Week 8 Term 3, 2021
Thank you to our Parents and Friends for organising this year’s Father’s Day Stall. Our children had an array of beautiful gifts to select something special for their dad. A big thank you to Cherry, Lisa and Hope for volunteering their time for our community. Hopefully next year we can have our dad’s onsite to enjoy a bacon and egg roll!
Can we please request families refrain from sending party bags and party food to school. At St John Bosco School we always enjoy celebrating a child’s birthday by singing happy birthday and ensuring their day is extra special. We have many children with allergies and food intolerances that makes sharing of party food difficult.
The OSHC Vacation Care program has now been released to the community, you can access the program by clicking on the link on this newsletter or on our School Website. The OSHC team have planned many exciting excursions and activities based at school to keep the children occupied during the school holidays. As numbers are limited, I encourage you to book your child into the program ASAP.
Our St John Bosco Be Active Fun Day was postponed at the end of Term 2 due to wet weather. With a new date set for Friday 24th September 2021, we require permission for all children to take part in the event on this new date. With this in mind, notes will be sent home at the end of this week. If you ordered your child’s sausage sizzle last term your order has been transferred to the new date. If you have not ordered a sausage sizzle for your child you will need to access the QKR app and place an order before Tuesday 21st September. If you are available to assist at the Be Active Fun Day, are a fully registered School Volunteer and have a current Catholic Police Clearance, we welcome your assistance.
On Friday 15th October our community will be heading to Morialta Conservation Park Nature Playground for our School Picnic. The site has many activities that will engage our children throughout the day. We warmly invite families and friends to join us for the picnic. More information will be sent out in the coming weeks.
I would like to remind families that the transition period of moving from the old style school uniform to the new uniform ends at the end of the 2021 school year. All children are required to be in the new school uniform at the beginning of 2022. You can purchase your new school uniform through Devon Clothing both online and by visiting their shop. Please be aware that over the busy Christmas School Holidays, Devon requires families to book in to try on school uniforms. As a school, we will happily collect all your old uniform pieces to donate to our friends in Samoa, a drop off bin will be located in our courtyard.
Wishing you a wonderful week.
Kate Turner
Spring has sprung! The first day of Spring marks the first day of the Season of Creation.
The Season of Creation is the annual Christian celebration of prayer and action for our common home. Together, the ecumenical family around the world unites to pray and protect God's creation. The season starts 1st September, the world day for Prayer (and the National Day for Wattle) for the care of Creation, and ends 4th October, the Feast of St Francis of Assisi, the patron Saint of ecology beloved by many Christians.
The encyclical Laudato Si, written by Pope Francis; encourages us to re-discover that there is a deep interconnection between all created things and that we all have a unique contribution to offer our world and each other. “All of us can cooperate as instruments of God for the care of creation, each according to his or her own culture, experience, involvements and talents” (LS14)
At St John Bosco, children from 3-4 Hudson and 5-6 SR and ZG have looked at our nature play space and considered ways to enhance the environment. They decided that the sandpit needed a border around it so the sand would not escape. The children created a border with some Clasping Goodenia tube stock donated to us by the Council last term. A special mention to Mark, Luca and Anthony for their dedication to improving this area.
Sara Hart

Book Week was certainly a busy week for our children. They were exposed to many different activities throughout the week centred on celebrating books. We ended the week with a performance from Perform Ed. Perform Ed are creators of educational theatre and musical productions for school settings. They focused on three of the Shortlisted Books from the Children Book Council of Australia for 2021 – Ellie’s Dragon, How to Make a Bird & Strangers on Country. Their theme this year was Bigger, Better, Brighter.
Our final activity for the week was, the Little Big Book Swap. Children were invited to bring in a pre-loved book, along with a gold coin donation and swap it for another book. We raised $150.00 which has been sent to Raising Literacy Australia in our Aboriginal regional communities.

Important Dates
Parents & Friends Meeting 6:00pm
Catholic Schools Music Festival Choir
School Photos
Be Active Day
Last day of Term 3
Commence Term 4
Whole School Picnic
Little Bosco Transition Visit
St John Bosco Playgroup Opening Soon

We Invite children aged 0-5 years to our Playgroup every Tuesday 9:00am to 10:30am during School Term. Our first session will be week 1 in Term 4.
Enquires welcomed:carmelina.cavuoto@sjb.catholic.edu.au

Vacation Care Program is now available. Please contact Mirella if you require this service.
Excursion places are limited, please book early to avoid disappointment.
Devon Clothing
