Out of School Hours Care (OSHC)
Our OSHC and Vacation Care programs provide quality recreational care for all school-aged children in a warm, safe and fun-filled environment.
The Out of School Hours (OSHC) program is available to school-aged children from St John Bosco School on a permanent or casual basis. An Enrolment Form must be completed before any student may attend.
In addition to St John Bosco students, children from other schools in the local area are welcome to enrol in our Vacation Care program.
If you would like more information about OSHC or Vacation Care, please contact the Front Office on (08) 8249 4900 or email the OSHC Director: mirella.tsimiklis@sjb.catholic.edu.au
OSHC & Vacation Care Fees
The OSHC Program is operated on a user pay system. Fees are set by the School Board. The fees listed below are effective from 1st January 2025.
Fees are charged per child:
7:20am-8:25am $12.50
3:00pm-6:00pm $23.00
Vacation Care $55.00 (additional costs apply for excursions/incursions)
Pupil Free Day $55.00
When a child is not collected by 6:00pm, a late fee of $50.00 for each 15 minute block (per child) will be charged.