Week 2, Term 4 2021
Welcome to Term 4, it’s unbelievable that we are already heading towards the end of October. It is great to see all the children back at school engaging in their learning. It is a special term for our Year 6, senior children who will have a busy term celebrating their primary education as their anticipation and excitement for their next stage of learning quickly approaches.
Our Parents and Friends are having a Sausage Sizzle Fundraiser at Airport Bunnings this Saturday, 23rd October between 9:00am and 4:00pm. I would like to personally thank the parents and staff who have volunteered their time to assist in cooking and serving. If you are hungry on Saturday please pop into Bunnings and support our fundraising by purchasing a sausage.
Our new Playgroup which began at the beginning of this term has been hugely successful with the children and families who have attended. We welcome all children and families within the wider community to attend. Playgroup is every Tuesday 9:00am to 10:30am during school term.
I would like to remind families that the transition period of moving from the old style school uniform to the new uniform ends at the end of the 2021 school year. All children are required to be in the new school uniform at the beginning of 2022. As a school we will happily collect all your old uniform pieces to donate to our friends in Samoa, please drop off to the front office.
It was lovely to see so many people at our School Picnic, thank you for your patience regarding change of days due to weather conditions. The children, staff and families seemed to have a great time. A special mention to our volunteers who assisted greatly throughout the day.
God bless
Kate Turner

Monday 18th of October was definitely meant to be our whole school picnic day at Morialta Natural Playground. The weather was perfect for exploring the different play areas, stepping on stones (mostly!) in the trickling creek or laying under a tree and cloud watching.
It was lovely to see that some families were able to attend our picnic day and we understand that the unavoidable change of date made this challenging.
Actively exploring, engaging with, and experiencing different types of natural environments allows children to touch and interact with the natural environment in their everyday life and play.
Current research clearly shows that natural environments and outdoor play are beneficial to children in many ways. Playing outdoors is important for developing capacities for creativity, symbolic play, problem solving and intellectual development. Outdoor play has clear physical benefits for developing children including helping children to acquire gross motor skills, eye-hand coordination and promoting healthy lifestyle.
Sensory stimulation derived from interacting with natural environments allows children to learn with all of their senses. These senses include seeing, hearing, touching and smelling. Time spent outdoors increases physical activity, healthy development and overall wellbeing, not only in children….in adults too!
At St John Bosco School we are encouraging our children to fall in love with nature.
It was very heart-warming to see the children become more confident in climbing equipment, hearing the dialogue between children problem solving around how to manoeuvre long logs to create cubbies that were hideouts, kitchens, secret clubs or simply shade spaces. Children being their own risk managers, negotiating how to cross one side of the creek to the other without getting wet…most of the time! A lovely time was had by all.
A BIG thank you to our official volunteers – we could not have gone with out you!
Sacrament of Holy Communion
On Thursday 23rd of September Giulia, Aria, Paola and Charlotte celebrated the Sacrament of First Holy Communion. The girls and their families participated in three workshops with myself, Fr Peter and Rita Campbell (APRIM, Tenison Woods PS) in the lead up to this celebration. We congratulate the children for completing the Sacraments of Initiation, it was a pleasure to work with the children and their families throughout their Sacramental journey.

Devon will have a pop-up store from 1st November 2021 - 22nd February 2022 located at 50 Henley Beach Road, Mile End for click and collect only. During this period, no deliveries will be sent to the school. For an additional cost, you may have items delivered to your home. Onsite visits are only available by appointment, please contact Devon directly to make your appointment.
We are excited to announce that student soft cell jackets are now available for online orders. The cost of the jacket is $65.00 for all sizes. Delivery details are as above. We have a selection of jackets at the school front office simply for viewing and sizing, please pop into the front office where you can check your child's sizing before placing your online order.
Important Dates
Little Bosco's
Bunnings BBQ Fundraiser - Airport
Principal's Tour 9:00am
Little Bosco's
All Saints Day - School Mass
SACPSSA Athletics Carnival - Years 3 - 6
Little Bosco's
Remembrance Day Liturgy
Little Bosco's
Sports Presentation Evening 6:00pm - 7:30pm
Swimming Week - Receptions - Year 4
Year 5-6 Camp - Port Hughes (Wed-Fri)
Little Bosco's
Volunteers Thank You Morning Tea
Principal's Tour 9:00am
Little Bosco's
Mission Day
Little Bosco's
End of Year Concert 6:00pm
Meet the 2022 Teacher - 10:00am - 11:00am
Year 6 End of Year Excursion
End of Year Whole School Mass 9:00am
Last day for Year 6's
Year 6 Graduation Dinner 6:30pm Lakes Resort
Last day of school - students
Last day of school - staff
