Week 8, Term 2 2021
The COVID-19 pandemic suddenly became part of our world over a year ago. We have moved into a new normal, with lockdowns, travel restrictions and vaccine roll outs. It causes us to stop and reflect on the skills and mindsets that have developed and flourished within our children throughout this time. We can be grateful for the time we have been blessed, to be with family, connect with our children in different ways and face uncertainty together.
Through this time our relationships have deepened and we can see the skills and mindset of our children flourish:
- Resilience - being adaptable and responding positively to change
- Risk taking - as we explore new ways of learning and being
- Advocacy - children finding their own voice and growing independence in their own learning
- Gratitude - a gracious and thankful heart emerging through kind actions and words to each other.
May God continue to guide you in the new world that we live in, developing the mindsets to live life in the moment, even when it changes from one moment to the next.
During our recent Pupil Free Day we explored a number of topics that are relevant to our daily work at St John Bosco School. I thank Jane Bamford, Nicki Sharrad and Giovanna Burgess for preparing and presenting excellent sessions to our staff.
Leanna Vita our OSHC Director has decided to resign, with her last day on Friday 2nd July. Leanna has been a valued member of the St John Bosco community for a number of years. The past two and half years she has led the OSHC team as the OSHC Director. We thank Leanna for her service to the community, she will be greatly missed by the staff, children and families. We wish Leanna the very best with the next part of her journey as an educator. Charlie Willoughby will be our Acting OSHC Director while we undertake the process to find a new OSHC Director.
Semester 1 reports will be emailed to families during Week 10 on Tuesday 29th June, please ensure your contact details are up to date with the front office.
Kate Turner
Fundraising for Charity
During Lent the families of SJB generously collected for $431.40 for Project Compassion. Charlotte, Eunice, Amelia, Tian and Mahi considered how they could ‘Be More’ in their community which lead to a student initiated and led fundraiser for the Leukemia foundation. The Year 6 students wanted to raise money for the Leukemia foundation based on a personal connection to the cause. Crazy Sock day was planned and $300 was collected through the fundraiser.
Sacramental Program - Preparation for Confirmation
If your child has celebrated their Reconciliation and they are ready to confirm their place as a Catholic – then you are invited to begin preparation sessions on Wednesday 28th July - St John Bosco Library at 6:30pm. There will be four sessions with the celebration booked for Thursday 19th August at 7:00pm.
ECSI Survey
The Enhancing Catholic School Identity Survey has now closed. Thank you to the families who participated in the survey. Kate and I have been attending workshops on understanding what being a dialoguing school means and I will be attending sessions on how to interpret the collected data and use it to our best interests.
Congratulations to the La Pia family on wining the $50 Devon Clothing gift voucher for participating.
Sara Hart

With the help of our school community, I have been collecting chip packets since the end of Term 1. I have been busy washing, drying, and ironing them (with mum's help). I have now finished seven blankets, and will be giving them to Vinnies soon, so that the blankets can be given to those in need. Thank you so much for all your support. Please keep bringing in your empty chip packets!
Zoe 5/6SR

On Thursday 15th June, our choir members participated in a choir hub assessment with seven other Catholic schools at Nazareth College. This is to prepare the children for their performance at the Entertainment Centre at the end of next term.
Robyn Windham
Performing Arts Coordinator

The uniform shop located in our school grounds will be closing down. Devon Clothing invites families to purchase their school uniform items at the Devon Clothing Uniform Shop in Edwardstown or online orders are available with delivery directly to your home or to the school.

Important Dates
Little Bosco's 9:00am - 11:30am
Dream Big Assembly 1:30pm
Little Bosco's 9:00am - 11:30am (Final)
Year 1/2 Assembly 9:30am
Lights Camera Action Performance 2:15pm
Year 5/6 Community Mass 9:00am
Active Fun Day
Last Day Term 2
Are your email details up to date??
In week 10 Semester 1 Student Reports will be emailed to all families. If your details have changed, please email me at louise.kennewell@sjb.catholic.edu.au
Sports Results
Under 8 Soccer - Saturday 5th June
Won 7-1
Goal scorers: Hamish 3, Dom 2, Camden and Harry 1
