Your Enrolment
How to enrol
Enrolment process:
- Request a School Prospectus and an Enrolment Application Form from the school office. Alternatively you can register your interest through the website.
- Return your application form to us, along with the enrolment application fee. Please include a copy of your child’s Birth Certificate and any relevant information.
- We will acknowledge that we've received your application.
- You will be invited to a tour and enrolment meeting with the Principal to share more about your child and to learn more about our school.
- Acceptance letters and transition information will be issued after the enrolment meeting.
We follow the Enrolment Policy of the South Australian Commission for Catholic Schools. When enrolling at the school we ask you to support the Catholic identity of the school and respect the school’s values, uniform and behaviour expectations, and fully engage in the life of the school.
Reception entry - February and mid-year
There are two entry points for Reception dependent on your child's age.
- To start in Term 1, your child will need to be 5 on or before 30th April in that year.
- To start in Term 3, your child will need to be 5 on or before 31st October in that year. (If your child starts in Term 3, they will have a minimum of 6 terms in Reception. We advise all parents to discuss Term 3 entry with their child’s Kindergarten teacher.)
Children whose birthday falls between 1st November and 31st December are not eligible to commence school before the following year.