Week 6, Term 2 2021
Finding joy in learning is one of our hopes for our young people at St John Bosco School. How we do this as educators is by providing rich learning environments that assist our children discover who they are as learners. As educators we co-construct learning alongside the children as they journey through the lines of inquiry and self-discovery. We explore concepts intentionally, while also allowing time for children to explore and make their own discoveries in all learning areas.
Recently I was privileged to be part of the Year 5-6 children’s presentations on their vision for St John Bosco School. The presentations were a culmination of many weeks of inquiry learning, centred on their individual hopes and dreams for our school. The inquiry learning was initiated by a discussion with myself outlining the Master Planning process and a discussion with our architect, Pino. The children were excited and full of ideas on what needed to be added and improved upon to make our school shine! The passion and excitement from each child as they presented their project to the senior unit was inspiring. The children had great delight in explaining the process of learning, the highlights along the way but also the problems they encountered how collaborating together as a team they were able to overcome the hiccups in their learning journey. I look forward to leading a community with many exciting additions to our community all initiated by our children. Japanese gardens, frog ponds, cafes, soccer arenas, STEM rooms and dance studios it will be interesting to see how our architect incorporates the children’s ideas in our Master Plan.
We have two long standing members of our community who have decided to resign their positions from St John Bosco School. Louise Kennewell one of our valued members of the Administration team will leave at the end of the term. I am sure you would agree with me it is a huge loss for the St John Bosco community, Louise is a hardworking and passionate employee. We wish Louise success and happiness with her business, I am sure she will keep connected with our community.
Paul Thomas has been on leave from St John Bosco School for the past 18 months. Although I have not worked with Paul, I have heard many inspiring stories of his work as a teacher for over 18 years in the St John Bosco community. We wish Paul success with his future endeavours. Between Louise and Paul they have 36 years of dedicated service to St John Bosco School, thank you.
The uniform shop located in our school grounds will be closing down, with the last available day to purchase on Tuesday 16th June. Devon Clothing invites families to purchase their school uniform items at the Devon Clothing Uniform Shop in Edwardstown or online orders are available with delivery directly to your home or to the school.
On Monday 7th June we have a Pupil Free Day. If you require care please contact Charlie Willoughby our Acting OSHC Director to secure your child’s position at OSHC. Leanna Vita is currently on leave travelling around the Northern Territory. We wish Leanna a restful break as I’m sure she enjoys many exciting adventures. Leanna will return to OSHC on Tuesday 8th June.
A big thank you to the Parents and Friends for organising our recent Pizza Special Lunch. The children and staff certainly enjoyed the treat. I would also like to thank Charlotte, Eunice, Amelia, Tian and Mahi for organising our Crazy Sock Day. As a community we raised $300. Congratulations!
Enjoy the winter season, and every blessing it brings.
Kate Turner
Last week Eva and Aria attended mass at St Francis Cathedral to celebrate 200 years of Catholic education in Australia.
Fr Peter was a part of the celebration led by Archbishop Patrick O’Regan. A big thank you to Ms Hart, Ms Jeffery, Eva and Aria for representing St John Bosco School.

CRAZY SOCK DAY was an initiative of a group of our Year 6 students.
They gathered the Learning Communities and spoke about the purpose of Crazy Sock Day and the importance of raising money and awareness for the Leukemia Foundation. Thank you SJB community for supporting this worthy cause. $300 was raised! Fantastic initiative by our senior leaders.

Thank you to the Parents & Friends for organising our Pizza Lunch last Thursday. Pizza is always a favourite with the children.

Important Dates
Little Bosco's 9am - 11:30am
Pupil Free Day
Little Bosco's 9am - 11:30am
Reception Community Assembly 9:30am
Public Holiday
Year 3/4 Community Mass 9am
Little Bosco's 9am - 11:30am
Pupil Free Day - Monday 7th June

Monday 7th June will be a Pupil Free Day.
Our OHSC service will be available.
Please contact the school Office or email charlie.willoughby@sjb.catholic.edu.au to secure your booking.
If your child will be absent from school please contact the school Office by 9am. You can do this by phoning 8249 4900 and selecting 0 to leave a message using the absentee line. Please note you do not need to speak with reception. Alternatively, using our School Stream APP, you are able to submit an absentee notification form. Knowing the whereabouts of our students is a critical part of our shared duty of care. Parents will be contacted for unexplained absentees on the day. We thank you for your support in contacting us by 9am to report your child's absence.
Sports Results
We would love to share our sporting team results with the community. Coaches can email results directly to Louise Kennewell via email louise.kennewell@sjb.catholic.edu.au by Monday morning to be included in our fortnightly Newsletter.
Saturday 22nd May
Under 8
Goal Scorers: Dom 2
Under 12
Game 1:
SJB 18 def Kidman Park 1
Game 2:
Portside 9 def SJB 0
Game 3:
SJB 5 def Westport 4
Game 4:
SJB 14 def Westbeach 1
The Under 12’s have played 4 great ‘friendly’ games. The team have been passing well, sharing the ball and there have been multiple scorers in most of the games. The team is looking forward to the league game starting this week.


Have you downloaded our QKR APP yet?
Please make sure you have the correct class details for your child/ren to avoid confusion on special days with orders going to the wrong classrooms.
The secure and easy way to order and pay for school items from your phone is QKR, by Mastercard.
Order and pay for your child's, Tuition Fees, OHSC, excursions, camps and more, therefore reducing the need to bring cash to school.
See your receipts on the App and send them by email if require
Click the link below to find out more.