Week 11 Term1 2023

I trust you all had time to relax and be with your family and friends over the Easter break, much to our surprise the sun came out to play! Let’s hope the weather is friendly on Friday for our annual Sports Day. There has been an air of team spirit alive and thriving at St John Bosco over the last couple of weeks. Our House Captains have been busily organising the Health Hustle and rehearsing team chants with our energetic teams. If you are free on Friday, we welcome you to come down and support the children. We will have a coffee van onsite and a sausage sizzle available for family and friends, all reasonably priced. Sports Day finishes at approximately 1:00pm you are welcome to take your child/ren home early if you wish, please ensure you sign your child out as you leave school grounds.
A big shout out to our Parents and Friends for organising the Easter Raffle for our community. We would like to thank families who donated Easter eggs for our Easter Raffle. We had many happy winners taking home Easter baskets full of goodies to enjoy over the Easter break. Thank you to everyone for selling raffle tickets we raised $511.00, a tremendous effort.
The Parents and Friends will meet Week 1 of Term 2 on Wednesday 3rd May at 6:15pm in the staff room. It is an opportunity to go over the planned events for Term 2 and fine tune arrangements and volunteers. We would love to see you all there!
The school holidays provides a good opportunity to check your uniform and visit Devon Clothing if you need to make some purchases to get you through the winter. Online ordering is also an option for families, with delivery directly to your home available.
Volunteers are a valued part of our school community. Our volunteers create a range of opportunities for our children through sport, learning and community. If you would like to be a registered volunteer at St John Bosco School we invite you to attend our upcoming Volunteers Induction session on Thursday 11th May at 9:00am. Elaine will work with parents, grandparents and friends to complete the process to ensure you are ready to attend your child’s next excursion, assist at community events or even coach a sporting team. Please register your attendance through email info@sjb.catholic.edu.au or popping into the front office.
Wishing you all a safe and happy holiday break. See you all in Term 2, Monday 1st May 2023.
Take care
Kate Turner

Holy Week and Easter are incredibly special times in the Liturgical Calendar. St John Bosco School recognised Holy Week by coming together as a community for Prayerful Gatherings. A big thank you to the teachers and children for their preparation for Holy Week celebrations.
So, what is Holy Week? It is the week leading up to Easter Sunday. In this week we remember the events leading to the death of Jesus and his rising to new life.
This is the most important time in the liturgical calendar – the life and resurrection of Jesus is the reason we are church. In our Holy Week celebrations, we focus on life, faith and hope.
The whole point of Holy Week and Easter is that we learn to be people who are full of hope.
Palm Sunday – As celebrated by our Reception children.
Holy Week begins with Passion Sunday. This event recalls Jesus being welcomed into Jerusalem by those who were encouraged and liberated by his words and actions.
It is also the event that recalls his arrest by the rulers and chief priests who were threatened by his teachings and popularity.
Holy Thursday – As recalled by our Year 1 and 2 children.
On Holy Thursday we remember the meal Jesus had with his friends known as The Last Supper. The Church recalls this meal every week at mass where we hear the words Jesus said; “This is my body. This is my blood. Do this in memory of me.”
Good Friday – as portrayed by the Year 5 and 6 children with the Stations of the Cross.
Good Friday recalls the story of Jesus dying on the cross. We hear about Jesus carrying his cross and about the feelings of his friends and followers.
The cross isn’t the end of the story!
It only makes sense if we remember Jesus rising to new life. This is a story of hope and belief that there is ‘always a light at the end of the tunnel’. We are challenged to look for light in the darkness.
Easter Sunday – As celebrated together as a whole school community led by Fr Long Hai at Mass on Tuesday this week.
On Easter Sunday we hear the story of the empty tomb – the message is Jesus has risen ad the promise of the new life is there for all of us.
The rising; resurrection of Jesus brings promise of new life with God. For the followers of Jesus their despair turned to hope and the courage to carry on the message of Jesus.
We are part of this hope today.
I truly hope that you had a restful time over the Easter weekend, and during the holidays have some time with family and friends.
Be safe and happy holidays.
Sara Hart

