Principal's Welcome

Welcome from the Principal
We understand that as a parent there are few things more imperative than your child’s education. St John Bosco School is a place of joy and wonder. We believe relationships are at the heart of excellent teaching and learning and view parents as their child’s first educator. Within our community a mutual respect and responsibility exists between the school, home and the wider community. We believe it takes a village to raise a child.
We view each child as competent and capable, on their own individual learning journey. It is our role as educators to nurture your child to ensure they flourish and reach their full potential. At St John Bosco we are committed to contemporary teaching and learning within a welcoming and safe environment where children are free to be themselves and delight in their surroundings. We motivate, support and challenge children and believe it is our essential role to promote a lifelong passion for learning. We encourage our children to question, interpret, reflect and problem-solve while developing curiosity, creativity and persistence.
The staff of St John Bosco feel privileged to play an integral role in shaping children’s lives. We are committed to nurturing thriving people, capable learners and leaders for the world God desires.
I warmly invite you to visit St John Bosco and experience this wonderful community, one which I feel very blessed and humbled to be a member of. I am excited about what our learning environment has to offer your family and I look forward to meeting you soon to share in conversation about your child.
Kate Turner