Week 6, Term 1 2021
St John Bosco School’s Annual General Meeting was held last Wednesday 24th February. Thank you to the parents and staff that attended the AGM. We welcomed four new and returning members to the committee for the next two years; Peter Deng, Lester Marks, Renay Cooke and Kerry Waiblinger. I thank our new and ongoing committee members for their commitment and energy to overseeing the governance of St John Bosco School. Our first meeting for the year will be on Wednesday March 17th at 6:00pm for our Master Planning Consultation meeting where all parents, friends and parishioners are warmly invited.
Thank you to all the families that met with their child’s teacher for learning conversations. Learning conversations early in the school year are a great opportunity for families and teachers to connect, as a solid partnership between home and school ensures each of our children are thriving in their learning journey. I would like to remind families that all teachers are available to meet with families throughout the year at a mutually convenient time to discuss your child, may it be a worry or celebration.
Yesterday many of our children enjoyed their Subway lunch. Families have the convenience and opportunity to order Subway rolls and wraps at St John Bosco each Tuesday and Friday. Orders can be placed through QKR, closing at 8:30am on Subway days. Please be mindful that late orders cannot be accepted and if your child is absent orders cannot be cancelled through the school, you are welcome to collect their order that will be refrigerated.
Like all cycles in life our active members of our Parents and Friends are finding their working life and commitments is limiting their ability to led initiatives within the community. We would like to invite all members of our community to an upcoming meeting on Thursday 11th March at 8:45am. Moving forward we would like our Parents and Friends to plan and initiate community building events for families and children, with different parents volunteering for events. We look forward to seeing you next week at the meeting if you have an idea to contribute or would like to volunteer your time to at least one Parents and Friends initiative during the year.
Last Friday we had our first assembly for the year with many children being welcomed into our community. Our Semester One Student Voice representatives and Fitness Leaders were presented to the community. We also presented our Year 6 leaders their senior tops and badges.
Our upcoming Master Planning Community Consultation meeting is an opportunity for families to put forward their vision, hopes and dreams for our site. We invite all parents, school board members and parishioners to a consultation meeting on Wednesday 17th March at 6:00pm in our library. Consultants from Edge Architects will lead the consultation process. We look forward to your support in this process.
As a school we value student voice, with this in mind our senior children have been busy preparing their thoughts and ideas ready for the upcoming Master Planning consultation. The children will have the opportunity to present their work to the architects. Their passion and drive to ensure St John Bosco School is a shining light in the western suburbs for future students is truly inspiring.
Wishing you a rewarding week, with a relaxing long weekend ahead.
Kate Turner

As we begin the second week of Lent we are reminded to pray, fast and give.
Why do we pray during Lent?
Throughout the season of Lent, we are called to deepen our prayer life. For some of us, this means beginning a habit of daily prayer, setting aside time each day to share our hopes, joys, fears and frustrations with God. Praying first thing in the morning, while the house is still quiet, or talking to God while on your commute to work are simple ways to integrate prayer into everyday life.
Why do we Fast?
Lent has traditionally been the season where we give something up, often sweets or a favourite food, in order to focus on the sacrifice Jesus made for us. But fasting is much more than a means of developing self-control. In the Western world, fasting from food is a reminder of our abundance and a way to walk in solidarity with people around the world who struggle with daily hunger and starvation. Limiting social-media exposure or fasting from the 24-hour news networks are ways to quiet our minds and open our hearts.
Why Do We Give Alms?
The Lenten call to almsgiving means making the needs of other people our own. We are also called to share our time tending to people in need. Giving to charity is showing caritas, love, for our neighbour just as Jesus told us to. St Francis of Assisi said, “in giving we receive.” This is very true. When you have love for someone, and you give to them, it’s better than any gift you could receive. Anyone that’s ever watched their children open a gift knows this to be true.
St John Bosco Student Voice
As part of our call to Servant Leadership the students of St John Bosco have elected members of their Learning Communities to represent their student voice, thoughts and feelings at regular meetings focussing on important decisions for our school.
RBL Kuol & Johnny
RC Jesse & Alexandar
1-2S Evan & Andrea
1-2W Dean & Mikaela
3-4H Mayayla & Roman
3-4P Elle & Jah
5-6SR Chace & Freedom
5-6ZG Charlotte & Aysha

Yesterday many of our children enjoyed their Subway lunch. Families have the convenience and opportunity to order Subway rolls and wraps at St John Bosco on Tuesday’s and Friday’s. Families will be able to place orders using the QKR APP. The orders will go directly to Subway and be delivered to school.
Choose a Sub or Wrap with a variety of meat and salad options as well as cheese and toppings. The lunches will vary from $4 - $6 and must be pre-ordered and pre-paid.
Once logged into QKR, select: St John Bosco School > Subway Lunches > Select the Date
then go ahead and place your order.
If you have not already downloaded the APP, instructions can be accessed via the school website. Should you have any questions or concerns about how to use the APP please contact the school Office.
Orders for Subway Lunches close strictly by 8:30am on the day and will be an ongoing option for families to use for lunch orders for your child/ren. Please note the school Office will not be managing this service and we ask that you do not visit on the day. No cash payments or orders can be received at the school Office. If you do miss the cut off time there will be an opportunity to order on the next available day.
If your child is absent from school you are able to cancel your order prior to 8:30am using the QKR APP. Please be mindful orders cannot be cancelled through the school, you are welcome to collect their order that will be refrigerated.

For many years children have been participating the School Banking Program here at St John Bosco School which is run by Parent Volunteers.
School Banking day is Tuesday at St John Bosco School however with the need for Volunteers we are looking at changing our School Banking Day.
School Banking is also a great fundraiser for our school. Our school receives a Regular Savers Contribution of $5 for every 10 deposits processed per student as well as an Annual Contribution.
Our School Banking is made possible because of Volunteers. Unfortunately, to enable our program to continue we are in desperate need of Parent Volunteers. If you are interested in helping and can spare an hour of your time on a Tuesday morning we would love to hear from you! If Tuesday is not the best day for you let us know as we can always change our School Banking Day. Thank you to those parents who have made contact to register their interest in helping on another day. We are working with the Commonwealth Bank and looking at the best options.
School Banking Parent Guides have been sent home with new children today and are also available from the school Office.
For more information about the program or to apply online click the this link here.
Important Dates
Adelaide Cup Public Holiday
Master Planning Consultation Meeting 6pm
Swimming Carnival 1:00pm
Pupil Free Day
Sports Day 8:45am to 1:30pm
Master Plan

Student Absentees

If your child will be absent from school please contact the Office by 9:00am. Parents are able to submit absentees using the School Stream APP or phoning the school Office on 8249 4900. Please ensure you select 0 for our absentee line and leave a message with your child's name, class and reason for absentee.

Have you downloaded our QKR APP yet?
The secure and easy way to order and pay for school items from your phone is QKR, by Mastercard.
Order and pay for your child's, Tuition Fees, OHSC, excursions, camps and more, therefore reducing the need to bring cash to school.
See your receipts on the APP and send them by email if required.
Click the link below to find out more.
Easter Raffle

We will be holding an Easter Raffle and are looking for donations from our community. Donations of chocolate eggs, bunnies or small bags of little eggs would be greatly appreciated. One item per family would be fantastic. All donations can be left in the basket provided in the school Office.
Keep your eye out for details coming soon on how to buy your tickets!