Week 8 Term 1 2022
On Monday morning our Year 6 children were presented with their senior tops. It was lovely to have many families join us to celebrate the occasion with the school community. Indigo explained the thinking behind her shirt design, her focus was to include our school values of belonging, loving-kindness, service and excellence surrounding globe of the world as she believes St John Bosco’s values are preparing the students to be responsible global citizens. Well done Indigo, the Year 6 children look amazing in their senior tops.
I would like to thank the community for responding positively to COVID-19, by reporting all cases within families to the school. The school continues to works closely with Catholic Education South Australia (CESA) and SA Health to keep our community safe. At this stage we were notified that schools are to continue with the following precautions for the remainder of the term; adults wearing masks, limiting visitors and families indoors and hosting large gatherings outdoors. With the new government being elected we await in anticipation how schools will respond to the predicted influx of COVID cases in South Australia.
We have scheduled Learning Conversations for Week 10 of this term. Learning conversations are an opportunity for the teacher, child and family to come together to discuss the child’s learning journey. You can jump online and book an appointment for your learning conversation, utilising the following link https://www.schoolinterviews.com.au/code/qhkph (event code: qhkph). At this stage we have organised for the learning conversations to take place in the outdoor environment. We will communicate to families if learning conversations convert to a conversation over the phone.
Tomorrow, Friday 25th March we will celebrate Harmony Week with children invited to wear a splash of orange or traditional cultural dress. Harmony Week, is a time to celebrate Australia’s cultural diversity. The theme for 2022 is “Everyone Belongs”. Our cultural diversity is one of the things that makes St John Bosco School a special and vibrant place to learn and grow.
Our Sports Day for 2022 will proceed at this stage on Friday 8th April. We look forward to seeing many families and friends joining us for the day, cheering on all our athletes.
Kate Turner

Our door is always open at St John Bosco School; for discussion around children and family members receiving the Sacraments of Initiation.
Next week we will be pleased to present you with details of the Parish Sacramental Program for 2022.
If you have a child / member of your family ready to be baptised we can also assist with preparations. While most baptisms in the Catholic Church are of babies, we also welcome anyone who is interested in joining our Church and becoming a member of our family of faith.
If any of the above applies to you or your family please contact me directly, I would love to help in any way.
Sara Hart
As part of our Religious Education learning, the 3-4H students have been learning about two of the Catholic Social Teachings - Caring for our Common Home and Preference for the Poor. With this in mind, the students discussed wanting to raise money for Project Compassion with a focus on sustainability. This brought the students to generating the idea of creating reusable bags out of old singlets/T-shirts. The singlets and T-shirts will be altered and sewn to make bags. The bags will then be sold, with the money going to Project Compassion. The children have gone to each class to tell them all about our project, and have given out posters to display in the classrooms/office etc. All students are welcome to start bringing in old singlets/tshirts that they are willing to donate....stay tuned for more information.
We are going to sell bags and we are giving the money raised to Project Compassion. We are going to sell the bags in weeks 10 & 11. - Chris
I thought that we could make bags to help charity, to help people to have better lives – to have the things that we have, like clean water and a home to live in. - Domenic
We are making bags out of old t-shirts and singlets to re-use them so that they don’t go into the rubbish, It cares for our common home. - Andrea
We are helping the poor by helping raise money for Project Compassion so that people can live a life like us – Giving preference for the poor. - Olivia
I’m excited to be helping Project Compassion and helping families. I hope the money we raise goes to good use. If we make $2550, the money could go towards helping to build houses for 3 families (data given from Project Compassion). - Luca

Important Dates
SACPPSA Swimming Carnival
Harmony Day - Cultural Dress Day
Learning Conversations (parent, teacher, child) Week 10
St John Bosco Sports Day
Last Day of Term 1 - Thursday
School hats are available for purchase at the Office $15
Vacation Care
The Vacation Care Program for the Autumn break is now available. Please ensure you book early to secure your booking.
Vacation Care Program April 2022

Devon Clothing

New Location:
Shop 5, 516-520 Henley Beach Rd, Fulham
Phone: 8350 7940
Email: henleyus@devonclothing.com.au
Monday 8:00am – 11:00am
Wednesday 3:00pm – 6:00pm
Thursday 3:00pm – 6:00pm

Subway lunches are available every Tuesday and Friday.
Orders are made through QKR.
Please make sure you update your child's class details on the app.
Instrumental Program
St John Bosco School offers our children the opportunity to learn a muscial instrument or singing lesson with Learning Through Music (LTM)
For more information view Instrumental Program