Week 3 Term 3 2024
Welcome back to Term 3. We welcome our 22 mid-year Receptions and their families to the St John Bosco community. The children have settled quickly into school life and are enjoying immersing themselves into their learning. We look forward to watching the following children flourish; Jasleen, Jayden, Nyidier, Lucas, Olivia, Zoe, Taya, Neeva, Lydia, Charlotte, Henry, Penelope, Orlando, Ava, Anny, Gurtaksh, Miles, Hugh, Aarvi, Elena, Vasilije and Eric.
Courtyard Rejuvenation
We are thrilled to present our new courtyard design, designed in collaboration with the children, staff and landscape architects. The fabulous architects from Stallard Meek Flightpath were directed in their design by the children and staff’s vision of creating an inviting space that consisted of many spaces to relax, play and construct amongst nature. The design will come to fruition later in the year, we can’t wait to have an outdoor space that is a natural extension of our beautiful indoor learning environments.
Please be aware of parking signs surrounding our school, the local council has been monitoring the streets and issuing parking fines for cars parked or dropping students off to school in restricted zones. I also ask families to be respectful of our neighbours and refrain from restricting access to their private properties.
School Fees
School Fee Statements have been sent home this week. Thank you to all the families that are making regular payments, as we are halfway through the year, half of your school fees should be paid by now, if not please rectify this asap. We encourage all families to set up a regular Direct Debit for your convenience.
Have you applied for School Card this year? St John Bosco School offers fee reduction to qualifying low-income families, by applying for the Department for Education’s School Card scheme. Under this practice, if a family has been assessed as eligible for School Card by the Department for Education, they become eligible to receive Lower Income Fees. Please note a new application is required for all families each school year. Applications for 2024 can be submitted online electronically, or via a hardcopy form completed and handed to the School Office. More information about the School Card scheme such as income limits, and cut off dates for applications can be found on their website:
Swimming lessons
Our Swimming Program for 2024 will occur from Monday 26th August to Friday 30th August for all children in Reception to Year 5. The Swimming Program will be facilitated at iswim @Immanuel. Please ensure you have returned your Swimming forms to the school front office.
For St John Bosco School to participate in Swimming lessons we require registered and inducted St John Bosco Parent volunteers to assist with maintaining child/adult supervision ratios. Please note that iswim@Immanuel do not allow parents to come and observe swimming lessons unless they are a registered volunteer wearing a yellow vest and assisting in supervision of children. If you are available to assist and are a registered volunteer, please let your child’s classroom teacher know asap.
Kate Turner
St Dominic Savio House Fundraiser
On Wednesday 3rd July (Term 2, Week 10), we hosted our St Dominic Savio House Fundraiser. House Captains Alayna and Oscar chose to support the Vinnies Winter Appeal. Children came to school wearing their coziest pyjamas and enjoyed a delicious hot chocolate at Recess time. They engaged in a range of activities on the day including Story Time, Sleeping Logs, Musical Homes and Design your own Sleep Mask/Pillowcase. We thank you for your generous donations of clothing and food towards the Vinnies Winter Appeal, helping those in need. Combining these donations with the gold coin donations from Be Active Day, we raised a total of $338.00 for St Vinnies.
Sacramental Program – First Holy Communion
Four children from St John Bosco School, along with children from Tenison Woods Catholic School and other children from the Parish, began their preparation sessions for the sacrament of First Holy Communion on Tuesday, 6th August. They will engage in three sessions before celebrating the sacrament of First Holy Communion on Saturday 7th or Sunday 8th September. Their Confirmation Ceremony will be held on Tuesday 3rd September at St Aloysius Catholic Church, Richmond.
Walk a Mile @ St John Bosco
The St John Bosco children have been preparing for our Walk a Mile in my Boots event this Friday (9th August) by receiving donations from their families and friends. The morning will begin with a Prayerful Gathering in the Hall, followed by our walkathon on the school oval, beginning at approximately 9:30am. Our school community has already raised an amazing total of $2,000.00. We thank you for your continued support with our fundraisers.
The Assumption of Mary
We extend a warm invitation to all our families to join us for a special Mass to celebrate the Assumption of Mary on Thursday, 15th August, at 11:30am in the St John Bosco Church. The Feast of the Assumption of Mary is a significant day in the Catholic calendar, marking the occasion when Mary, the mother of Jesus, was assumed body and soul into heaven. This Mass is not only an opportunity to honour Mary but also a chance for our community to come together in faith and fellowship. The Mass will be led by Fr Long Hai and the children in 3/4R.
Leah Bellifemini

What a fantastic start to Term 3 we have had. Reception RG has been exploring Sign and Symbols as part of Religious Education learning. We have explored the many familiar symbols that we encounter in our everyday lives and developed an awareness of how symbols tell a story.
We drew our own symbols that share a story about our experiences and personal connection to self.
What symbols are special to you and tell your story?
My symbol is of me playing with my sister and all the things I do at home. - Harwin
My symbol is of me painting and I love painting. It is all about me. - Agamjot
My symbol is of me and my brother playing ball and my dad helping. - Julia
My symbol is of Paige’s birthday and all the animals she had there. - Piper
My symbol is special to me because it represents me and my family. - Kosta
My symbols shows how special my family is to me. - Jackson
My symbol is of my mum and dad and how we play together. - Harry
My symbol shows that I believe in Babaji and I like feeding my fish. - Naira
I drew a symbol that shows my family, my dog, and my friends. - Noah
My symbols is my mum, my dad, me, and my brother. - Sabhya

Yesterday forty-one St John Bosco Students from Years 3-6 competed in the Catholic Schools Cross Country Carnival. We were blessed with sensational weather. The Carnival is held every year in the Adelaide Parklands. Every student that came gave it their all completing the difficult 2.5 km course. The students were positive, enthusiastic and had a great day supporting each other. A special thank you to our parent helpers Anna Smith and Linda Le who assisted with Marshalling and supervising our students. Also a huge thank you to Jessica Rushby and Lachie Camm for their help and contribution in making the day a great success for the children and school community.
Dino Zandona

A friendly reminder that the last day to hand in your Premier's Reading Challenge (PRC) Form is Friday 6th September. This allows us enough time to enter the data before PRC close the portal.
Important Dates
Walk a Mile Liturgy 9:00am
Walking Event 9:30am - 11:00am
Well Being Exhibition 3:30pm - 5:00pm
Assumption of Mary School Mass 11:30am
'Magic Performance' Book Week 1:30pm
Book Week Parade 9:00am School Hall
Swimming Week 26th - 30th August
Father's Day Breakfast 8:15am
Father's Day Stall 9:00am
School Disco R-2 & Years 3-6
Pupil Free Day
Assembly 1-2NA 8:50am
Premier's Reading Challenge - Last Day for Forms to be handed in
Season of Creation Liturgy 11:30am
SACPSSA Touch Footy
ReLAT Practice Test
ReLAT Assessment
School Board Meeting 6:30pm
P & F Meeting 5:30pm
RUOK Day Liturgy 11:30am
P & F Special Lunch - Dominos Pizza
School Photos
Assembly 3-4R 8:50am
School Picnic @ Thorndon Park Reserve Playground
Last day of Term 3

School Beanies now available for purchase at Devon Clothing

Shop 5, 516-520 Henley Beach Rd, Fulham
Phone: 8350 7940
Email: henleyus@devonclothing.com.au
Monday 8:00am – 11:00am
Wednesday 3:00pm – 6:00pm
Saturday 10:00am – 1:00pm

Download this app to order and pay for School Fees, OSHC, Subway, Excursions, Camps and more, at a time convenient for you.
The QKR App is being updated to be compatible with new android phones. In the meantime, we have been given the following link for our parents to use.
You will need to login with you account credentials. (email and password) or Register

Subway lunch orders are available through our QKR app and delivered to our school every Tuesday and Friday.
Please make sure you update your child's class details on QKR so lunches are delivered to the correct class.