Supporting Children's Learning

At St John Bosco School, we work in partnership with families to ensure the needs of each child are being met.

We use the Playberry Laser Literacy Tier 2 and Tier 3 Programs for early intervention. This is provided to children who require additional support to develop essential skills in reading and writing. Our intervention programs support the explicit instruction that children are exposed to in the classroom, in Tier 1.

Education Support Officers work within our learning environments to support the teacher and children throughout the day.

We have an Inclusive Education Coordinator and English as an Additional Language or Dialect (EALD) Teacher who support teachers to plan, implement and assess children within our community.

Allied Health Professionals (arranged by families) work with children within the school environment and during the school day. We will happily provide the space and time for your child to work with these professionals. If you have any further questions regarding this, please speak to your child’s teacher or our Inclusive Education Coordinator.

Assessment and Reporting

At St John Bosco, we have an open-door policy which fosters and encourages ongoing communication regarding each child's learning. 

Formal Learning Conversations are held in Term 1 and offered in Term 3. These meetings are utilised to discuss your child's learning journey in depth.

End of Semester Written Reports are distributed to families at the end of Terms 2 and 4.