Week 6 Term 4, 2021
What a busy week, jammed packed with swimming and camp preparations. We farewelled our Year 5-6 children who headed to Port Hughes for a three day camp. The children will spend much of their time engaging in aquatic activities, let’s hope the weather stays friendly and the children have an awesome time creating lifetime memories.
Our Reception to Year 4 children have been loving their swimming lessons. The lessons have been exposing many of our children to new experiences throughout the week. A big thank you to the parent volunteers who have been assisting the teachers and children throughout the week.
School Disco
What a wonderful night we had dancing the night away in a beautifully decorated environment. The children loved the disco with many of their favourite requested songs being played by our very own DJ Amir. Our MC George ensured the crowd was fully engaged with many interactive moments throughout the night. The photo booth proved to be a popular addition to this year’s disco with the children taking away a memory of the night. Yet again it was another fantastic event organised by our dedicated Parents and Friends with Cherry, Lisa and Hope taking the lead.
Sports Presentation Evening
Last Friday evening the community came together to celebrate the year of Sport at St John Bosco School. It was lovely to acknowledge the athletes and coaches for their passion and dedication throughout the season. A big thank you to our netball and soccer coaches; Chelsea, Tash, Matthew, John, Keryn, Troy and Michael. Finally I would like to sincerely thank Dino for his work to ensure sport at St John Bosco School is an integral part of our community.
Volunteers Morning Tea
I would like to warmly invite all members of our community that have assisted as a volunteer throughout the year to our Volunteers Morning Tea. Our thank you morning tea will be held in the school library on Tuesday November 30th at 9:00am. We are sincerely thankful to our volunteers who assist in our community from covering library books, listening to reading, attending excursions or coaching a sporting team. Without our volunteers many activities and events would not be possible. Please join us so we can say a big thank you for your dedicated service to St John Bosco School.
Christmas Concert
Please place Friday December 3rd in your diaries as we have our School Concert. We will have our concert on the school oval with gates opening at 5:30pm and the concert beginning at 6:00pm. Families are encouraged to bring a picnic rug and dinner, find the perfect spot on our oval and sit back and enjoy each class perform. Our Parents and Friends have also organised a sausage sizzle, coffee van and ice cream truck for the convenience of busy families and staff. We look forward to seeing all families at the Christmas Concert as this event is the culmination of your child’s Performing Arts lessons throughout Term 4. It promises to be a fun filled night!
School Uniform
I would like to remind families that the transition period of moving from the old style school uniform to the new uniform ends at the end of the 2021 school year. All children are required to be in the new school uniform at the beginning of 2022. As a school, we will happily collect all your old uniform pieces to donate to our friends in Samoa, please drop off to the front office.
I would like to remind families that Thursday 9th December is the last school day for 2021, with Friday 10th December being a pupil free day.
God bless,
Kate Turner

Remembrance Day
Once again our children were invited to attend the Remembrance Day ceremony at the West Torrens RSL. Our school House Captains attended this service bearing a wreath they made from rosemary and were accompanied by Nicki Sharrad, Leader of Learning.
At school, all of the children and staff attended a service led by Grace, a Year 6 student and the Year 1 and 2 Learning Community. The children were reverent and spoke beautifully and respectfully in the service.
Youth Ministry
Our soon to graduate Year 6 Children took part in the first of a series of Youth Ministry sessions with James Thomson, who is working with Fr Peter at present while he undertakes his studies to become a Priest.
James and I prepared the first session inviting the senior children to engage in the story of Zacchaeus, our graduating children explored a piece of scripture that they can revisit throughout their lives. The focus; Jesus changed lives by his love, and transformed how people felt and behaved. Jesus offered mercy and forgiveness, and because of that we should demonstrate unconditional love to one another. Jesus changed Zacchaeus's heart - we also have the ability to change the heart of others.
Trees for Life
This year three children from the Year 6 Learning Community led their peers successfully; with the support of Nicki Sharrad, in growing native seedlings for the Trees for Life program at school. Their contribution enhanced the revegetation of a South Australian property and helped generate wider environmental benefits across the state. Aria, Indigo and James have enthusiastically volunteered to help lead this initiative at St John Bosco in 2022, ensuring that our connection to a valuable community organisation continues, not to mention the importance of guiding their peers within this project. There are a significant number of Year 5 children willing to be involved in this initiative which is very positive.
Sara Hart

Families are invited to support the St John Bosco Mission Day on Friday 26th November 2021, from 11:30am - 12:45pm.
This year our community will be proudly supporting Caritas.
Covid protocols are to be adhered - adults must sign in, wear a mask and social distance where possible.
Please find a letter informing you of the recent Government direction on mandatory vaccinations for school staff and volunteers.
Vacation Care Program is now available. Please click on the link below to see what exciting activities are available for the summer holdiays.