Week 2 Term 1 2022
Welcome to 2022. Although the school year has commenced in an unusual way, our children, families and staff are making the very best of a difficult situation. Our Reception to Year 2 children have settled beautifully into their new learning environments, beginning to establish relationships with new friends and their teacher. We are very proud of the way our Year 3-6 children are embarking on their remote learning, our teachers are blown away at the maturity of our children and how they are coping with being away from school and their friends. All families received a letter today via email announcing that all children will be back at school on Monday 14th February 2022 for face to face learning. We are thrilled!
I am pleased to introduce our new staff members to the St John Bosco community. We are thrilled to welcome Angela Rawson as our Japanese Teacher, Angela is an experienced language teacher who has a lot to offer our community. Marianne Pope will be working with our Year 5-6 children making an awesome team working with Dino. Marianne is a familiar face at St John Bosco, In Term 4 she was our Performing Arts teacher. Leah Bellifemini is our new Year 5-6 teacher, Leah comes with a wealth of experience working with middle year’s students. Helena Burns is a welcomed addition to our staff as a Year 3-4 teacher, she has already established a fruitful relationship with Emma. Finally we have two new Early Years teachers Jessica Rushby working with our brand new Receptions and Nicole Puopolo a Year 1-2 teacher. Both ladies are highly experienced Early Years teachers and they are already enriching our Early Years team.
We welcomed many new children into our community last week with 11 new Receptions beginning their learning journey at St John Bosco. Our Receptions entered brave, joyful and full of anticipation. We strongly believe that our solid transition program, Little Boscos contributes heavily to our new Receptions beginning their schooling journey as confident learners. I am sure the following Receptions will thrive in our community; Allison, Eyob, Levi, Mika-Lee, Liana, Waris, Sophia G, Freya, Luca, Isha and Sophia H.
We also welcome the new children in Years 1-6 to the St John Bosco community; Aurora, Summer, Evie, Olivia, Liam, Bentley, Miguel and Guransh. We look forward to having all our new children in our community undertaking face to face learning next week.
Over the holiday break Fr Peter Zwaans was appointed as Parish Priest at Mount Gambier. Fr Peter will be greatly missed, it was unfortunate that the children, staff and families were not able to farewell and celebrate his time within our community. We do welcome Fr Long Hai Nguyen as our new Parish Priest. We look forward to continuing the strong partnership between the school and parish with Fr Long Hai.
I would like to remind families that all children are required to be wearing the new school uniform in 2022. The two year phase in period is now over, you can purchase items online through Devon Clothing or make an appointment to visit Devon Clothing. Please ensure your child has their school hat with them every day so that they can take full advantage of the opportunities of outside play at recess and lunch. The school policy is ‘no hat; play in the shade’ under the school veranda.
Can I please remind families to obey the parking signs surrounding our school in particular Lipsett Terrace. We have many frustrated parents and staff members who continually observe the same cars not obeying parking signs. By parking your car directly in front of the school, even for a quick drop off you are blocking oncoming traffic, inconveniencing everyone else in our community. The local council has visited our site indicating they will be fining people not observing parking signs.
As a staff we are excited to have all our children back at school on Monday 14th February 2022. I thank staff, children and families for your patience and cooperation over the first two weeks of school.
Take care
Kate Turner
Welcome to Term 1 2022. Educators, parents, carers and children are proficient in being more flexible in daily life than many of us have had to be in our lives. At St John Bosco School we are happy to welcome our Reception and Year 1/ 2 children back to face to face learning but our community won’t feel complete until all our Year 3-6 children return next Monday 14th February.
Gatherings at school have temporarily changed too. We will not have whole school Mass for the time being and any Liturgies we have will be held outdoors.
With both joy and sadness, we have said goodbye to Fr Peter Zwaans who has served the Brooklyn Park / Richmond Parish for the last four years. We wish him well in his new posting in Mount Gambier. As a school community we look forward to welcoming new Priest Fr Long Hai towards the end of the term.
Stay safe and God bless,
Sara Hart

Wow! What an amazing start to school we have had. The learners in Reception J have all just started school for the first time. We have been busy getting to know each other, learning through play, exploring our new school environment and delving deep into our learning. The children have engaged in so many fun, exciting and meaningful experiences already and we know there’s still so much fun ahead of us!
How do you feel about starting school?
I feel good about starting school because it’s really fun with my friend Sophia. We show loving kindness at school – Minka-Lee
I like playing with the teachers and my friends. It is exciting starting school- Liana
We share pencils with our friends and we wave at our Mums and play with our friends- Luca
I like playing with Minka-Lee and my friends because they always play with me- Sophia G
I feel good about starting school and I like playing with the blocks – Waris
I like painting flowers and rainbows at school – Freya
I like playing with the cars here - Levi
What does it mean to show loving kindness at St John Bosco School?
It’s when you shake a hand of somebody- Eyob
It’s when you’re feeling so happy you can hug someone- Isha
Loving kindness is helping someone at school – Allison

Important Dates
School's Back to Face to Face Learning
Adelaide Cup Public Holiday

Due to current restrictions, our playgroup is on hold. We will be recommencing on Tuesday 1st March 2022 at 9:00am (Week 5).
We look forward to seeing you then.
A reminder that Out of School Hours Care (OSHC) is available for our families. We are open from 7:20am - 8:30am and then again from 3:00pm - 6:00pm.
Please contact Mirella if you would like further information.
Parish News
The St John Bosco Parish will be hosting a BBQ to welcome Fr. Long Hai Nguyen and to celebrate the Feast of St John Bosco on Sunday 13th February.
Click on the link below to view the flyer.
Please ensure you have downloaded the Schoolstream App onto your phone. School alerts are are communicate to families via this app.
Click on the link below to find instructions on how to download the app.