Week 8 Term 4 2022
It is hard believe that I am writing the last newsletter for the 2022 school year. We have enjoyed a fruitful year with many events, celebrations and learning. It was lovely to finish the year off with our School Picnic and Christmas Concert last Friday evening. I am sure you would agree with me that the children were absolutely amazing, student agency was alive and thriving with the composition of dance moves co-constructed with the children and teachers.
We look forward to farewelling our Year 6 children at their Graduation ceremony and dinner on Wednesday evening at the Lakes Resort Hotel. It is sad to see our Year 6 leaders graduate from primary school, but we know bigger and brighter opportunities await. We look forward to our graduates visiting in the coming years and sharing their wonderful adventures with their proud primary school teachers.
Sports Presentation Evening
Our Sports Presentation evening was a great opportunity to celebrate our athletes and coaches for a wonderful season of netball and soccer. Sport is an important part of many of our children lives. Sport provides the opportunity for our children to be a member of a team and to fine tune their skills. Without our wonderful coaches volunteering their time after school sport would not be possible. We also thank all the parents for volunteering to assist the coaches by scoring, running the line or even supplying oranges for half time breaks. A big thank you to Dino Zandona for organising the evening and our after school hours sport throughout 2022.
Volunteers Morning Tea
It was lovely to join some of our volunteers for morning tea on Wednesday morning. Although many volunteers could not attend they were with us in spirit as we acknowledged all members of our parents and friends who willingly assist our children and community. To each and every one of our volunteers, on behalf of the staff and children I sincerely thank you for your tireless work and contribution to making St John Bosco such a wonderful community.
Little Boscos
Today we celebrated the Little Bosco’s Graduation with many families and friends. The children were very excited to receive their graduating certificate and bear proudly presented to them by our current Reception children. We look forward to seeing our Little Boscos at school fulltime from the beginning of 2023. A big thank you to our Reception teachers for ensuring the Semester 2 Transition Program was a huge success.
School Reports
Semester Two School Reports will be emailed to families on Monday afternoon. All schools in Australia are required to grade children’s academic results on a 5 point scale. In many schools, like St John Bosco, this is represented through A – E grades. When many of us went to school, a ‘C’ grade possibly had a very different meaning to that of today. I would like to assure you that a ‘C’ grade means that your child is achieving at a satisfactory standard for their year level.
In relation to the achievement standard, your child …
A - is demonstrating excellent achievement of what is expected at this year level.
B - is demonstrating good achievement of what is expected at this year level
C - is demonstrating satisfactory achievement of what is expected at this year level.
D - is demonstrating partial achievement of what is expected at this year level.
E - is demonstrating minimal achievement of what is expected at this year level.
2022 Class Structures
I am thrilled to announce our teaching staff for 2023. The children will visit their 2023 teacher and meet their class mates on Monday morning. A letter informing you of your child’s 2023 teacher will be sent home on Monday afternoon.
Reception Giovanna Burgess and Kelli Rose
Reception Jessica Rushby and Jenna Weber
Year 1-2 Rebecca Werner
Year 1-2 Charlie Willoughby
Year 1-2 Louise Marshall and Amelia Le Duff
Year 3-4 David Angus
Year 3-4 Helena Burns
Year 5-6 Dino Zandona and Marianne Pope
Year 5-6 Leah Bellifemini and Kelli Rose
Performing Arts Matthew Scott
Japanese Matthew Scott
Physical Education Dino Zandona and Mace Van Weenen
Science Sara Hart
Inclusive Education Nicki Sharrad
EALD Anna Terminello
APRIM Sara Hart
As the year concludes we have members of our teaching staff who we will farewell. Our Japanese teacher Angela Rawson is retiring from teaching and is planning on travelling to many different locations over the next few years. We thank Angela for her service to St John Bosco School throughout 2022.
Emma Hudson is taking a year’s leave from our community to undertake a teaching position at Our Lady of La Vang Special School. We wish Emma well in her endeavours throughout 2023, she will be greatly missed by the St John Bosco community. Susan Steer is also taking a year’s leave from our community. Susan will be popping in throughout 2023 to undertake relief teaching. She will balance relief teaching with some well earnt rest and relaxation.
Finally we would like to congratulate Sue Croese on her retirement. Sue is a long standing staff member who has dedicated 21 years to our beautiful community. She is planning on spending time in the gorgeous Adelaide Hills relaxing with her husband. They are excited to head off on many road trips in Sue’s retirement visiting her children and grandchildren interstate.
Many of the St John Bosco children wanted to share some special memories about Mrs Croese:
I remember when Mrs Croese gave everyone in our class an Alpaca soft toy because she loves them. - Ruby
She would always tell us her Alpaca stories and she would always read Macca the Alpaca. - Angelo
When I first came to the school in Year 2 Mrs Croese was so welcoming. - Elijah
I remember Mrs Croese always made spelling really fun. - Sia
When we learnt about action and doing words she made it fun by teaching us a dance and different movements. - Alexander
Mrs Croese always had creative ways for us to do our learning. - Victoria
Mrs Croese was a great teacher that helped me, she spoke a lot about her alpacas. - Japnoor
Every day when we walked into the classroom, Mrs Croese was always smiling waiting and welcoming us. - Faith
Whenever I walked into the classroom I was excited as she always planned fun exciting activities for us to do. - Mia
On the days we had Mrs Croese I was always excited as she played fun fitness games with us. - Charlotte
We truly thank all our departing staff for their work within our community, I am sure each one of them will thrive in the next chapter of their journey.
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
Congratulations to the Year 3-4 learning community on their production of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. The children have been busily writing the script with the teachers, rehearsing their lines and constructing the set. I thoroughly enjoyed watching the performance, it was clearly evident that a huge amount of time and energy had been put into the performance. Well done children! It was wonderful for so many families coming along to be members of the audience.
I would like to finish the year off by sharing a recount, written by one of our Reception children, Minka-Lee.
A very long time ago there was a lady called Mary. She was about to get married to a man called Joseph. One night an angel appeared, the angel’s name was Gabriel. Gabriel said you will have a baby, you will call him Jesus. Then the next day Mary and Joseph got married. That night they went to Bethlehem. The Inn Keeper said it was full. So then they went to a stable. A few days later Mary had a baby. Two Shepherds followed a bright star and then an angel appeared.
Thank you to our families, on behalf of the staff, for your continued support and partnership to ensure our children our thriving people, capable learners and leaders for the world God desires.
We wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
God Bless
Kate Turner

