Week 6 Term 3 2023
I imagine all the dads had a lovely Father’s Day enjoying the sunshine while spending time with your family. It was wonderful that so many of our dads came together last Friday morning to enjoy a bacon and egg sandwich, thank you to the staff for organising. A big thank you to our Parents and Friends for organising our Father’s Day stall to assist our children in selecting a special gift for their dad.
Change of Dates
Please note the change of dates for the St John Bosco Be Active Day and the School Picnic. The change of dates is necessary as the builders require access to the courtyard to update underground cabling over the October long weekend.
- St John Bosco Be Active Day: Friday 22nd September
- School Picnic: Thursday 28th September
Pupil Free Dates
Please mark the remaining 2023 Pupil Free Dates in your diaries.
- Friday 29th September
- Thursday 14th December
- Friday 15th December
If you require care for your child/ren for our upcoming Pupil Free Day on Friday 29th September 2023 please contact Mirella our OSHC Director to make your booking, charges do apply.
We are pleased to inform you that we have been successful in increasing our OSHC and Vacation Care licence to 45 children each day. The Education Standards Board notified the school late last week that we can have 45 children attending our service each day from August 31st 2023. If you require a casual or permanent booking please contact Mirella by email mirella.tsimiklis@sjb.catholic.edu.au
School Picnic
On Thursday 28th September the whole school will be travelling by chartered buses to Belair National Park for our School Picnic. We welcome families to join us for the day. More information regarding the format of the day will be sent home shortly. Place this date in your diary, let’s hope for a sunny day enjoying nature.

