Week 6, Term 3 2021
Congratulations to Aria, Paola, Giulia, Charlotte, Cristopher, Ondrei and Kathlyn who celebrated the Sacrament of Confirmation last Thursday with Fr Phillip Marshall and Fr Peter Zwaans. Children from our Parish community and Tenison Woods Catholic Primary School also joined our children for the celebration. It was a privilege to be with the families and friends of the children for such a special occasion. A big thank you to Fr Peter, Sara Hart and Rita Campbell for preparing the children to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation.
Book Week
The Children’s Book Council of Australia’s Book Week theme for 2021, Old Worlds, New Worlds, Other Worlds was embraced by the St John Bosco community once again under the guidance of Mrs Franca Jeffrey. Franca works hard each year to plan many exciting activities for our children and staff. The Scholastic Book Fair has been open all week with the community purchasing over $3000.00 worth of books, which enabled our school to select $500.00 worth of books for our library, thank you! Our annual Book Week Parade looked a bit different this year with the current restrictions in place. Our children paraded around the oval with many parents and friends watching from Marshall Terrace. We appreciate your understanding and willingness to still be part of the action, even from afar! Thank you to the families for the time and effort you put into your child’s costume, it is always exciting to watch the many characters walk into the school yard on Book Week Parade morning. Every day after lunch this week, our staff visit a different class to share their favourite book, the children excitedly welcome the visitor into their learning environment. Book Week is always such a fun week in the school calendar, with so many activities planned all centred on promoting a love for reading, which is so beneficial, especially in the current climate. “A book is a magical thing that lets you travel to faraway places without ever leaving your chair” Katrina Mayer.
Living Learning Leading Perception Survey
A big thank you to all the staff, children and families who took the time to complete the CESA Living, Learning, Leading Perception Survey. The data collected from the survey will assist our school and CESA in understanding how the Living Learning Leading Framework is embedded in our own school community and throughout Catholic Education South Australia.
Pupil Free Day
Last Friday the staff gathered at beautiful McLaren Vale to spend the day together for our bi-annual Reflection Day. Sara Hart our APRIM planned an informative and reflective day, providing ample opportunities for staff to nurture their own faith. A big thank you to Sara for planning a lovely day, providing just what the soul ordered.
Week 5 was a big week for the St John Bosco community. We celebrated the solemnity of the Assumption of Mary with Mass led by Fr Peter Zwaans. At St John Bosco, an important part of Mass is student participation. Our children write and read prayers and singing is an enjoyable part of our celebration.
Last Thursday night, Aria, Paola, Giulia, Charlotte, Cristopher, Ondrei and Kathlyn celebrated their Confirmation in a ceremony led by Fr Philip Marshall and Fr Peter Zwaans. We congratulate the children and their families.
On the student free day, the St John Bosco Staff participated in a Reflection Day at Red Poles, McLaren Vale. The focus of the day was to consider Integral Humanity. We reflected on the Parable of the Good Samaritan and talked about love and grace in the world. This was unpacked in many different ways. Our guest speakers were Fr Tom Gleeson, resident Priest of the Willunga Parish and Fr Peter.
Our workshops for the Sacrament of the First Holy Communion begin on Wednesday September 1st at 6:30pm at the St John Bosco Library. Please email Sara Hart if you are interested in the program - Sara.Hart@sjb.catholic.edu.au

Last Tuesday our children came to school dressed as their favourite book character or they embraced the theme of Book Week, this year being - Old Worlds, New Worlds, Other Worlds. They looked absolutely amazing! A lot of time and effort was put into their outfits. Thank you all for your contribution.

Important Dates
Perform Education
Little Big Book Swap
Father's Day Stall
Premiers' Reading Challenge
Last Day
Parents & Friends Meeting 6pm
Catholic Schools Music Festival Choir
School Photos
Be Active Day
Last day of Term 3
Holiday Workshops

Two Holiday Workshops in Term 3 Holidays for students in Years 1 to 8. For more information visit tech-heads-kids-stem-workshop/