Week 4 Term 1 2022
It is wonderful to hear chatter and laughter throughout the school with all year levels back at school engaging in their learning. I would like to personally thank families for your commitment during remote learning, although I know it was challenging, the teachers were thrilled with the work completed during this period.
Our Performing Arts teacher Robyn Windham will be taking leave for the remainder of 2022, we wish Robyn well and thank her for her dedicated service to St John Bosco School for the past 11 years. The children will now explore dance, music and drama with their classroom teachers. We will however continue with our specialist lessons of Japanese, Physical Education and Eco Literacy.
Families received their School Fees for 2022 this week. We are thrilled that our 2022 School Fees remain the same as 2021. Click here to view school fees.
I would like to remind families that all children are required to be wearing the new school uniform in 2022. The two year phase in period is now over, you can purchase items online through Devon Clothing or make an appointment to visit Devon Clothing. Please ensure your child has their school hat with them every day so that they can take full advantage of the opportunities of outside play at recess and lunch. The school policy is ‘no hat; play in the shade’ under the school veranda.
A big thank you to the families obeying the parking signs surrounding our school. It is unfortunate that we still have the same cars not obeying parking signs. Please remember by parking your car directly in front of the school, even for a quick drop off you are blocking oncoming traffic and inconveniencing everyone else in our community.
Last Friday we welcomed our new group of Little Boscos. The children commenced the Transition Program preparing to begin school in Term 3 2022. We have extended our Little Boscos Transition Program to the six months prior to beginning school, each Friday morning 8:45am to 12:00pm. If you have any queries about when your child is eligible to commence Little Boscos please speak to me or contact Franca in the front office.
We are thrilled to commence Playgroup for 2022 next Tuesday, 1st March, 9:00am to 10:30am. Carmelina our Playgroup Coordinator plans and implements a fantastic program for children aged 0 – 5 years. We welcome St John Bosco families and all families in the wider community. Please find a link to a letter explaining the recommencement of Playgroup for 2022.
Wishing you all a wonderful last weekend of summer with family and friends.
Kate Turner
Year 6 Reflection Day
On Friday 18th February, the Year 6 children participated in a Reflection Day at St John Bosco School. The purpose of the day was for all the Year 6 children to join as a senior group to discuss the very important role they have at school this year.
Leadership is a quality that children at St John Bosco School are encouraged and supported to develop. Our children undertake the role of leaders of their own learning, through the curriculum and extra curricula activities. They are nurtured and encouraged to develop the skills necessary to ensure that they all perceive themselves as leaders and have the opportunity and confidence to undertake leadership roles. An important part of the day was time allocated to explore identify and delve into discussions regarding each other’s character strengths and gifts.
At the start of the day, we had morning prayer and we each got our own little wooden heart. Indigo
Then we listened to a meditation, Ubuntu and documented key words about humanity and which personally spoke to the children.
At the end of the day, we did a fun activity called Angel Cards. We wrote something nice about the people in our class and picked out a good characteristic about them. Then we had fitness it was fun because I worked with new people. Bailey
Farewell to Father Peter
Last week the school community had the opportunity to farewell our Parish Priest, Fr Peter Zwaans. Kate Turner thanked Fr Peter for his service and dedication to being in relationship with our school and he was presented with cards from the children and staff and a framed picture of portraits drawn by Year 2 children; Evan, Nicholas and Alexis.
Next week we celebrate the beginning of Lent, one of the most significant times of the Liturgical calendar. This year each of our classes will celebrate with a liturgy in their learning environments. On Monday your child will bring home a Caritas Project Compassion money box. St John Bosco School has a long tradition of supporting this worthy cause and we encourage you to collect or contribute if you are able to.
The theme for Project compassion this year is For All Future Generations.

It has been a positive and engaging start to learning in the Year 1/2N learning environment. Connecting as learners, we have established and strengthened our friendships with one another and are motivated to flourish as capable learners.
To begin our learning in Mathematics this term, we reflected on what a mathematician is. Some of our responses were that mathematicians count and solve problems. This thinking led us to deeply explore how Mathematics is involved in our daily lives. We thought of ways Mathematics is used regularly in the role of a teacher, for example, counting the number of children in the class. We went further to reflect on how our parents use Mathematics in their jobs. This learning experience assisted us in broadening our knowledge of how Mathematics is utilised in different jobs, it also served as a great way to connect with one another.
My mum is a nurse. She uses Mathematics when she gives medicine to people. She uses number to count. Bentley
My dad goes to Coober Pedy to make solar panels. I think he uses Mathematics because he needs to make them the right size like the others. He uses the measurement and data drawers. Nate
My dad is a bus driver. He uses Mathematics by picking up passengers. He knows how many passengers leave the bus and how many passengers come onto the bus. He uses the number drawer. Prabhbir
My dad is a painter, he is the boss. He uses numbers on the paint so he knows how many litres he needs. Ilia
My dad is an Uber driver. He uses Mathematics (location) so he knows where he needs to go. He uses the Geometry drawer. Kavya
My dad is an aircraft painter. He uses Mathematics and he uses the number drawer to figure out the length of the aircraft so that he has enough paint. Oliver
My dad is a taxi driver. He uses Mathematics because he needs to know how many minutes it will take to get to a place. Sebastian
My dad works in an office. He uses Mathematics by counting how many jobs he has to do. Paolos
My dad is a builder. He uses Mathematics, he needs to know how big things are. He uses the number and measurement drawers. Hooraem
My mum works on a computer. She uses Mathematics to count her emails and load up technology. Michael
My mum works as a babysitter. My mum counts the babies. Basit
My dad is a designer. He uses Mathematics by measuring paint. Luca
My mum works at Officeworks. She uses Mathematics by putting prices on things. She uses the number drawer. Elkin
My dad is an Uber driver. He gets money by dropping people where they live. He makes sure he uses the map so that he can drive on the right road. He uses the geometry drawer. Shubnoor
My mum works at a zoo. She feeds the animals. She uses Mathematics to measure how much food the animals need. Alexander
My dad is a bus driver. He picks people up on his numbered bus. People put their card in the scanner. If it doesn’t work for you, you don’t get to go on the bus. You need to charge your card with money. Guransh
My dad uses Mathematics in his job by as he works out how many plants to plant in different areas. Harry

Important Dates
Shrove Tuesday
Ash Wednesday
Adelaide Cup Day

A reminder that Subway orders are available for our children.
They are delivered on Tuesdays and Friday and ordered through the QKR app.
St John Bosco Playgroup

We are excited to announce that St John Bosco Playgroup will commence on Tuesday 1st March from 9:00am to 10:30am.
We look forward to seeing you there.

Have you downloaded the QKR app?
This app allows you to pay for all events held at the school, such as Subway, sausage sizzles and more, as well as OSHC and School Fees in a secure and easy way from your phone.
Please note that at the beginning of each year, you will be required to update your childs class on your app.