Week 8 Term 2 2022
It was wonderful that our netball team met some of the Adelaide Thunderbird players at one of their recent games. Netball is the flavour of the month at the moment, as our children in Year 5-6 prepare for an upcoming Netball Carnival. I look forward to going out and watching the children participate in the South Australian Catholic Primary School Sports Association (SACPPSA) Netball Carnival being held at Mile End on Friday 1st July 2022.
If you are a registered volunteer at St John Bosco School can you please visit Franca or Elaine in the front office and provide evidence of your COVID-19 vaccinations. Catholic Education South Australia (CESA) COVID-19 Vaccination Policy is now effective, which means to volunteer within a Catholic School you must be double vaccinated against COVID-19. We will sight your documentation and record your name and dates you had your first and second vaccination on a school based spread sheet. We do have copies of CESA’s COVID-19 Vaccination Policy and Procedure if you would like to obtain a copy from our front office. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.
Volunteers Induction
As COVID restrictions ease we will host a volunteer’s induction meeting early next term, on Friday 12th August at 9:00am. If you are interested in volunteering within the St John Bosco community please come along and complete the necessary paperwork and be inducted to enable you to attend excursions, listen to reading, or even help out at Sports Day or the school disco. Please register your attendance by emailing elaine.cram@sjb.catholic.edu.au
Lost Property
I would like to stress the importance of families labelling uniform items with their child’s name. We have a number of brand new uniform pieces in the office that we cannot locate the owner as they are not labelled. If you are missing a jacket or jumper please pop by the front office and hopefully we can help you out.
Vacation Care Holiday Closure
As many families are beginning to plan their Christmas Holiday break I would like to pass on the dates of our two week closure of our Vacation Care Program.
Last day of Vacation Care 2022 Friday 23rd December 2022
First day of Vacation Care 2023 Monday 9th January 2023
Pupil Free Days 2022
The remaining Pupil Free Days for 2022 are:
Term 3: 9th September 2022
Term 4: 15th and 16th December 2022 (14th December last day for all Rec-Year 6 children)
Our planned Pupil Free Day in Term 1 was postponed due to the Pupil Free Days CESA called to provide time for teachers to plan for Online Learning and the Online Learning that occurred for Year 3-6 children at the beginning of the school year. We have moved the Term 1 Pupil Free Day for Professional Learning to the end of Term 4.
Please note OSHC will operate during all three remaining Pupil Free days in 2022.
Building Project
Our Master Plan has been approved by CESA and we can now begin planning our new School Hall, Stage 1 of the Master Plan. We are very excited to begin working with the architects to fine tune the plan and design of our new School Hall. We look forward to the celebrations and events our community can come together in our new hall.
Thank You
To every member of the St John Bosco school community, a sincere thank you for welcoming me to your school. In my short time, I have felt a sense of belonging in your school family. I have appreciated visiting classrooms and seeing all the students actively being engaged with their learning. Thank you also for your friendly morning and afternoon greetings at the school crossing!
St Vincent de Paul Winter Appeal
We had the privilege of having Umes Acharya (Youth and Community Engagement Officer) visiting our school on Monday 20th June. He shared with us many of the ways St Vincent de Paul help vulnerable families in our Western communities. As part of our Catholic Mission, our House Captains Aria and Sia (6DM) will be leading a Missionary day on Thursday 7th July. We are inviting all children to come dressed in ‘Colourful Clothing’ and donate one home item to the St Vincent de Paul Winter Appeal: We ask that you choose from the list below:
Long life milk
Self Care items eg: toothbrushes, toothpaste, soap, shampoo, conditioner, deodorant. These items need to be fully packaged and unused.
Please give your donation to your child’s classroom teacher. A representative from St Vincent de Paul will be collecting the items on the day.
Thanking you for your generosity
Jhovana Fenu

This semester the students in 5-6DM have been using the 7 Steps to Writing Success to enhance their writing experiences. Persuasive Writing was the first Text Type explored, where the students were challenged to brainstorm FOR and AGAINST arguments for a given topic. They were then expected to highlight their strongest arguments and discern whether they were in fact FOR or AGAINST the topic in question…
Skipping was the HOT TOPIC in focus and became quite the debate in 5-6DM! Some students even ‘switched sides’ after hearing from some very persuading classmates and delving a little deeper into the benefits of skipping. Check out some snippets below…
Skipping is for all ages! You may be eight years old, or you might be eighty years old it doesn’t matter! It’s so good to grab a skipping rope, go outside and breathe the cool fresh air! – Nicola K
Drop, drop, drop (goes the rain). “You have got to be kidding me, it’s raining again”, is what I would say before I tracked down the amazing art of skipping. Most sports I bet you, are not possible to do inside. If you don’t believe me name one… Can’t can you? But skipping is what I would describe as special. – Tejas
Are you stuck at home with nothing to do? Do you feel bored and want to grow more strength in your body? I strongly believe that skipping is the perfect activity for you. You could learn how to jump super high! – Harriet
Skipping is a great way to keep your fitness up to a super high level that Mount Everest will look up to in amazement. – Eli
I was doing my boring homework and needed a good break, so I tried skipping. It was calming, fun and when I was skipping, I could hear the birds chirping and the rope hitting the ground. - Alexander

Important Dates
SACPASSA Netball Carnival
St Vincent de Paul's Mission Day
Last day of Term 2
Term 3 Begins
Scholastic Book Fair - Week 3-4
Perform Education 9:00am
Pupil Free Day
School Photos
Last day of Term 3
St John Bosco Be Active Fun Day

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Vacation Care - July
The July vacation care program is now available.
Please note changes have been made regarding bookings and permission consent. All bookings and consent are made via the QKR App, just follow the prompts.
To secure your days be quick as there are limited spaces on certain days.
If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact Mirella Tsimiklis on 8249 4906 or email on mirella.tsimiklis@sjb.catholic.edu.au.

The QKR (pronounced 'quicker') app is a secure and easy way to order and pay for school items from your phone at a time and place that suits you.

Subway lunch orders are available through our QKR app and delivered to our school every Tuesday and Friday.

Shop 5, 516-520 Henley Beach Rd, Fulham
Phone: 8350 7940
Email: henleyus@devonclothing.com.au
Monday 8:00am – 11:00am
Wednesday 3:00pm – 6:00pm
Thursday 3:00pm – 6:00pm