Week 4 Term 3 2023
The last couple of weeks has been hectic cheering on the Green and Gold. With the Diamonds involved in the Netball World Cup and the Matildas thrilling us all in the Soccer World Cup. It has been great to have the community come together cheering on our Australian athletes. Our own St John Bosco athletes took to the Cross Country Course last week not only displaying their athleticism but also representing our school proudly. By all accounts the teachers and parent volunteers were extremely proud of our athletes in the way they conducted themselves on the Cross Country Course and throughout the day.
Walk a Mile
Last Friday we were involved in Walk a Mile. Not only did we have great fun walking laps together we raised a huge amount of money for Hutt Street Centre. A big thank you to Leah Bellifemini for organising the event and for the children and families for raising funds for such a worthy cause.
Change of Dates
Please note the change of dates for the St John Bosco Be Active Day and the School Picnic. The change of dates is necessary as the builders require access to the courtyard to update underground cabling over the October long weekend.
St John Bosco Be Active Day: Friday 22nd September
School Picnic: Thursday 28th September
2024 Planning Forms
As we begin our planning for the 2024 school year, we would appreciate families completing the 2024 Planning Form sent home earlier this week. As stated in our 2023 Finance Policy, families of children attending St John Bosco School must provide one term’s notice in writing of their intention to withdraw their child(ren) from the school. If this is not provided a term’s fee will be required. Please return your form to the front office or to your child’s classroom teacher, by Monday 21st August.
2024 School Fees
We are pleased to inform our families that there will be no increase in school fees for the 2024 school year. Catholic Education SA has announced it will freeze tuition fees at its 84 Diocesan schools for the 2024 school year.
“We recognise that cost-of-living increases are putting significant pressure on families,” says Dr Neil McGoran, Executive Director, Catholic Education SA.
“Growth in enrolments across the State in our 101 Catholic Schools, together with prudent financial management, puts us in a position where we are able to hold tuition fees at this year’s level.”
Dr McGoran said the fee-freeze will not impact the quality of education.
“We’re committed to keeping school fees as low as possible and ensuring a Catholic education is affordable and accessible to all.”
Since 2019, Catholic Education SA has been implementing the Making Catholic Education More Affordable Initiative to ensure Catholic schools are accessible to any family who wants their child to have a Catholic education.
In addition to the fee-freeze, further fee remissions are available to any family who is struggling to pay school fees due to financial difficulties. Families should contact the principal for more information.
LLL Parent and Caregiver Survey
All Catholic Schools in South Australia are in the process of completing the CESA Living, Learning, Leading Perception Surveys. The surveys are a product of a collaboration between Catholic Education SA (CESA) and Curtin University and are focussed on examining the understanding of the vision and extent to which Catholic Education SA's Living Learning Leading Framework is taking place in schools as perceived by the children, families and staff. I encourage all families to take five minutes to complete the survey. You can access the survey here. I thank you in advance for completing the survey.
Pupil Free Dates
Please mark the remaining 2023 Pupil Free Dates in your diaries.
Friday 29th September
Thursday 14th December
Friday 15th December
Wishing you all a wonderful weekend. Go the Matlidas!
Kate Turner

The Feast of The Assumption of Mary Mass
On Tuesday, the SJB community gathered to celebrate the Assumption of Mary into heaven, when God raised the body and soul of the Mother of God to share in the glory of her beloved Son. Throughout the mass, we reflected on the incredible journey of Mary, whose faith and devotion has inspired countless generations. Mary was chosen by God to be the mother of His Son, Jesus, and she lived a life full of faith, kindness, and love for others. Just like Mary, each one of us can make a positive difference in the world through our kindness, generosity, and compassion towards others. We heard stories and lessons from Mary's life that will inspire us to be more loving, patient, and understanding. We thank Fr Long Hai for leading our Mass and the parishioners, family and friends who joined us in the celebration. A special mention goes out to the children who took part in the mass and to those who created some special artwork.
Walk a Mile
Last Friday we saw the SJB community come together for our Walk a Mile in My Boots Walkathon, where we walked in solidarity with people experiencing homelessness in South Australia. 2,033 people like us walked to help provide vital services to people experiencing homelessness. Over 25,943 miles were covered across the suburbs, trails, and beaches of South Australia. $535,358 was raised to help end homelessness (and counting)! Because of you all, there are:
- more warm meals for people going hungry on cold winter mornings.
- access to hot showers, lockers, and friendly conversations for people doing it tough.
- better access to professional support services so that in the long term.
- people walking through our doors have the chance to find their own place to call home.
SJB raised $3,426.50 as a community!!!! We can’t thank you enough for your generosity in supporting homelessness in South Australia.
Made In The Image Of God (MITIOG) Parent/Caregivers Information Session
We will be holding a MITIOG parent and caregivers information session on Wednesday, August 30 at 2:30pm in the SJB Library. Please RSVP by Monday 21 August to Leah.Bellifemini@sjb.catholic.edu.au if you would like to attend. This session is occurring before the children begin exploring MITIOG content with their classroom teacher. A parent letter informing you of the content will be sent home next week.
Leah Bellifemini

