Week 4, Term 2 2021
It was lovely to see so many of our mums at the Mother’s Day Morning Tea hosted by our Parents and Friends. The P & F exceeded our expectations by providing a gorgeous morning tea in beautifully decorated surroundings. On behalf of the mums of St John Bosco I thank the P & F for spoiling us and providing the opportunity to come together for a cuppa and chat, it was truly a lovely morning.
The Parents and Friends are meeting this evening, Wednesday May 19th at 6:00pm in the library to plan upcoming events for our community. Everyone is welcome and encouraged to attend. A gentle reminder you do not have to commit to every event if you have a spare couple of hours to assist in one event during the year it would be greatly appreciated.
Over the past two weeks the Year 3’s and the Year 5’s completed the NAPLAN assessments. Most of the assessments were completed online. Congratulations to our children for focussing and displaying great resilience throughout the assessment period.
Our Reception teachers are also completing the Australian Early Development Census - this data collection and census is Australia’s only census of children in their early years providing a map of developmental outcomes. The results of which are used by Governments, communities and schools to ensure services are targeted to where they are needed.
In the last few years the word safeguarding has appeared more often as the description of all the actions we take to ensure the safety of children in our care. Safeguarding standards and policies constitute a framework which describes the actions we take to promote the safety of children through the implementation of policies and activities to prevent, respond to and report concerns regarding child abuse.
In Catholic Education SA we are guided by the Catholic Archdiocese of Adelaide Safeguarding Children and Young People Policy as well as the National Catholic Safeguarding Standards. We use the Cybersafety: Keeping Children Safe in a Connected World and all classes teach the Keeping Safe: Child Protection Curriculum.
As part of these requirements, we are also mandated reporters as are all our volunteers, reporting suspected abuse and neglect including non-attendance at school. We work with families and children actively supporting the wellbeing of all the children, ensuring that all our volunteers have a Working with Children Check and a clearance before working in the school. If you have any questions around any of these issues, please don’t hesitate to come and speak to me.
Can I please remind families that school gates open at 8:25am, if your child is dropped off at school before this time the school is not open and there is no one supervising your child. I urge families to please utilise our OSHC Before School Care service if you have an early start to your day.
Enjoy the lovely autumn sunshine, best wishes
Celebrating the Sacrament of Reconciliation
The St John Bosco School community would like to acknowledge the following students who are currently attending 4 workshops to learn about the Sacrament of Reconciliation.
Paola C, Aiden D, Kathlyn G, Alexa I, Allegra I, Domenic L, Christopher R and Ondrei T from the 3-4P Learning Community. Roman L and Sebastian P from the 3-4H Community; and Aria I from the 5-6ZG Learning Community.
Laudato Si Week
“Ecological conversion is a change of heart and a change of mind”. Monsignor Denis Edwards
“Praise be to you, my Lord!” Are the words of St Francis of Assisi in his wonderful song to creation. The namesake of Pope Francis reminds us that the earth is our common home.
This week marks the beginning of Laudato Si week. Pope Francis calls us all to be proactive custodians and caretakers of our world and everyone and everything in it. He calls this an integral ecology. That everything depends on everything. An integral humanity.
This week Reception and Year 3/4 children planted some beautiful, colourful blooms to mark the start of Laudato Si week and to demonstrate all the cultures that make up our wonderful SJB school community.
St John Bosco School is committed to developing ecological consciousness through collective and co-constructed teaching and learning.
“…young people have a new ecological sensitivity and a generous spirit, and some of them are making admirable efforts to protect the environment…”(LS 209).
Sara Hart
Important Dates
Parents & Friends Meeting 6pm
School Board Meeting 7pm
Little Bosco's 9am - 11:30am
Crazy Sock Day
Principal Tour 9am
Dream Big Assembly 1:30pm
Year 3/4 Excursion
Pentecost Mass 9am
Year 5/6 Assembly
Little Bosco's 9am - 11:30am
Pupil Free Day
If your child will be absent from school please contact the school Office by 9am. You can do this by phoning 8249 4900 and selecting 0 to leave a message using the absentee line. Please note you do not need to speak with reception. Alternatively, using our School Stream APP, you are able to submit an absentee notification form. Knowing the whereabouts of our students is a critical part of our shared duty of care. Parents will be contacted for unexplained absentees on the day. We thank you for your support in contacting us by 9am to report your child's absence.
Pizza Day
Sports Results
We would love to share our sporting team results with the community. Coaches can email results directly to Louise Kennewell via email louise.kennewell@sjb.catholic.edu.au by Monday morning to be included in our fortnightly Newsletter.
Thursday 6th May
Bosco Bullets 18 def St Aloysius College Yellow 6
The Bosco Bullets had their first netball game of the season. An amazing effort by all players who demonstrated great team spirit. Their quick thinking and focus had them playing an outstanding game. Well done Team!
Saturday 8th May
Under 8
Goal Scorers: Dom 6, Hamish 5, Camden 1
Saturday 15th May
Under 8
Goal Scorers: Dom 2, Hamish 1, Harry 1