Week 2, Term 1 2021

Welcome back, I hope you all had time to relax and enjoy some precious family time over the Christmas break. The staff and children have settled beautifully into their new learning environments enjoying the addition of new furniture, new flooring and a coat of fresh paint. The teachers have spent much time and energy in creating learning environments that are welcoming and inviting. Over time each classroom will reflect the community of learners who spend their days learning together with traces of each child’s personality present, creating a sense of belonging for each learner.
I am pleased to introduce our new staff members to the St John Bosco community. Much time and effort was dedcicated into selecting the perfect applicant to join our community. Sara Hart our new Assistant Principal of Religious Identity and Mission (APRIM) enters our community keen to share her passion for ecological conversion and student agency in our masses and liturgies. Sara and I will work in partnership leading St John Bosco School. Rebecca Werner is a well-respected early year’s teacher she will be working with our Year 1-2 children. We are thrilled to welcome Alexandra Rolfe as our Japanese Teacher and Year 5-6 teacher. Tamara Golic will be working with our Year 5-6 children making an awesome team working with Dino. Tamara is a familiar face at St John Bosco, formerly an OSHC educator. Carly Evans will be supporting our children with their learning as an Educational Support Officer, the staff and children are already appreciating Carly’s calm and supportive manner. We also welcome Louise Finlay our new Work Health and Safety Officer, Louise is a great asset to our school with deep knowledge in her field.
We welcomed many new children into our community last week with 19 new Receptions beginning their learning journey at St John Bosco. Our Receptions entered brave, joyful and full of anticipation. We strongly believe that our solid transition program, Little Boscos contributes heavily to our new Receptions beginning their schooling journey as confident learners. I am sure the following Receptions will thrive in our community; Anastasia, Zidane, Hooraem, Alex, Michael, Domenico, Harry, Zac, Paolos, Vangeli, Basit, Izac, Elkin, Florence, Cooper, Elliana, Leonida,Navya and Carter.
We also welcome the new children in Years 1-6 to the St John Bosco community, Duke, Sophie, Sebastian, Chace, Tejas, Mia and a big welcome back to Bailey. It is wonderful to witness all the children and staff embrace our newbies ensuring they feel connected to our community right from the beginning of their journey.
Yesterday we celebrated the Feast of St John Bosco with a wonderful celebration. Fr Peter and Sara Hart worked collaboratively to ensure the mass truly served our patron saint.
We warmly invite families to our upcoming Welcome Night, Tuesday 9th February 5:00pm to 6:30pm. It is a great time to meet your child/children’s 2021 teacher and tour their learning environments. Join the community at 5:30pm to begin the evening with a sausage sizzle and ice block, an easy dinner!
Our School Annual General Meeting will be on Wednesday 24th February at 7:00pm in our school library. We welcome all members of our community to the evening where the 2020 reports will be tabled. Please refer to the letter emailed to all families today outlining the AGM. We do have a vacancy for a parent representative on our School Board for 2021 if you are interested please complete the nomination form.
Each school has a Master Plan that plans out the future of the school valuing the context of history, culture and values. It establishes the guidelines by which to create a campus of learning that will sustain for decades to come. It is time to upgrade St John Bosco’s Master Plan. We value and respect all community members’ voice and want everyone to be part of the consultation process. As a staff we will work closely as a group and with all the children to ensure everyone has an opportunity to present their hopes and dreams for St John Bosco School’s future. We invite all parents, school board members and parishioners to a consultation meeting on the 17th March at 6:00pm in our library. Consultants from Edge Architects will lead the consultation process. We look forward to your support in this process.
Wishing you a lovely week, looking forward to seeing you all at our upcoming Welcome Night.
Kate Turner
As we welcome in the 2021 new school year the families/students of the St John Bosco community must be experiencing waves of joy and happiness but also some anxiety about starting in a new class or indeed starting in a new school. These are all valid and important feelings.
This has been the case for me and two of my children personally as well. I am very happy to be beginning my time at St John Bosco in the position of APRIM Assistant Principal: Religious Identity and Mission. I have already spent some time with the staff and have felt very welcomed and already have a sense that I belong within this community. After meeting many families last week and on my morning walks around the school at drop off time I have enjoyed the smiles, nods and short conversations I have engaged in with families. St John Bosco is definitely a very special community.
My children Mia and Cooper have joined me at St John Bosco for their primary schooling and it has been lovely to hear their experiences of school through the eyes and ears of a child. This marries up with the feelings of welcoming, kindness and belonging we have all experienced here in a very short time.
The 31st January marks the Feast Day of St John Bosco. We celebrated this special day with a whole school Mass led by Fr Peter. We acknowledge that St John Bosco’s legacy of work with young people in education is why he is the Patron Saint of our school.
St John Bosco believed education to be so important to a young person’s life; he dedicated his life to teaching and working with young people. At St John Bosco School the educators have the same belief. We believe that our students are full of capability and potential and look forward to working in relationship with families to support the realisation of this with our student learning community.
I wish you and your families all the best for 2021.
Sara Hart

