Week 6 Term 3 2022

Welcome to the Season of Creation. It is lovely to have some sunshine, hopefully it is here to stay. Waking up to birds chirping, is always a favourite time of the year for me.
It has been a busy morning with the community celebrating Father’s Day with many dad’s and grandparents joining us in the courtyard, being served coffee and biscuits from the staff. The children from Year 3-4 showcased recent learning at their assembly. Children purchased gifts from the Father’s Day Stall. Finally, our Year 1-2 children boarded the bus to attend their excursion to the Steam Museum.
Sacraments of Initiation
A big congratulations to the St John Bosco children that celebrated the Sacrament of Confirmation last week; Dominic, Allegra, Alexia, Sebastian, Cristopher, Liam, Olivia and Roman. The children celebrated their sacraments along with members of the parish and Tenison Woods Catholic School. It was a lovely celebration organised in partnership with the parish and schools. A big thank you to Sara Hart for leading the children through their sacramental journey in partnership with Fr Long Hai and the sacramental team.
School Disco
A big thank you to all the staff and parents who contributed to making our annual school disco a wonderful night. The children danced the night away while taking short breaks to capture the event with an image from the photo booth. The children did an amazing job in co-constructing the DJ’s playlist, coming up with some all-time favourites of the adults.
Special Lunch
On Wednesday 7th September we will be having a special lunch which includes a hotdog and ice block. A vegetarian hotdog option is available. Please place your order through QKR by 8:00pm MOnday 5th September to avoid missing out! Late orders may not be able to be accommodated.
Pupil Free Day
Our Term 3 Pupil Free day is next week, on Friday 9th September 2022. The teachers will be led by Sara Hart our APRIM on a refresher course on the Made In The Image Of God (MITIOG) Human Sexuality Curriculum. You will receive a letter on Monday outlining the MITIOG content your child will explore with their teacher during the last few weeks of Term 3.
OSHC is available for families requiring care during the Pupil Free Day. Please note there is a charge of $49.00 for children attending OSHC during a school initiated Pupil Free Day. Please email Mirella to make a booking for your child, mirella.tsimikilis@sjb.catholic.edu.au
Education Support Officer’s
This week we celebrated our wonderful Education Support Officer’s (ESO’s). We acknowledged their dedication and passion towards supporting our children and teachers. Our ESO’s are valued members of the community. It was nice to stop and show our gratitude to the ESO’s as their work is certainly essential in our community.
Wishing all our dad’s and grandfather’s a wonderful Father’s Day.
Kate Turner

At St John Bosco School, children who have a language background other than English are supported to achieve proficiency in Standard Australian English over their time at school.
The children in the Year 1/2 Classes have been working on using different sentence openers to write an orientation for narrative writing. Various storybook orientations were modelled first and then the children had a go at writing their own based on the authors’ pattern of writing.
These are some examples of writing from our EALD learners ….
In the Jungle - Deep in the Australian jungle, there lived a monkey called Eve. She was very sad because she had no friends to play with.
Luca the Wombat - One day there was a wombat named Luca. He lived in a little house. The problem was he was too scared to explore.
The Little Dog - In the light of the moon, there was a little dog sleeping on the side of the road.
Tails the Fox - In the light of the stars, a little fox named Tails was climbing up a tree.
Little Bat - In the light of the moon, a little bat was flying home.
Anna Terminello - EALD Teacher
At St John Bosco (and R U OK?) we believe that you are never too young to look out for your mates and learn how to ask, “Are you OK?”
Next Thursday, 8th September, St John Bosco will be hosting an R U OK? Day fundraiser, to help raise money for a great cause. On this day, we ask that your child wears yellow clothing and brings a gold coin donation. Throughout this National Day of Action, the children will be participating in a range of activities and challenges, to help raise awareness.
By fundraising, we hope to help R U OK? spread their message to every classroom across Australia and start meaningful conversations whenever they spot the signs that someone they care about might be struggling with life.
We would be so grateful if you could donate to our fundraiser, by either bringing in a gold coin donation and/or donating at the link below.
From all of us, thank you so much.
Together, we will make a difference.

Important Dates
Touch Football Carnival Yrs 3-6
Special Lunch - orders close Monday 5th September
R U OK? Day
Premiers' Reading Challenge - Last Day
Pupil Free Day
Mission Day
School Photos
Catholic Schools Music Festival Choir
St John Bosco Be Active Fun Day
Last day of Term 3

Scholastic Book Club
Scholastic Book Club catalogues will be sent home with children next week. Orders can be made online via LOOP by Credit Card or PayPal. Please ensure orders are submitted by the 15th September.

Shop 5, 516-520 Henley Beach Rd, Fulham
Phone: 8350 7940
Email: henleyus@devonclothing.com.au
Monday 8:00am – 11:00am
Wednesday 3:00pm – 6:00pm
Thursday 3:00pm – 6:00pm

Subway lunch orders are available through our QKR app and delivered to our school every Tuesday and Friday.
