower but my team tried our best and worked together! Alexa
I learnt that you should have more vegetables and fruits every day. You should try to have two serves of fruit and five serves of vegetables so you can have a healthy body. Elle
AFL Max Camp was amazing, a blast, the best experience ever that we will never forget! 3/4P students.

Important Dates
Be Active Day
Last day of Term 3
Commence Term 4
Whole School Picnic
Little Boscos First Transition Visit and Parent Meeting
St John Bosco Playgroup - Opening Soon

We Invite children aged 0-5 years to our Playgroup every Tuesday 9:00am to 10:30am during School Term. Our first session will be week 1 in Term 4.
Enquires welcomed: