Week 4 Term 1 2023
I hope you are all managing to stay cool with the current heat wave. It was lovely to see our community gather on Tuesday morning for pancakes. Shrove Tuesday is always a big hit with the children and adults! On Wednesday we gathered together for Ash Wednesday Mass with many parents and parishioners joining us to mark the beginning of our Lenten journey. From Rome, Pope Francis encourages us to use our 40 days of penance to let go of individualistic and self-reliant habits, and to refocus our hearts on God and on service to those in need.
Parents and Friends
Last week the Parents and Friends had a successful meeting planning out the years events. We were very pleased with the response from our community, volunteering their time and energy for planned events throughout 2023. Volunteers that returned a form indicating events they can assist have received an email outlining the parents and friends who will work collaboratively to plan particular events for our children and families. If you are yet to receive an email please contact Franca Jeffery for information.
Chess Mate is coming to St John Bosco School on Tuesday afternoons, 3:15pm to 4:00pm in our library. Weekly classes of chess helps develop many skills including problem solving, creativity, concentration, teamwork, decision making and general aptitude for learning. Book now at https://chessmates.com.au/ to secure your child’s position, classes begin on Tuesday 28th February. The cost for participating is $10.00 a session.
Volunteers Induction
Volunteers are a valued part of our school community. Our volunteers create a range of opportunities for our children through sport, learning and community. If you would like to be a registered volunteer at St John Bosco School we invite you to attend our upcoming Volunteers Induction session on Thursday March 2nd at 2:15pm. Elaine and I will work with parents, grandparents and friends to complete the process to ensure you are ready to attend your child’s next excursion, assist at community events or even coach a sporting team. Please register your attendance through email info@sjb.catholic.edu.au or popping into the front office.
Pupil Free Day
Care is available for students on our upcoming Pupil Free Day on Friday March 10th. A cost of $49.00 per day applies on Pupil Free Days. Please contact our OSHC Director Mirella if you require care for your child/ren.
The National Assessment Program – Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) assessment will take place earlier this year throughout Australia. The testing period begins from Wednesday 15th March to Monday 20th March with catch up testing occurring from Tuesday 21st March until Friday 24th March.
Wishing you all a wonderful weekend.

Shrove Tuesday
This week the community came together to enjoy pancakes for Shrove Tuesday. A big thank you to the parent helpers and teachers for serving delicious pancakes to our children and families.
'Shrove' comes from the word 'shrive,' which means to obtain absolution for a person's sins. Christians believe they are absolved of their sins during Lent through a process of confession, penance and by fasting or forgoing comforts.
Christians often give up their favourite foods during this time. This is believed to represent the sacrifices Jesus made when he went into the desert for 40 days to pray and fast.
Pancakes became associated with Shrove Tuesday because, on this day, people often use up all the foods they’re going to give up during Lent. The ingredients are added to flour to make pancakes.
Ash Wednesday
Ash Wednesday is the start of the Lenten period of the Liturgical calendar. Today we celebrated Mass with Fr Long Hai, our Parish Priest. It was very nice to see so many parishioners and family members in the congregation. As there are no longer restrictions, we hope to see more and more of our community members joining us for mass. Our next mass is celebrating Easter on Tuesday 11th April at 9:00am.
Cartias Australia - Project Compassion - For All Future Generations
Spanning across the six weeks of Lent each year, Project Compassion brings thousands of Australian schools, parishes and supporters together to raise funds for people living in some of the most vulnerable communities across the world.
Your generous support can help change lives today - and For All Future Generations.
Today your son/daughter will come home with a Project Compassion collection box and pamphlet. Please donate what you can. We acknowledge the rising costs of living, so please contribute what suits your family.
Sara Hart

