Week 8 Term 3 2023
It is hard to believe that we are already at the end of week 8. We have a busy couple of weeks ahead of us to finish Term 3! Our Year 3-4 campers had a wonderful time last week at Warrawong Wildlife Sanctuary in the Adelaide Hills. The campers arrived back at school, with many stories about their camping experience.
Sun Protection Policy and Procedures
With the warmer weather upon us it is important for all members of our community to be sun smart. You can access St John Bosco School’s Sun Protection Policy and Procedures for your reference.
School Photos
MSP Photographers will be taking our class photos on Thursday 21st September. Please ensure your child is wearing their complete St John Bosco uniform with no extra layering and hair clips are in our school colours. Family photo envelopes are available from the front office. It is important that your child brings back their photo envelope on Photo Day if not before.
Out of Hours School Care (OSHC)
We would like to notify the community that there will be an increase in OSHC fees from 1st January 2024. It has been a number of years since OSHC Fees have been increased, with the rising costs in operational expenses the School Board believes an increase is timely.
Before School Care: $12.50
After School Care: $23.00
Vacation Care: $55.00 (excursions and incursions incur extra charges)
Late Fee $50.00 for each 15 minute block
St John Bosco Be Active Day
Mr Zandona is busily preparing for our annual St John Bosco Be Active Day which will take place on Friday 22nd September. A slight alteration to the route is required due to our building project. Information regarding St John Bosco Be Active Day has been sent home today. Please consider volunteering for the event, it is always wonderful to be cheered on by our registered volunteers as you walk around the route through the streets surrounding our school.
Stay Active Netball Program
We are thrilled to announce that the Stay Active Netball Program is coming to St John Bosco in Term 4 on a Wednesday morning for children in Years 3-6 and on a Friday afternoon for our Reception to Year 2 children. If you would like to get involved and enhance your netball skills please follow the link to get more information from Mr van Weenen.
School Picnic
We warmly invite parents and friends to join us for our School Picnic. We will be heading to Thorndon Park Reserve, Hamilton Terrace Newton, on Thursday 28th September 2023. All staff will be attending the picnic so please ensure your child arrives at school on time to avoid missing the bus. Our contingency plan for wet weather is that the School Picnic will be cancelled. Please return your child’s consent form by Monday 25th September. We would love to know if you can assist on the day, if you are registered volunteer please indicate on your child’s form.
Looking forward to seeing everyone dancing the night away at tonight’s School Disco. A big thank you to the Parents and Friends and staff for organising a great event for our children.
Kate Turner

Confirmation and First Holy Communion
Seven children from St John Bosco recently celebrated the sacraments of Confirmation and First Holy Communion. They worked with Fr Long Hai and members of the St John Bosco Parish to prepare for these sacraments. Confirmation took place on Wednesday 7th September and First Holy Communion was celebrated on Sunday 10th September in the St John Bosco Parish. We congratulate Dean, Vinny, Rio, James, Bernice, Chloe and Nicola on celebrating their final two Sacraments of Initiation.
“Let us keep the flame of faith alive through prayer and the sacraments: let us make sure we do not forget God.” Pope Francis
I liked being part of a ceremony like that. It tells me that God is always with us and he sent the Holy Spirit to us. After a ceremony like that, I feel more connected to God. - Nicola
I felt more confident praying and going to Church. - James
At first when I started, I felt nervous and now I feel proud of myself. - Rio
When I was doing my First Holy Communion, it reminded me of Jesus. - Bernice
I feel very proud of myself that I have accomplished these sacraments. - Dean
I felt confident and a bit more comfortable with going to Church. - Chloe
I feel very good about myself because I completed the sacraments. - Vinny
Catholic Charities Mass and Expo
Last week, the SJB House Captains visited St Francis Xavier’s Cathedral, where they attended the annual Catholic Charities Thanksgiving Mass and Expo. Mass was led by Archbishop Patrick O’Regan and then a Catholic Charities expo was held in the Cathedral Hall. It was a great opportunity for the children to gain a better understanding of the work these agencies carry out and how the money we fundraise can help those in need. From this Expo, the House Captains have chosen Centacare as their charity for Mission Day in Term 4.
I thought Mass was very meaningful and I was very reflective. - Harriet
I enjoyed learning about the different charities, what they do and how they support the community. It was a great opportunity for the House Captains to have. - Giulia
Centacare help different types of people and they have stalls and services for people. Hutt Street have their own building where people can come in for mornings and lunchtimes and they can have showers there too. - Mia
I learnt that Hutt Street’s focus is solely on Homeless people, and they do it really well. Centacare focus on more than one group of people. - Victoria
I learnt that Centacare focus of foster care and it’s also good that they work on other things too. - Ivy
St Maria Mazzarello Fundraiser Day – Wednesday Week 10
On Wednesday of Week 10, our St Maria Mazzarello House Captains, Giulia and Eli, will be leading a Fundraiser for Our Lady of La Vang & St Patrick’s Special Schools. On the day we ask children to bring a gold coin donation and wear a sport jersey/colours of their favourite sports team. Throughout the day, the children will be participating in a range of sport activities, both in and out of the classroom.
Leah Bellifemini