We invite our families to our upcoming Welcome Night. Join us for a sausage sizzle dinner before exploring your child's/ children 2021 learning environment. Looking forward to seeing you all.
The uniform shop is located on our school grounds and is managed by Devon Clothing on Tuesday mornings from 8:30am - 9:30am.
Bookings to attend the Uniform Shop are essential and can be made by clicking this link.
EFTPOS is available when purchasing in person.
If sizing is known and no fitting is required all orders can be made online using the above link. Find our School Logo and follow the prompts to place your order. All orders must be received by no later than close of business on the Friday prior to ensure your order is packed and received on the Tuesday when Devon Clothing staff are on site here at St John Bosco School.
Important Dates
Welcome Night 5pm - 6:30pm
Shrove Tuesday
Ash Wednesday School Mass 9am
Principal Tour 9am
Master Planning Consultation Meeting 6pm
Pupil Free Day
2021 Tuition Fees
Next week families will receive Tuition Fee Statements for the year. School Fees are a vital component to St John Bosco School's commitment to provide high quality education for all our children. School fees are reviewed annually by the School Board following guidelines from Catholic Education SA. Upon enrolment parents/caregivers accept the responsibility for the payment of fees in full by the end of November each year, for 2021 close of business Tuesday 30th November 2021.
Payment Methods
Payments can be made in full or by an approved payment plan. We encourage all families to set up weekly, fortnightly or monthly direct debit payments.
Payment options include:
Direct Debit – deductions from your bank account (forms available from the office)
BPay – reference numbers are printed on invoices and statements
Credit Card – Visa or Mastercard (forms available from the office)
Centrepay – a deduction from Centrelink payments (forms available from the office)
For more detailed information you can click this link here
If you require any asssitance meeting payments or have any questions, please contact Louise Kennewell or Katerina Andrushenko via the following emails:
Have you liked us on Facebook?

We aim to keep parents and friends up to date and informed about the wonderful things that happen during the course of the school year.
Don’t forget to like us on Facebook and invite your friends and family to do the same. But also remember to share our good news stories!
Are your email details up to date?

Late last year we launched our new Website which includes a feature for our Newsletter to be issued directly by email to families.
We want to make sure all of our families do receive the SJB Newsletter.
If you do not currently receive our fortnightly newsletter or have recently changed your email address please contact Louise Kennewell via email louise.kennewell@sjb.catholic.edu.au
School Banking Program
Good saving takes practice. So to help your child develop good saving skills, you can choose for them to be part of CommBank's School Banking Program.
School Banking day is Tuesday at St John Bosco School. Children can deposit their savings weekly by placing their book in the banking bag found in their class office box. All books will be returned at the end of the day to be sent home. Once they have collected 10 tokens they can redeem a reward.
To maintain our School Banking Program we are assisted by Parent Volunteers. If you are interested in helping and can spare an hour of your time on a Tuesday morning we would love to hear from you!
For more information about the program or to apply online click the this link here.
Our School Banking program will commence next Tuesday 9th February.
Fruit Fly

The Department of Primary Industries and Regions (PIRSA) has released updated information about fruit fly restrictions in South Australia. This information has been sent via email to all families today.
Please note St John Bosco School is located in the Yellow zone and the following conditions apply.
Children, students and staff who live in the yellow area or green area can bring any fresh fruit and vegetables to school. If it has been brought from a yellow area the fruit or vegetables can be taken back home again. If it has been brought from a green area into a yellow, it must be eaten or disposed of at the school, and not taken back home again.
For further information please contact the school Office.