Week 2, Term 2 2021
Welcome to Term 2. I am pleased to say all children have settled into the term with enthusiasm and a willingness to engage in their learning. Today I was invited to Mrs Sharrad’s class to listen to stories composed by our talented authors. The focus for their writing was building the tension in their writing. While listening to the children read I was on the edge of my chair anticipating what would happen next. My anticipation will grow over the coming week as the authors compose the ending to their stories, will the rock climber survive, who will win the race, what had occurred in the dark room, endless questions, I can’t wait to be answered.
We returned from the holidays to a gorgeous new Library, it is amazing how a fresh coat of paint and new flooring can breathe fresh life into a space. A huge thank you to Mrs Jeffery and Mr Kos for their time and energy in assisting in creating a beautiful space for our community.
Sports Day was a wonderful event to end Term 1. Congratulations to our Sports Captains, Jordan, Freedom, Aysha, Dominic, Maria and Andrew on leading our teams with passion. Once again Mr Zandona planned and implemented a seamless event that provided the opportunity for all our children to participate displaying their skills and talents. There was a wonderful atmosphere within the community with many families and friends attending. Our Green team; St Francis de Sales were victorious, taking out the Spirit Award and overall winners for the 2021 Sports Day.
Just a reminder that NAPLAN testing is this term in weeks three and four for children in Years 3 and 5. The assessments are undertaken nationwide, every year. NAPLAN consists of tests in the four areas of:
Language Conventions (spelling, grammar and punctuation)
Our children will complete the tests digitally on laptops. Please ensure your child arrives at school on time for the start of the school day to make sure they are ready to begin their test. As a community we approach the tests in a calm manner reassuring the children it is an opportunity to tap into their learning and knowledge gained from all their years of schooling.
I look forward to enjoying a cup of tea with many of you at the Mother’s Day Morning Tea on Friday. A big thank you to the Parents and Friends for organising a special treat for us mums, while also providing the opportunity for our children to purchase a gift for $3.00 from their stall. The Parents and Friends are meeting on Wednesday May 19th at 6:00pm in the library to plan upcoming events for our community, everyone is welcome and encouraged to attend.
Wishing all our mums and grandmothers a very special day on Sunday, you are all amazing.
Kind regards
Kate Turner

Welcome to Term 2, I trust everybody had a safe and restful break.
This term the St John Bosco School Community, Tenison Woods Catholic School Community and the Brooklyn Park/Richmond Catholic Parish join together to provide workshops for the Sacrament of Reconciliation. The workshops are led by Fr Peter Zwaans and supported by the two school Assistant Principals: Identity and Mission Rita Campbell (TWPS) and Sara Hart (SJB).
Reconciliation is a Sacrament of healing. Reaffirmed in this Sacrament is the constant truth of God’s love and forgiveness for the times we fail and need forgiveness. God’s love for us is expressed in mercy, compassion, forgiveness and peace. For this reason we can truly talk about celebrating Reconciliation: what we celebrate is God’s love and delight in us, even when we make poor choices.
Another aspect of Reconciliation is the social or relational aspect. This means that because we are human and created in God’s image and likeness, we belong to the community of God – God’s family.
Sara Hart

Important Dates
Mothers Day Stall & Morning Tea
Little Bosco's 9am - 11.30am
Parents & Friends Meeting 6pm
School Board Meeting 7pm
Little Bosco's 9am - 11.30am
Principal Tour 9am
Year 3/4 Excursion
Little Bosco's 9am - 11.30am
Pupil Free Day
Mother's Day Stall - Friday 7th May

School Banking day is Changing!

Our School Banking program will now be run on Friday's. Children can leave their deposit books in the class box to be collected, deposited and returned at the end of the day.
Parent volunteers are still needed, please contact the Office if you think you could spare about an hour to help out!
Project Compassion Boxes

Thank you to those families who have already returned their Project Compassion Boxes.
Could any families who still have their boxes at home please return them to the school Office. All monies donated will be forwarded to Caritas Australia.