Last week, Valentine’s Day provoked a conversation in Reception JJ about love. The children created clay hearts and decorated them, while they discussed what they know and think about love. They took their heart creations home to share with their loved ones. The Reception learners will continue to revisit this discussion as they learn more about one of the St John Bosco School values; Loving Kindness.
When do you feel love?
I feel love when my Mum cuddles me - Ayok
I feel love when everyone plays with me - Ariana
I feel love when my Dad gives hugs - Iyla
I feel love when I go to the playground and I see my friends - Lena
I feel love when my Mum cuddles me - Elijah
What is love?
It’s like when you love someone - Markos
It’s helping children when they fall - Zoe
How do you show love?
I show love when my Mummy gives me a kiss and a cuddle - Amalia
By giving cuddles - Arcadius
Who or what do you love?
I love my Mum, my Dad and my brother - Thomas
I love my Dad - Kiansh
I love when I see my friends at my birthday. When they give me a present, I give them a love heart lollipop - Amelia
I love my dog and my cat and my bird - Crystal
I love my Mum - Jozef
I love my Mum - Dion
Terry - Sebastian
I love my family - Sophia
I love my Mummy - Darcy
The children explored the following scripture and quote from Mother Teresa throughout this learning experience:
This is my commandment:
- love one another as I love you- John 15:12
- Spread love everywhere you go. Let no one ever come to you without leaving happier- Mother Teresa

Last week, our school community gathered together in house groups to vote for the children who would lead our houses for 2023.
Several Year 6 students displayed great courage to put themselves out there and presented speeches in front of their respective house peers. Two Year 6 students represent each house as their House Captain. Some could query why there is not a boy and girl captain for each house? A boy and girl captain is not a rule because in some years only boys or just girls nominate themselves as prospective house captains. We are an inclusive community and this is the best and most equitable option for this.
We are pleased to announce the House Captains for 2023.
ST DOMINIC SAVIO – GOLD - Feast Day: 9th March
The youngest person declared a Saint in our Church. He was considered a peace maker, making sacrifices “to serve the Lord with joy” at all times. Dominic gave his life to be a true follower of Jesus.
Congratulations, Victoria and Ivy.
ST MARY MAZZARELLO – BLUE - Feast Day: 14th May
Co-foundress of the Salesian Sisters. Her charity and simplicity combined with integrity and a joyful heart has inspired women all over the world to follow her example.
Congratulations, Elijah and Giulia.
ST FRANCIS de SALES – GREEN - Feast Day: 24th January
St John Bosco called his followers Salesians after St Francis de Sales, because he wanted his members to be filled with the spirit of gentleness, patience and charity.
Congratulations, Harriet and Mia.
Important Dates
Year 6 Retreat
Induction for Volunteers 2:15pm
Clean Up Australia Day
Assembly 1-2R 8:50am
Coffee Van onsite - reasonably priced - 8:25am - 9:00am
School Board Meeting 6:30pm
Pupil Free Day - Staff Reflection Day
Adelaide Cup - Public Holiday
Harmony Day Prayerful Gathering 1:30pm
Assembly 3-4H 8:50am
P & F Special Lunch
Yrs 3-6 SACPSSA Swimming Carnival
Palm Sunday Prayer - Receptions 9:00am
Holy Thursday Prayer - Yr 1-2 classes 9:00am
Stations of the Cross - Yrs 5-6 9:00am
Good Friday - Public Holiday
Easter Monday - Public Holiday
Easter Mass - Yrs 3-4 9:00am
SJB Sports Day
Last Day of Term 1

The Parents and Friends ask for your support for donations for their annual Easter Raffle.
A box will be placed in the school foyer alongside the above poster where you can drop off your donations.
Thank you in advance for supporting our school community.

Shop 5, 516-520 Henley Beach Rd, Fulham
Phone: 8350 7940
Email: henleyus@devonclothing.com.au
Monday 8:00am – 11:00am
Wednesday 3:00pm – 6:00pm
Thursday 3:00pm – 6:00pm

Subway lunch orders are available through our QKR app and delivered to our school every Tuesday and Friday.
Please make sure you update your child's class details on QKR so lunches are delivered to the correct class.

A Must Have App
Communication of School Alerts, Events and Reminders are sent to our families via this app.

Download this app to order and pay for School Fees, OSHC, Subway, Excursions, Camps and more, at a time convenient for you.