First Sunday of Advent
In lighting the PHROPHECY Candle on our Advent Wreath,
A purple candle symbolising HOPE
We remember
the Old Testament Prophets
who boldly proclaimed the coming of the Messiah
with longing and hopeful hearts
We reflect
On how, through our Baptism,
we are called to be prophets today,
calling people to conversion
and living in anticipation of Christ’s coming.
We pray
That this Advent,
we may celebrate our vocation
to bear witness to the many ways
Christ come to us in our lives
and to be beacons of hope in our troubled world.
Second Sunday of Advent
In lighting the BETHLEHEM Candle on our Advent Wreath
A purple candle symbolising LOVE…
We remember
Joseph and Mary’s journey from Nazareth to Bethlehem
and the love and care they shared
in welcoming their child, Jesus, to the world.
We reflect
on our own families, friends,
cultural and faith communities –
those who show us love and whom we love in return,
as well as those we fail to love or who do not love us.
We pray
that this Advent,
we may be better versions of ourselves,
working together to welcome and love others
into our families and communities
Adelaide Day Centre – Moore St
At Christmas time the St John Bosco Community collects non-perishable foods and other Christmas goodies for the Adelaide Day Centre – Moore St. This is a generous way where we can enliven one of our school values – Service. We thank our giving families for sharing with those who do not have as much as we do. On Wednesday 14th I will be delivering the generous donations to the Moore St packing centre with two of our school leaders.
Farewelling Year 6 Senior Students
Next week we farewell a fantastic group of Year 6 children. No matter how long their St John Bosco journey has been we have loved the opportunity to be a part of their life and learning journey. We will miss them but send them forth hoping that they will forever remember their time with us.
SJB Charity Support
I would like to take the opportunity to thank all our families for supporting our charitable works this year. We genuinely appreciate the participation in these events and the generous giving nature we see time after time from our community.
The children at St John Bosco are living and breathing examples of our faith in action. The way our children share and show joy, work towards personal excellence, participate in service activities, welcome new children, and really know they belong to this community and finally how they radiate loving kindness to one another. I am so proud to be a part of this special community.
To our wonderful St John Bosco children and families, as we near the end of the school year, I wish you peace, love and all the blessings of Christmas.
Sara Hart

After seven years of Primary School, we will wish our Year Six Students good luck and farewell as they begin the next chapter of their schooling journey and transition to High School. We acknowledge and congratulate you all on your incredible achievements across all areas of school life. You have been true ambassadors for St John Bosco School and great role models to others. We also congratulate you all on all your wonderful achievements during your time in our community. As you leave us and go onto different secondary settings, we know that you will always be living our school values of Belonging, Service, Loving Kindness and Excellence.
You are always welcome to come back and visit us.

Important Dates
Last day to drop off donations for The Adelaide Day Centre for Homeless
Year 6 Graduation
Last day of Term 4
Pupil Free Day
Pupil Free Day
School Commences for 2023
Playgroup Commences for 2023

Dear Customers,
From Monday 19th September until the end of January 2023 we request that you please book an appointment to attend our Uniform Shops. You can book ahead for appointments now to secure a time that suits you, during our regular opening times. Please try our new online appointment system which allows you to cancel or reschedule as required. One student per booking please to ensure we’re able to keep to schedule throughout the day. Customers with
pre-booked appointments will be prioritised. Alternately, order online and opt for delivery to your personal or work address or pick up in store with no appointment required. 1 appointment per student being fitted please.
08 8350 7940
Devon Clothing
Shop 5, 520 Henley Beach Rd, Fulham
