Week 4 Term 3 2022
I thank families for your patience during school drop off and pick up times. Having roadworks on both Lipsett Terrace and Marshall Terrace could be problematic, we do seem to be coping surprisingly well.
Our children had a fantastic day at the SACPSSA Cross Country Carnival last week. Our teachers were extremely proud of our athletes and the way they conducted themselves displaying persistence, resilience and determination through the muddy running track. A big congratulations to Domenic in Year 3-4H who finished 3rd in his race. Mr Zandano and interested Year 3-6 children have started training for the next SACPSSA carnival, which is Touch Footy. We look forward to seeing our children compete as member of a team later this term.
Last Chance for School Disco Tickets
Have you purchased your child’s ticket for our annual School Disco which is happening this Friday in our School Library? Tickets are available to purchase through QKR, $7.00 each child which includes a drink and a snack. Children will receive their entry ticket bracelet at school dismissal on Friday.
Reception to Year 2 Disco: 5:30pm to 6:45pm
Year 3 to Year 6 Disco: 7:00pm to 8:45pm.
Pupil Free Day
Please note our Term 3 Pupil Free Day will be on Friday 9th September 2022. OSHC is available for families requiring care for their child between 7:20am – 6:00pm. Please note there is a charge of $49.00 for children attending OSHC during a school initiated Pupil Free Day. Please email Mirella to make a booking for your child, mirella.tsimikilis@sjb.catholic.edu.au
Relief Teachers
You may be aware that across the nation there is a shortage of teachers. At St John Bosco School we try to use relief staff who are familiar with our community, however, there have been many occasions in the last two terms where we have not been able to source a teacher at all. When this occurs, Leadership Team members sometimes take the class, specialist teachers take the class or we have to split the class across other classes. Splitting the class is our absolute last resort, when this occurs the classroom teacher sets work for the children to continue on within another learning environment. Whilst we understand this is not ideal, it does provide a level of continuity of learning for the children. We are hopeful the situation will ease as COVID numbers reduce.
Living Learning Leading Perception Surveys
All Catholic Schools in South Australia are in the process of completing the CESA Living, Learning, Leading Perception Surveys. The surveys are a product of a collaboration between Catholic Education SA (CESA) and Curtin University and are focussed on examining the understanding of the vision and extent to which Catholic Education SA's Living Learning Leading Framework is taking place in schools as perceived by the children, families and staff.
The last day for families to participate in the survey will be 26th August 2022. I strongly encourage all families to take five minutes to complete the survey. The survey provides valuable data for our lens of continuous improvement.
You can access the survey through the following link: www.NSIPartnership.com.au Please note our school code is: SJBLLLP
I thank you in advance for completing the survey.
Wishing you all a wonderful weekend.
Kate Turner
Confirmation and First Eucharist
Over the past few weeks a group of our children and parents have been participating in workshops and learning about the sacraments of Confirmation and First Eucharist.
These workshops have been planned by Fr Long Hai, myself, Rita Campbell - APRIM at Tenison Woods Primary School and members of the Parish. We have a very large group of children from St John Bosco, Tenison Woods Primary School and the Brooklyn Park / Richmond Parish. It has been wonderful to work with such a positive group of people in preparation for such a special time.
Sara Hart

What a fantastic response from our community supporting our annual Scholastic Book Fair. Our total sales exceeded $2,700.00, as a result we have been rewarded with over $800.00 worth of books to add to our Library collection.
Thank you for your wonderful support and generosity.
Julie Graney
On Thursday the 11th August about 2,000 Catholic school students participated in the SACPSSA Cross Country Carnival. Congratulations to all the 46 students from SJB who participated in the run. The students had a blast at the whole day event. Some people bumped into friends and others cheered for the people who were running in events. - Jessica and Mia
I enjoyed participating in cross country because it was fun. I came 36 out of about 200 students. - Alexandra 5-6L
I came third and I pushed myself and everyone was really supportive. I had so much fun. - Domenic 3-4H
Cross Country was very enjoyable, and I really liked running in the race. - Charlotte 5-6L
It was fun and I came 23rd which I am really proud of. - Marco 5-6L

Important Dates
School Disco
Perform Ed - 9:00am
Book Week Parade 9:00am - Theme: Dream With Eyes Open
Father's Day Stall
Touch Football Carnival Yrs 3-6
Special Lunch
Premiers' Reading Challenge
Pupil Free Day
Mission Day
School Photos
Catholic School Music Festival
St John Bosco Be Active Day
Last Day of Term 3

Subway lunch orders are available through our QKR app and delivered to our school every Tuesday and Friday.

The QKR (pronounced 'quicker') app is a secure and easy way to order and pay for school items from your phone at a time and place that suits you.

Shop 5, 516-520 Henley Beach Rd, Fulham
Phone: 8350 7940
Email: henleyus@devonclothing.com.au
Monday 8:00am – 11:00am
Wednesday 3:00pm – 6:00pm
Thursday 3:00pm – 6:00pm