Visit of the Holy RELIC of St John Bosco at Gawler Church
The relic statue of St John Bosco, better known as Don Bosco, will be touring Australia as part of the celebrations of the centenary of the arrival of the Salesians on Australian soil. The Salesians came to the shore of Australia on 30th March 1923 in Fremantle, Western Australia. The wax replica of the Saint contained in a glass casket comes from the Province of Hong Kong, made by Gianpiero Zoncu at the time of Don Bosco's beatification in 1929. A small bone from the right arm of the Saint was removed and placed in this wax replica before being securely concealed in the large glass casket. Please see below the Relic Tour schedule (September 1-5):
Friday 1st September
Xavier College Gawler
5:00 to 8:00 pm in St John Bosco, Brooklyn Park, Fr Long Hai
Saturday 2nd September
Saturday 6pm to Sunday 12 noon: St Peter & Paul Parish, Gawler
Sunday 3rd September
3:00 pm to 8:30 pm - Church of the Holy Name (80 Payneham Road, Stepney)
Monday 4 September
Xavier College
The program at St John Bosco Parish will be as follows:
5:00pm: Welcome Ceremony
6:30pm: Mass
Venerating until 8:00pm.
All are welcome to come pay homage and pray at the relic.
Made in the Image of God – Weeks 7, 8 & 9
The MITIOG Curriculum seeks to offer young people in our Catholic schools the insight that sexuality is not a trivial thing and that being human is a wonderfully rich, beautiful and complex experience. Schools teach human sexuality because it is a part of who we all are and is a part of coming to know ourselves in relationship with others and God. Our sexuality is a part of our whole being, right from our conception. It is an innate human drive and dimension that permeates and influences human action, thought and feeling. And it is through our sexuality that we encounter, engage with and love others. Our own Catholic school communities are diverse culturally, socially, spiritually etc…- and so these different experiences and perspectives have been considered in the development and teaching of a Human Sexuality program through the lens of Catholicism. Although we offer this curriculum, all Catholic schools recognise and respect that it is families who are the first educators of their child’s sexuality. It is for this reason that we have communicated with you to let you know that we are about to engage with Catholic Education’s theologically reviewed MITIOG curriculum. Families can request that their child not participate in these MITIOG lessons (or a particular MITIOG lesson) depending on the content. Please know that teachers do not teach content beyond the scope of the age-appropriate curriculum. Further to this, part of helping your child feel safe and understand boundaries in a Human Sexuality curriculum is for the teacher to set up good classroom practices at the start of the MITIOG learning. Please know that you can read up online at the MITIOG website. Here you will find information about the role of the family, the curriculum itself, and how to talk to your child to help deepen their understanding and growth of their human sexuality. https://re.cesa.catholic.edu.au/mitiog-home
The Assumption of Mary
On Tuesday the 15th of August we celebrated the Assumption of Mary into heaven. The children were inspired by different images of Mary and had prior knowledge, questions, and wonderings to share. This led us to create our own image of Mary. The children began the process by sketching Mary’s facial features. They then began to manipulate wire to mirror their sketches. This came together to create our shared artwork, ‘Wire Mary’.
Mary is Jesus’ Mum. – Kiansh
God and Mary are Jesus’ Mum and they care for their land and people in heaven and back when the Kaurna people were first on this land a long, long time ago. – Iyla
Mary married Joseph a long, long time ago. – Zoe
Mary went to heaven to be with Jesus. – Crystal
Mary said ‘yes’ to God. – Thomas
Jesus’ Mum said ‘yes’. – Jaisikh
Mary was kind. – Jugaadveer
We sang a Mary song for prayer. – Zoe
We made Mary and we had to put lots of teamwork and effort into it. We used wire and it was fun! We had to use friendship and we had to speak and use a lot of people for it. – Iyla
I worked on Mary’s eyes. I made circles in the middle with wire. It was so good! – Darcy
I had to do lots of twisting with the wire. – Arcadius
I did a nose drawing and then I just put wire on my drawing. It made a shape like a nose. – Ariana
I drew Mary’s eyes. They were like big ovals. – Elijah
I did the eyeballs on wire Mary. The eyes were hard. I got a small bit and attached it around to make the eyeballs. – Amalia
I did a little eye too. It took perseverance! – Amelia
I did her lips with Crystal. It was easy because we were bending it and pointing it but when we were putting the line inside it was a bit hard. – Ayok
Mary wears a blue scarf on her head. So does our Mary. – Lena
We made Mary! – Jozef
I like the ‘Wire Mary’ it looks so good. – Markos
I felt proud when I saw it at the end! - Jaisikh
Book Week in RJJ
We have loved getting into the spirit of Book Week! As a part of our Book Week celebrations, we invited the parents/caregivers of RJJ to come in and share their child’s favourite story with us.
Some of our favourite moments and activities from Book Week…
My favourite part was when we were drawing ourselves in our costumes. - Ayok
My mum came to read “Piranhas Don't Eat Bananas” because it’s my favourite book. I liked my Mum coming to read it. – Elijah
The best part of Book Week was dressing up! – Markos
I liked it when my Mum came in to read the “Smeds and the Smoos”. I felt so happy. – Lena
My favourite part of Book Week was when my Mum read “Time for Bed” and my Dad read “Goldilocks and the Three Bears”. My Mum read it sensible, and my Dad read it funny! – Amalia
I loved when we did the parade. My parents were watching me. I was Elsa. - Ariana
I liked seeing everyone’s costumes. They were really cool. - Crystal
I liked it when the parade started. I saw plenty of ladybugs when I looked around. - Amelia
Mr Zandona dressed up as Green Eggs and Ham. He went around to everyone. It was fun! - Jozef
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Don’t forget about the Premiers Reading Challenge.
A reminder that 8th September is the last day.
Reception - Year 2 complete the Challege as a whole class.
Years 3-6 complete the Challenge individually.
Once your child has completed the challenge, please asked them to take their form to the library to Mrs Julie Graney by Wednesday the 6th September.
Important Dates
ReLAT Practice Week
Confirmation @ 7:00pm
Year 3-4 Camp - Warrawong Wildlife Sanctuary
Year 3-4 Camp - Return from Warrawong Wildlife Sanctuary
Assembly RJJ 8:50am
SACPSSA Touch Footy - Years 5 & 6 Only
ReLAT Assessment
School Board Meeting 6:30pm
R U OK Day - Prayerful gathering
School Disco R-2 & Years 3-6
School Photos - NOTE change of date
SJB Be Active Day
School Picnic
Pupil Free Day

A Must Have App
Communication of ALL School Alerts, Events and Reminders are sent to our families via this app.

Download this app to order and pay for School Fees, OSHC, Subway, Excursions, Camps and more, at a time convenient for you.
The QKR App is being updated to be compatible with new android phones. In the meantime, we have been given the following link for our parents to use.
You will need to login with you account credentials. (email and password) or Register.

Subway lunch orders are available through our QKR app and delivered to our school every Tuesday and Friday.
Please make sure you update your child's class details on QKR so lunches are delivered to the correct class.

Shop 5, 516-520 Henley Beach Rd, Fulham
Phone: 8350 7940
Email: henleyus@devonclothing.com.au
Monday 8:00am – 11:00am
Wednesday 3:00pm – 6:00pm
Thursday 3:00pm – 6:00pm