Jesus go to town on the donkey. – Keerat
People were happy to see Jesus and they waved the branches to show they were happy. – Ella
Jesus was happy to go on the donkey. – Shabib
The people had branches and said “Hosanna blessed be the King”. - Markus
Jesus went on the donkey… like a horse. – Lia
People waved branches and were happy for Jesus. – Gurasees
The donkey took Jesus to Jerusalem. – Jude
Jesus went to where the people were. – Ivan
Jesus went on the donkey and the people saw him. – Emily
Jesus was happy on the donkey riding. – Jasmirah
Jesus was on the donkey, and he was sitting on him… he was smiling. – Ugo
Jesus got on the donkey to go to the people. – Amber
Jesus go on donkey to town. – Avraaj
This is Jesus’ donkey and he got on and went to the town where the people were. - Louis
Jesus is a special man. – Monique
Jesus went on the donkey to the city. – Saanvi
Jesus rode the donkey and people shake the branches up high. – Sathvik
The donkey had to take Jesus to town. – Shabib
Jesus was on the donkey and people shouted when they saw him. They waved at him. - Sienna
Here is the donkey. – Juanes

On Friday 31st March our school participated in the annual South Australian Catholic Primary School Sports Association Carnival at the Marion Aquatic Centre.
On reflection I was very proud in the way the students went about their work and commitment on the day and the way they demonstrated true sportsperson demeanour with the fellow competitors, their peers and officials. The support and encouragement within our team was a highlight of the day. What stood out was the determination, grit and striving for their very bes. Every year in the school environment there was a distinct change in the guard in terms of the students who represented the school swimming team, and also those who took leadership roles within the team and those students in years three and four who represented the school for the first time. This year only nine students participated in the carnival, however what they achieved was outstanding!
To witness growth and positive change in student’s development is one the dynamics working with students that keeps me inspired in my own professional journey as an educator. Competition and participation are some vehicles which gives students the opportunity to grow, learn and lead. This event again gave students this opportunity and to see students confront challenges, fear, success and disappointment through participating in such an event is priceless and has many tangible positive benefits to the growth of young people.
I would like to thank the parents and family members who came to support the students. Your energy and enthusiasm undoubtedly enriched and enhanced the unique team spirit that was present on the day. A big thank you to Mary Kentish (Eli’s Grandmother) who represented our school as an official judge and all the school staff who directly or intangibly contributed to supporting the swimming team.
Congratulations to all the 2023 St John Bosco Swimming Team.
Dino Zandona
PE Co-ordinator

The entire school created some amazing Easter placemats for the Calvary Flora McDonald Nursing Home. They were created for the elderly residents at the nursing home, so they could have a little heart-warming gift before they receive their Easter Sunday meal. On arrival, the ladies were invited to morning tea with the staff SJB. Then a child from each classroom presented the placemats to them. They loved our little gifts and were very excited to use them when they enjoy their meals. - Nicola

Important Dates
SJB Sports Day
Last Day of Term 1
Begin Term 2
R - 2 Auskick Clinic 11:20am - 2:15pm
Parents and Friends Meeting 6:15pm
School Board Meeting 6:30pm
Volunteers Induction 9:00am
Mother's Day Stall
Catholic Education Week 15 - 19 May
1-2C Assembly 8:50am
Sorry Day
Pentecost - Whole School Mass 9:00am
Reconciliation Week - Prayerful gathering 2:15pm
Pupil Free Day
King's Birthday
For Receptions - Year 2 ONLY

Download this app to order and pay for School Fees, OSHC, Subway, Excursions, Camps and more, at a time convenient for you.

Shop 5, 516-520 Henley Beach Rd, Fulham
Phone: 8350 7940
Email: henleyus@devonclothing.com.au
Monday 8:00am – 11:00am
Wednesday 3:00pm – 6:00pm
Thursday 3:00pm – 6:00pm
