School Fees

Our commitment to our school families is to offer a high quality Catholic education that is accessible and affordable.

Annual School Fees 2023

Full Fee per Student $2,300
Lower Income Fee per Student $1,380


What is Included:

The tuition fee above covers all tuition, levies and charges for each child’s education.

Extra-curricular activities, excursions, camps, and uniforms are excluded and will be charged separately.

Lower Income Fee:

To be eligible for the lower income fee, you need to qualify as a low income family. This is determined by your family’s gross income and is a $ value set by the State Government.

In 2024, your family’s gross income needs to be below approximately $60,867 for a family with one school-age child. (The limit will vary depending on how many dependent children you have.)

Proof of income is required and applicants will need to apply via the State Government’s School Card scheme.

Our finance manager can help you if you have any questions about applying for the lower income fee.

< Keep scrolling to view Sibling Discounts and Payment Options >


Need help with School Fees?

If you are concerned about your ability to pay schools fees, we strongly encourage you to have a discussion with us. We believe a family’s financial circumstances should not be a barrier to a student accessing a Catholic education.

Sibling Discounts

Full Fee 2023

No. of Children Fee Total
1st Child $2,300 $2,300
2nd Child $2,150 $4,450
3rd Child $2,000 $6,450
4th Child Nil Charge $6,450


Lower Income Fee 2023

No. of Children Fee Total
1st Child $1,380 $1,380
2nd Child $1,230 $2,610
3rd Child $1,080 $3,690
4th Child Nil Charge $3,690

Payment Options

Payment Methods

Payments can be made in full or by an approved payment plan. We encourage all families to set up weekly, fortnightly or monthly direct debit payments

Payment options include:

  • Direct Debit – deductions from your bank account (forms available from the office).
  • BPay – reference numbers are printed on invoices and statements.
  • Credit Card – Visa or Mastercard (forms available from the office).
  • Centrepay – a deduction from Centrelink payments (forms available from the office).
  • Cash or Cheque


Frequency of Payment (Full Fee 2023)

(40 weeks)
(20 fortnights)
(10 months)
1 Child $57.50 $115.00 $230
2 Children $111.25 $222.50 $445
3 Children $161.25 $322.50 $645
4 Children $161.25 $322.50 $645


Frequency of Payment (Lower Income Fee 2023)

(40 weeks)
(20 fortnights)
(10 months)
1 Child $34.50 $69.00 $138
2 Children $65.25 $130.50 $261
3 Children $92.25 $184.50 $369
4 Children $92.25 $184.50 $369


If you need assistance meeting payments or have any questions, please call the School Office. 

We ensure school fees are at a level that maintains quality education for the children whilst having consideration for the financial capacity of the community we serve.