Whether you need to change your shark thought into a dolphin thought, recognise an emotion in yourself or a peer, or calm down your guard dog, the children in 1-2C can give you a helping hand!
This year, the St John Bosco community has employed the Grow Your Mind program to support students, staff, and the community in maintaining their wellbeing. It has become one of our favourite subjects!
Inside of our brain we have 5 different animals, which help us to achieve different goals in our day-to-day life.
Sifting Sooty (Reticular Activating System)
The Sifting Sooty helps us focus when we are doing something – Roona
I use my Sifting Sooty when I need to figure out my work - Eva
Guard Dog (Amygdala)
I use my Guard Dog when I am scared – London
I use my Guard Dog when I get mad – Alexander P
Wise Owl (Prefrontal Cortex)
The Wise Owl helps me solve problems – Dheeyu
I use my Wise Owl to make good decisions – Elliana
I use my Wise Owl when I do my tasks in class – Aedan
Sensitive Octopus (Insular Cortex)
I use my Sensitive Octopus to be kind and it helps me have friends – Lily
I use my Sensitive Octopus when I play with my friends – Luca P
My Sensitive Octopus helps me to be kind - Sara
The Elephant (Hippocampus)
I use my Elephant when I need to remember things – Michael O
I use my Elephant when Miss Willoughby tells us some instructions – Oliver
We have also been exploring how we can BoB (be of benefit) at school, at home and in the community. Here are some ideas we have come up with!
I can be of benefit by cleaning without being asked – Alex M
I can be of benefit by being a good friend – Salome
I can be of benefit by giving hi-fives – Zidane
I can be of benefit by helping my classmates – Hooraem
I can be of benefit by showing love – Aria
I can be of benefit by helping to water the plants - Waris
Charlie Willoughby

On Thursday the 10th of August forty-three St John Bosco Students from Years 3-6 competed in the Catholic Schools Cross Country races. This was held in the Adelaide Parklands against 66 other Catholic Schools. Every student that came gave it their all. With every St John Bosco student completing the difficult 2km course. The students were positive, enthusiastic and had a great day supporting each other. A special mention to Domenic, James, Ivy and Nicholas who finished in the top ten places of their events. A special thank you to our parent helper Linda Li and also our teachers, Helena Pommeroy and Marianne Pope who assisted on the day.
Dino Zandona

Important Dates
P & F Special Lunch
Book Week Performance 'Way Too Cool'
Book Week 21st - 25th August - READ GROW INSPIRED
Book Week Parade 9:00am
Assembly RGK 8:50am - NOTE: change of date
P & F Father's Day Stall 9:30am
ReLAT Practice Week
Confirmation @ 7:00pm
Year 3-4 Camp - Warrawong Wildlife Sanctuary
Year 3-4 Camp - Return from Warrawong Wildlife Sanctuary
Assembly RJJ 8:50am
ReLAT Assessment
School Board Meeting 6:30pm
R U OK Day - Prayerful gathering
School Disco R-2 & Years 3-6
School Photos - NOTE change of date
SJB Be Active Day - NOTE: change of date
Catholic School Music Festival
SJB School Picnic - NOTE change of date
Pupil Free Day
Last day of Term 3
Premiers' Reading Challenge
Don’t forget about the Premiers Reading Challenge!!!
We are rapidly approaching the last day.
Reception - Year 2 complete the challenge has a whole class.
Years 3-6 complete the challenge individually.
Once your child has completed the challenge, please asked them to take their form to the library to Mrs Julie Graney by Wednesday 6th September - Last Day!!!!

Shop 5, 516-520 Henley Beach Rd, Fulham
Phone: 8350 7940
Email: henleyus@devonclothing.com.au
Monday 8:00am – 11:00am
Wednesday 3:00pm – 6:00pm
Thursday 3:00pm – 6:00pm

Download this app to order and pay for School Fees, OSHC, Subway, Excursions, Camps and more, at a time convenient for you.
The QKR App is being updated to be compatible with new android phones. In the meantime, we have been given the following link for our parents to use.
You will need to login with you account credentials. (email and password) or Register.