In 5/6 LK this term, we have been exploring the Grow Your Mind Program in our health lessons with Mrs Rose. This program is designed to engage children in fun learning experiences that focus on fostering positive mental health while enhancing resilience and wellbeing. The children have been learning that we all have mental health, and that the first step to looking after it is knowing more about our brain and how it functions. They have loved learning about the different animals associated with the parts of our brain, and how to wake them up, or calm them down appropriately. We have been exploring the relationship between our emotions and appropriate reactions, while considering the difference between optimistic and pessimistic thoughts.
In this lesson, the children were exploring what mindset means, and the different ones we can adopt throughout our lives. We discussed how trying new things can often be uncomfortable. The children explored aspects of their own lives that they find challenging and moved towards the realisation that making mistakes is not a reason to give up. Using a growth mindset enables us to embrace mistakes and learn from them!
The children designed their own growth mindset trees. They used the lower branches to demonstrate a fixed mindset, while developing a growth mindset as they move up the branches. They used their own growth mindset affirmations to overcome a specific personal challenge that they identify in their own lives.

Last Friday 8th September, thirty-six students participated in the SACPSSA Touch Football Carnival. The day was an opportunity for the students to participate in a round robin competition against other Catholic schools. Our school fielded four teams across the Year 5-6 cohort. It is a valuable learning day for the students which consolidated their capacity of teamwork, game strategies and their personal and social capabilities. Thanks to all the school staff who assisted on the day and also to Michael Lopresti who helped with coaching.
Dino Zandona

On Thursday 14th September, the St John Bosco community celebrated R U OK? Day.
The day began with a whole school gathering in the Library, beautifully led by children in 5/6LK.
Our whole school community was a sea of yellow, dressed for the occasion!
There were activities for the children in and out of the classroom, including friendship bracelets and hand painting. Each class explored the theme ‘I’m Here to Hear’ through stories and activities. Classes also discussed important topics such as friendship, kindness and wellbeing.
It was a fantastic day that served as a reminder that every day is the day to check in on your friends and ask “Are You Ok?”.
Jess Rushby
Classroom Teacher and Wellbeing Coordinator

Important Dates
School Photos - NOTE change of date
SJB Be Active Day - Colour Run
School Picnic
Pupil Free Day
Last day of Term 3
Begin Term 4
Year 5-6 Camp
Year 5-6 Camp - Return
October Vacation Care
The October Vacation Care Program is now available.

School Photos

Please note: Family photos will occur between 8:30am - 9:00am.
Fund Raising

Luca has decided to participate in shave for a cure in honour of his Pop and his fight against Bowel Cancer. if you would like to support him, please click on the link below.

A Must Have App
Communication of ALL School Alerts, Events and Reminders are sent to our families via this app.

Download this app to order and pay for School Fees, OSHC, Subway, Excursions, Camps and more, at a time convenient for you.
The QKR App is being updated to be compatible with new android phones. In the meantime, we have been given the following link for our parents to use.
You will need to login with you account credentials. (email and password) or Register.

Shop 5, 516-520 Henley Beach Rd, Fulham
Phone: 8350 7940
Email: henleyus@devonclothing.com.au
Monday 8:00am – 11:00am
Wednesday 3:00pm – 6:00pm
Thursday 3:00pm – 6:00pm

Subway lunch orders are available through our QKR app and delivered to our school every Tuesday and Friday.
Please make sure you update your child's class details on QKR so lunches are delivered to the correct class.
